

Consultation on  Internet Number Resources Performance Standards

November 2012


Consultation Objective

The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) functions contract (SA1301-12-CN-0035) between ICANN and the United States Department of Commerce, National Telecommunications Information Administration (NTIA) to maintain the continuity and stability of services related to certain interdependent Internet technical management functions, known collectively as the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority calls for a public consultation from all interested and affected parties to help satisfy the following objective:

C.2.8 Performance Standards -- Within six (6) months of award, the Contractor shall develop performance standards, in collaboration with all interested and affected parties as enumerated in Section C.1.3, for each of the IANA functions as set forth at C.2.9 to C.2.9.4 and post via a website.


This consultation involves the allocation of Internet numbering resources described in the IANA functions contact as the following:

C.2.9.3 Allocate Internet Numbering Resources --The Contractor shall have responsibility for allocated and unallocated IPv4 and IPv6 address space and Autonomous System Number (ASN) space based on established guidelines and policies as developed by interested and affected parties as enumerated in Section C.1.3. The Contractor shall delegate IP address blocks to Regional Internet Registries for routine allocation typically through downstream providers to Internet end-users within the regions served by those registries.

This Consultation

This consultation presents ICANN's internal Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for implementing global policies. We are seeking input from the community on what it considers suitable performance standards for executing the INR management aspect of the IANA functions and how performance results should be published.

Proposed Performance Indicators: IPv4 Allocation

Some performance indicators that ICANN has considered related to the allocation of IPv4 address space to RIRs are listed below, and ICANN is offering these as potential KPIs in order to encourage discussion. These are the KPIs and targets ICANN currently uses.

ICANN requests feedback from all interested and affected stakeholders on whether these proposed KPIs define good performance of allocation of IPv4 Internet addresses or whether there are other indicators that might be better.

AreaKPIICANN's Internal Target
AccuracyBegin allocation once the trigger has been reached100%
AccuracyCorrect implementation of policy formula100%
Timeliness & Process 
Make allocations on the first business day of each allocation period100%


Make ICANN's public announcement within two business days of updating the registry



Proposed Updates: IPv6 Allocation & AS Number Allocation

Some performance indicators that ICANN has considered related to the IPv6 allocation and AS Number Allocation are listed below, and ICANN is offering these as potential KPIs in order to encourage discussion. These are the KPIs and targets ICANN currently uses.
ICANN encourages the five RIRs and any other interested and affected parties to provide feedback on how appropriate and reasonable the suggested KPIs and targets are.


AreaKPIICANN's Internal Target
AccuracyPolicy is correctly implemented100%
AccuracyRegistry is updated before notifying requester of allocation100%
Timeliness & Process QualityNo more than two replies to the requester:
1) AUTO- ACK from the ticketing system;
2) notification of allocation
TransparencyMake ICANN's public announcement about the allocation within two business days of updating the registry100%


Consultation Questions

ICANN is seeking feedback on performance standards for the IANA Function related to allocation of Internet Numbers. Comments are welcome on any aspect of the performance standards, and specifically on the following questions:

1. Are the KPIs and targets developed by ICANN meaningful performance standards for delivering the IPv4 allocation service, the IPv6 allocation service, and the AS Number allocation service?
2. Are there other KPIs that might be good measures of successful performance of the IPv4 allocation service, IPv6 allocation service, and the AS Number allocation service?
3. In what formats would you like the results reported to the community?
4. Do you have additional input on suitable performance standards for the allocation of Internet Numbering Resources?