NARALO Summary Minutes 2013.08.12
1. Welcome and Roll call - Staff (2 min)
Attendees: Alan Greenberg, Murray McKercher, Glenn McKnight, Gordon Chilcott, Garth Bruen, Evan Leibovitch, Darlene Thompson, Eduardo Diaz, Louis Houle, Michael Maranda, Gareth Shearman, Seith Reiss, Bill Thannis, Allan Skuce, Thomas Lowenhaupt, Avri Doria, Joly MacFie
Staff: Silvia Vivanco, Matt Ashtiani, Gisella Gruber-White, Julia Charvolen
2. Review of Action Items of call July 2012 - Darlene Thompson (2 min)
2.1 NARALO Monthly call 2013.07.16 from Durban
2.2 NARALO Monthly Report - June and July 2013
2.3 NARALO call time will observe DST until its end Sunday 3 November 2013 (See 12.2 for details)
2.4 Staff: On a March 18 2013 ALAC briefing call on RAA changes staff (Margie Milam and Sam Eisner) were asked to identify ICANN's economic advisers and provide the economic study document that was the basis for changes to RAA 3.3.6 and 3.3.7, Will At-Large staff please forward this request again? (This is the fifth call for this information) Staff reports that this document is being edited and should be ready soon.
2.5 Note: Standard agenda items 3 & 6 have been combined in a "Meetings" super topic #3
2.6 All Durban NARALO Participants Please Add Meeting Briefs to the At-Large Reports
2.7 Eric Brunner-Williams to Provide analysis of Active and Non-Active ALSes
2.8 Staff: Please provide for future Election instructions en Français and en Espanol
2.9 Staff: Please provide for future Elections a TEST Vote on a Null item to ensure all ALSes have access and functionality. Too many ALSes have reported problems receiving the ballots.
2.10 Staff: Please advise on the status of Translation of the ICANN News Alert in Spanish and in French
2.11 Staff: 10.3.3 On tracking travel-related reimbursement, we need a better tracking system with full-disclosure. Conversations via Skype, etc, can't be tracked.
2.12 Staff: Please advise on the status of Indigenous Peoples Fellowship Access in North America – staff has been in contact with Janice and she will be getting back to them in a few days.
2.13 Run-off election for NARALO Secretariat will be held once the Operating Procedures are ratified.
5. Our Community (50 Minutes)
5.2 Changes to NARALO Operating Procedures (Proposed, for discussion and consensus). See NARALO ROPs WIKI
5.2.0: #4 Public documents will be produced in English, French and Spanish, as appropriate.
5.2.1: #7 Removal of the phrase "as long as they fulfill the language requirements" and expansion from "person" to "persons".
5.2.2: #9: Addition of "ALAC Rules of Procedure" to the list /guiding documents for NARALO officers
5.2.3: #11: Changes the requirement for candidacy from "Statement of Interest" submission to "nomination"
5.2.4: #12: Change of language to match change in #11
5.2.5: #13: Dealing with problematic elections (as in no consensus or ties for ALAC elections)
5.2.6: #15: Change "ALSes" to "General Assembly"
5.2.7: #16: Change "vote" to "participation". Also, adding: “In the case of an apparently dormant or non-existent ALS, the Chair may also recommend that the ALS be decertified, providing evidence of such rationale.”
5.2.8: #17: (A)Unaffiliated NARALO members Must Submit an Affirmation to At-Large Staff. (B) Failure to meet criteria terminates membership. (C) In the event of a tie, the unaffiliated representative will cast an extra vote.
5.2.9: #18: Participation to NARALO affairs and discussions implies agreement with the NARALO Code of Conduct.
5.2.10: #19: In the case of a tie in any election for Chair or Secretariat, the decision of who is declared winner will rest on a secret ballot of three people. Those three persons will be selected, from the current occupants of the following positions, in order, excluding any people who are among the tied candidates: the three current ALAC members, the NARALO Chair, the NARALO Secretariat (or representative thereof if the position is filled by more than one person or an organization). Should there not be three persons who meets these requirements, the selection shall be by random choice overseen by At-Large Staff.
5.2.11: #20: All consensus decisions and votes of the General Assembly members shall weight all members equally.
5.2.12: #21: Where these Operating Principles may conflict with the NARALO Rules of Procedure for Meetings or the Memorandum of Understanding with ICANN, these Operating Principles shall prevail.
It was the consensus on the call to vote on all of these changes as a package and to move forward with them. We will resolve the legality of Section 21 before putting the package forward to a vote.