AFRALO 03.11.10 Summary Minutes
AFRALO Meeting - 3 November
Participants: Dave Kissoondoyal, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Pastor Peters Omoragbon, Shaarawy Abd Elbaky, Aziz Hilali, Yaovi Atohoun, Hawa Diakite, Fatimata Seye Sylla
Staff: Gisella Gruber-White, Matthias Langenegger
At-Large Board Director Selection Process
Tijani: we will soon have a At-Large Board Director vote. The BCEC has selected three candidates: Sebastien Bachollet, Pierre Danjinou and Alan Greenberg. Petition candidates can be added until 7 November. Three RALOs need to support a candidate to have him or her be put back on the ballot. The elections begin on 20 November and finalize on 25 November.
Petition Candidates
First, do we want to add petition candidates? If so, do we want to support the petition from Avri Doria?
Fatimata: I am not all in favour of petition candidates.
Tijani: personally, I am not in favour of petition candidates because it undermines the efforts of the BCEC.
Dave: I am not in favour of a petition.
Aziz: We already have Pierre's candidature. I know from some time. Addiing additional candidates to the slate would undermine Pierre's candidature and will decrease his options.
Yaovi: We want candidates that represent not only AFRALO but At-Large as a whole.
Tijani: Who is in favor of adding additional candidates to the slate?
No response
Tijani: Who is against adding additional candidates to the slate?
Yaovi, Fatimata, Tijani, Michel, Moataz, Hawa and Dave were against supporting a petition
Tijani: we will have 4 representatives in the electorate. Should the votes be guided?
Fatimata: I am in favor that the community guides our representatives in the electorate
Aziz: I support Pierre and I am in favor of guiding our representatives.
Pastor Peters: I am not in favour of guided votes.
Tijani: Should only the vote of the president be guided? Personally, I don't think so.
There was general agreement that all four representatives will be guided.
Dave: as a NomCom representative I am not obliged to follow the regional advice but I will nevertheless follow the instructions given by the regions.
Selection Process:
Tijani: I am in favour of discussing the candidates on the closed list and hopefully, we will have a strong consensus on one candidate.
Yaovi: I suggest to organize an online poll for the ALS representatives.
AI: Staff will verify that all AFRALO representatives are on the AFRALO-Internal list and send a test email to Tijani.
Tijani: there is not much to report at the moment on the JAS WG.
Staff gave a short status update on the current ALS applications. The FORCAS application is well underway.
It was noted that the visa situation has still not resolved. Several AFRALO members are still waiting on updates.
AI: Staff will send an email to the list to provide updates on the visa situation.
Tijani: we will have the event "ville connecté" in Tunis in which I am very much involved. Also, there will be a preparatory call for the AFRALO/AfrICANN meeting in Cartagena. The will be tomorrow, 4 November. See details:
The call was then adjourned.