24 August 2021 - 22:00 UTC #11

24 August 2021 - 22:00 UTC #11

Members:     Alireza Salah, Dennis Tan Tanaka, Anil Kumar Jain, Jiankang Yao, Ai Chin Lu, Yuri Takamatsu


Observers and experts:    Jaap Akkerhuis

Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Steve Chan, Kim Carlson, 

Apologies:  Michael Bauland, Sarmad Hussain

Draft agenda:
Welcome and roll call
Administrative matters
a. Action items
Introduction of updated document
Revised Introduction, 2nd reading
Section 2, item 4 2nd and 1st reading item 4A (new)
Section 2, item 8 and Section 5 second reading
Section 2, item 7 2nd reading
Section 2 item 9, second reading and item 6, if time permits
Next meeting
a. 7 September (14.00 UTC)
b. 21 September (22.00 UTC)


Recording:  Zoom Playback

Chat Transcript: Chat pdp4 IDN SG 24 Aug.txt