WebEx Chat: 2018-05-09 ICANN62 Planning Committee Call

WebEx Chat: 2018-05-09 ICANN62 Planning Committee Call

05/09/2018    12:59:07 PM    from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:

            Welcome to the ICANN62 Planning Call

05/09/2018    12:59:32 PM    from Alberto Soto to All Participants:

            Hola a todos, hello everyone!

05/09/2018    13:01:59 PM    from Ricardo Holmquist to All Participants:

            just received, thanks

05/09/2018    13:04:31 PM    from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:

            Bartlett will be joining soon, he is receiving a dial out

05/09/2018    13:17:12 PM    from Ricardo Holmquist to All Participants:


05/09/2018    13:19:06 PM    from Maureen Hilyard to All Participants:

            They see to be the topics that are on top at the moment..

05/09/2018    13:19:59 PM    from Maureen Hilyard to All Participants:

            security and privacy - yes

05/09/2018    13:20:59 PM    from Bartlett Morgan to All Participants:

            my phone doesn't seem to be working

05/09/2018    13:21:26 PM    from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:

            Checking on it Bartlett,

05/09/2018    13:21:42 PM    from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:

            Your line is unmuted Bartlett

05/09/2018    13:21:46 PM    from Bartlett Morgan to All Participants:

            hearing fine but tried to intervene and nobody seemed to be hearing me

05/09/2018    13:21:55 PM    from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:

            Please try again

05/09/2018    13:21:59 PM    from Bartlett Morgan to All Participants:


05/09/2018    13:22:37 PM    from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:

            There you are!

05/09/2018    13:23:19 PM    from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:

            Ricardo's hand is up

05/09/2018    13:23:40 PM    from Maureen Hilyard to All Participants:

            Agree with Alan re blockchain, although there is rather large interest

05/09/2018    13:23:59 PM    from Maureen Hilyard to All Participants:

            not at ICANN LEVEL

05/09/2018    13:24:14 PM    from Maritza Aguero to All Participants:

            + @Maureen

05/09/2018    13:27:38 PM    from Ricardo Holmquist to All Participants:

            Thank you, bye

05/09/2018    13:27:41 PM    from Maureen Hilyard to All Participants:

            GReat thanks Alan and team

05/09/2018    13:27:49 PM    from Maritza Aguero to All Participants:

            Thank you!

05/09/2018    13:27:49 PM    from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:

            Thank you ALL!

05/09/2018    13:28:00 PM    from Alberto Soto to All Participants:

            Thanks!!  Bye bye!!