LACRALO 2012-08-20 Summary minutes EN
Summary Minutes and Action Items
Monday 20 August 2012 at 2300 UTC
1. Welcome - Jose (2 min)
The Welcome and Roll Call were held.
2. Action Items - Sylvia ( 2 min)
The action items were reviewed and updated as necessary.
3. Capacity Building (30 min)
GP: I am the director of the IG Programs, my organization has experience in capacity building. If you need information regarding my program, please let me know.
GP: We are happy to participate in regional meetings. We would like to discuss ways to find resources and trainings to do so.
GP: One of the challenges of remote participation is that it requires good connections.
GP: The moderator should work to ensure participation is at the same level remotely as compared to face-to-face meetings. For remote meetings, we may have a prepared intervention to have written presentations. We should also have a back up presenter if necessary.
GP: I am here to assist if the group would like help in organizing meetings.
GP: Sometimes the remote participants exceeds expectation.
GP: We will be conducting a workshop in Baku on remote participation. The meeting will be remote. I would like to see you all there!
GP: The workshop's website can be found here
GP: Please email me if you have any questions.
4. Election ALAC Member 2013-2014 - Jose and Sylvia ( 20 min)
JA: As Chair, as a member, I also have the right to give my opinion on issues. According to many emails quoting the regulations of our region, I should have no right to make any decisions. If so, or not, this Chair has the right to express his opinion in favor or against. I have taken a long time to review these issues. I have spoken to Staff, Olivier, ICANN Legal, etc. I have since developed an argument and reached a conclusion. I just wanted to share it with the region. These emails that have reached the list have brought about much confusion thinking I was in support of this action. These emails were sent to the list with a goal in mind. I have been accused of being impartial - I have done my best to be impartial. I am also impartial as I take into account the interests of the region as a whole, not a specific ALS.
JA: If we receive a translation where the text is not clear, we should wait to see the original email.
CA: I think a lot of disrespect has been occurring on the lists. We need to show each other respect.
HC: There is also the issue of the interpretation of the Bylaws. The Bylaws are quite clear. The email sent by Jose with an excellent legal argument has to do with the kind of work that we need to develop. This is the way to work. I think we have a situation that needs to change.
HC: I understood that the chair was making a decision.
CS: There are two things we need to consider. Every member of LACRALO, including the Chair, has the right to make an intervention. The chair exercised that right. Every other member has the right to disagree with what the Chair said. Every member has a right to ask for a way in which the dispute will be settled. All of these attempts to silence the Chair are undemocratic and it is intended to bring LACRALO into disrepute. I am concerned, seriously, that we are viewing the end of LACARLO. In my mind, nothing can save it unless every member begins to understand the rules that govern LACRALO.
SSP: I agree with Carlton. Any member of the region has the right to speak. However, to be clear, we are not objecting with the Chair's right to speak. If that email was not respectful enough, I apologize. If I hurt someone when I sent my email, I apologize. But, Jose, I said these things in a very honest way. There are no examples in the world that can support us saying someone cannot vote.
SSP: I would like to ask the Chair to hold a vote on the electability of Humberto.
SSP: I also request the formation of a WG to deal with our issues.
JA: I agree with Carlton regarding knowing the rules. I think some are creating a delay and a confusion. There are people who wish to impose many things on us.
JA: A qualified candidate does not mean we should bar someone. People should pay attention to the candidiates and vote accordingly.
NE: I think we need to respect each other more. I think we also need clarity on what we are voting on.
JA: The analysis of the rules given by ICANN Staff is that this is an issue to be dealt with by LACRALO. This is a clear reflection of what LACRALO is. People looking at us from the outside see this as the image of LACRALO. It is important that we know each other in a different way.
The issue we face is if Humberto is a valid candidate as his residence is in Scotland. Many people requested for voting, which makes no sense, and others we requesting a vote which was valid. We may need to find a way to understand the rules in a single way. I am not opposed to the vote.
FC: We need to listen and undrstand each other. I am also very concerned with the participation of LACRALO. It is painful to see an increase in participation simply because we have elections. I would like those who have recently joined also come back to work. Regarding Rule 8, can we ask Carlton to give us the intent of the Rule?
5. Working Group New Gtld - Marcelo Telez - (10 min)
An overview of the New gTLD WG
6. ALSes 158 and 159 Votes results and NomCom candidate votes results - ( 5 min)
Not completed
7. Following up Costa Rica General Assembly - José y Sylvia (5 Min)
Not completed
8. LACRALO Working Groups - Sylvia (5 min)
Not completed