Notes & action items | 1. Welcome 2. Action items previous programme WG meeting - overview displayed in the AC room
- action item #1: completed
- action item #2: obsolete. no cocktail in Abu Dhabi
- action item #3: volunteers still welcome to help with the interviews. Jelena (.rs) and Suraj (.np) will help, she is a mentor in the Community On-boarding Programme, and Suraj is mentee.
- action item #4: prep material for session chairs was shared
- action item #5: related to the scheduling of today's call
3. Overall ccNSO schedule ICANN60 - block schedule being displayed in the AC room. includes session relevant to the ccNSO
- the TLD-OPS Workshop is a closed one.
- prep with session chairs: most likely on Sunday late afternoon. Invite TBC.
- no ccNSO cocktail this time, due to the high costs
- on Tuesday there will be a Steve Crocker farewell and toast
- no cross-community sessions under the auspices of the ccNSO (but we support the one on Operational Standards and Organisational Reviews)
- council meeting on late Wednesday afternoon
4. ccNSO Members Meeting schedule ICANN60 - google calendar is online on ccNSO website and on the Wiki page
- agenda Members Meeting is finalised. displayed in the AC room.
- New: as per the suggestion by this group, Katrina will give an overview regarding the council's current priorities at the start of the ccNSO Members Meeting
- Q&A with council and ICANN Board seat 12 nominees was split up in 2 different sessions
- New: joint meeting with the ICANN Board in the ccNSO room.
Action item #1: WG chair invited the group members to take note of how it went: was it helpful to have the joint meeting in the ccNSO room, instead of in the main hall? - no legal session, based on a discussion with Peter Vergote. Agreed to focus on a legal session at ICANN61 instead
- TUE: ccnso meeting strategy review. Terms of Reference for this review will be presented to the community in Abu Dhabi
Action item #2: typos to be corrected in the print version of the agenda. 5. Evaluation ICANN60: interviews & online satisfaction survey - volunteers to help out with the interviews are welcome
- questions from the online satisfaction survey and the interviews being displayed in the AC room
- Online satisfaction survey. When asked to rate the different aspects related to the meeting, the option "not applicable" was added, based on a suggestion made by this group.
6. AOB ccNSO Members Meeting - Katrina Sataki expresses her thanks regarding those who contributed to the agenda setting
- Katrina forwarded an email by Jonathan Zuck (CCT review Team): late request to provide an update to the ccNSO, which we unfortunately need to decline
- Overall: good agenda, very packed, but interesting
Tech Day - Eberhard mentioned that Tech Day is fully booked. A draft agenda will be circulated in the next day or 2 to the programme WG and the Tech WG.
- Alejandra wants to know whether the sessions can be added to the google calendar? Eberhard prefers to finish scheduling issues first, but will notify Alejandra once this has been done.
7. Next meeting to be scheduled for the start of December. Action item #3: a Doodle poll will be sent out by the Secretariat shortly. |