8 September 2020 | 13 UTC

8 September 2020 | 13 UTC


Attendees & Apologiessee attendance tracker
  1. Welcome
  2. Action items previous meeting
  3. Pre-ICANN69 ccTLD News Session
      1. finalising the schedule
      2. Next steps
  4. ICANN69 preparations
      1. Additional outreach
      2. Review covid-19 session
  5. AOB
  6. Closure and next meetings
      1. Thu, 24 September (14 UTC)
      2. Thu, 8 October (14 UTC) - TBC
      3. Fri, 23 October (14 UTC): ICANN69 evaluation

Thu, 24 September (14 UTC)
Thu, 8 October (14 UTC) - TBC
Fri, 23 October (time TBC): ICANN69 evaluation

Notes & Action Items


To consult the high-level notes taken during the meeting, click here.