LACRALO 2012-08-20 AC Chat EN
Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome to the LACRALO Monthly call on Monday 20 August 2012 at 2300 UTC
Gisella Gruber-White:Agenda:
Gisella Gruber-White:Bonsoir Philippe - merci de rajouter votre nom de famille sur l'Adobe Connect - cela permettra a tout le monde de vous reconnaitre.
Gisella Gruber-White:je devrais dire 'identifier'
Philippe:Philippe Boland de enREDo
Philippe:enREDo At Large Colombia
Philippe:Buenos dias a todos Bonsoir a tous
Gisella Gruber-White:Merci Philippe
Philippe:De rien Gisella
Alfredo Lopez (Enredo-COLOMBIA):Hola a todos
Philippe:Je viens de m'inscrire a ton Ning de
Philippe:yes I can
Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome to the LACRALO Monthly call on Monday 20 August 2012 at 2300 UTC
Gisella Gruber-White:Agenda:
Humberto Carrasco:Hi
Philippe:saludos pero me gusto esta conversacion jeje
Gisella Gruber-White:Hola a todos!
sergio salinas porto:hola a todos /hi all
Evan Leibovitch:saludos desde Canadá
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hello everyone
sergio salinas porto:hello evan...Congratulation my friend!
Philippe:hola a todos hello everyone
Fatima Cambronero:hola a todos/hello everyone
sergio salinas porto:hi dev!
Philippe:bonsoir a tous
Heidi Ullrich:Hi All/Hola a todos
Heidi Ullrich:Silvia will be taking notes in ES (bottom left) and Matt will be taking notes in EN (bottom right)
Natalia Enciso:Hello!
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:I'll need a dialout
Carlos Dionisio Aguirre:hi all
Evan Leibovitch:I don't hear anything on yet the English Adigo channel but plenty of activity in the Adobe Connect audio. Is that OK?
Carlos Dionisio Aguirre:there a lot of activity on the espanish chanel
Heidi Ullrich:Yes
Ginger Paque:Saludos a todos...
Carlos Dionisio Aguirre:Saludos Ginger
Fatima Cambronero:hola Ginger!
Natalia Enciso:Hola Ginger! Bienvenida!
Ginger Paque:Hola a todos... encantada estar aquí
Sylvia Herlein:Hola, cómo estás??? qué bueno tenerte aquí!
Heidi Ullrich:Carlton, your line has a lot of wind sound. We have muted you.
Ginger Paque:(La reunión en español, supongo...
Ginger Paque:veo agunos del habla inglés
Sylvia Herlein:si, estan en el otro canal
Sylvia Herlein:tenemos 2= espanol e ingles
Sylvia Herlein:y los interpretes
Ginger Paque:el chat está compartido?
Sylvia Herlein:si
Ginger Paque:wow, interpretes y todo... uf si que están bien organizados!
Carlton Samuels:Hi Ginger, welcome!
Ginger Paque:Hi Carlton!
Carlton Samuels:Great to have you on
Ginger Paque:Hi Dev!
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hello Ginger, how are you?
Ginger Paque:Great.... in Venezuela
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:right next door ;-)
Ginger Paque:Olivier... do you speak Spanish?
Ginger Paque:Yes, I could swim across
Carlton Samuels:True that, Ginger....maybe make another record, like thgat lady swimmer from Cuba to Miami
Ginger Paque::) @ Carlton
Ginger Paque:(Hola Sergio)
Evan Leibovitch:I can hear you Veronica
sergio salinas porto:hello ginger!!!! wellcome!
Ginger Paque:Hi Evan... don't know what language to greet you in...
Evan Leibovitch:Sign language
Ginger Paque::)
Ginger Paque:(Ginger waves wildly, hoping Evan will see her)
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I don't speak Spanish @Ginger. But I can just about read some Spanish
Evan Leibovitch:I see. you, Ginger.
Evan Leibovitch:Usually "sign language" means people giving me the finger
Ginger Paque:(Hola Adrian y Vanda!!)
Ginger Paque:pueden confirmar que me oigan?
Heidi Ullrich:Link to DiploFoundation:
Fatima Cambronero:no te escuchamos Ginger
vanda:ola ginger nice to hear you!
Gisella Gruber-White:Ginger is not on the telephone bridge
Gisella Gruber-White:@ GInger - please activate your microphone in order to participate on the Spanish channel via the Adobe Connect
vanda:are we waiting for her to connect?
Gisella Gruber-White:@ Ginger - we are also happy to dial-out to you if you would prefer
Heidi Ullrich:No, Ginger is on the AC room only
Sylvia Herlein:solo escucharemos a Ginger por la compu
Ginger Paque:me sigue dando error, perdon
Gisella Gruber-White:@ Sylvia - we are dialling out to Ginger
Carlton Samuels:We are on dead air here!
Sylvia Herlein:los oyentes coloquen los telefonos en MUDO = * 6
Ginger Paque:It might be my bandwidth?
Gisella Gruber-White:@ Ginger - we are dialling out to you - English or Spanish channel?
Ginger Paque:spanish I think
Sylvia Herlein:se escuchan ruidos en el canal de esapnol
Ginger Paque:can be English
Gisella Gruber-White:@ Ginger - thank you
Gisella Gruber-White:GInger is connected on Spanish channel
Fatima Cambronero:thanks Gisella
Ginger Paque:no estoy dando muy buen ejemplo de participacion remota hoy :(
Ginger Paque:se cayó la llamada
Fatima Cambronero::(
Sylvia Herlein:kkkk
Gisella Gruber-White:@ Ginger - we are calling you back
Ginger Paque:Además estamos en Skyp[
Gisella Gruber-White:Ginger is back
Ginger Paque:Mientras tanto, realmente pienso que lo mas importante es hacer hincapíe en la importancia de inclusion y participación
Ginger Paque:y el recurso que representa la participación en l''inea
Gisella Gruber-White:@ Ginger - please speak Spanish as we have simultaneous interpretation
Fatima Cambronero:¿Cómo tienen que hacer las personas para armar un hub de participación remota para el IGF?
Sylvia Herlein:muy bien ginger
Sylvia Herlein:te escuchamos bien
Fatima Cambronero:How could the people build a Hub of remote participation for the IGF?
Natalia Enciso:cual es el porcentaje de participación remota?
Sylvia Herlein:se escucha gente digitando y otros ruidos, por favor coloquen en MUDO el telefono
Sylvia Herlein:*6
Sylvia Herlein:y *7 para volver
Gisella Gruber-White:Jose Arce has joined the Spanish channel
Sylvia Herlein:great
Carlos Dionisio Aguirre:how is the percentage of individual end users of LAC region in face to face IGF meetings? Q exclude the governments representatives.
Gisella Gruber-White:Gilberto Lara has joined the Adobe Connect
Fatima Cambronero:please, mute
Javier Pallero:Esos seríamos nosotros, estamos a la espera de las noticias para organizar nuestro HUB en Cordoba.
Javier Pallero:=)
Sylvia Herlein:genial
Gisella Gruber-White:@ vanda - your line is muted
Carlos Dionisio Aguirre:ok thanks
vanda:i turned off the computer sound.
sergio salinas porto:cuenta con nosotros Ginger!
Roosevelt King:is there a link to participate?
alberto soto:podrían enviar el link para participar? muchas grcias
Ginger Paque: Gracias, un placer
Ginger Paque:un link para el WS 52?
Sylvia Herlein:alguien quiere la palabra?
alberto soto:si, por favor
Sylvia Herlein:tenemos 5 minuts para preguntas
Sylvia Herlein:5 minutes to ask Ginger
alberto soto:Mi si fue para Ginger
Roosevelt King:where is the link?
Ginger Paque:
Roosevelt King:OK, thank you
Philippe:Thanks Muchas gracias
Alfredo Lopez (Enredo-COLOMBIA):Ginger, un saludo desde Bogota. Quiero contarte que lideramos una Red Academica de Universidades que trabajamos todos lo relacionado de las TIC, somos alrededo de 15 universidades; para el proximo encuentro que tienen organizado puedes contar con nosotros. (Auditorios, salas de Internet, asistentes...)
Fatima Cambronero:muchas gracias Ginger!/thank you very much Ginger!
alberto soto:muchas gracias Ginger!!
Ginger Paque:Gracias a todos!!!!
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Thank you Ginger
Ginger Paque:Cheers, everyone, obrigada, Vanda
Philippe:Si alfredo buena iniciativa
Carlos Dionisio Aguirre:Thanks Ginger !!!! your participation is very usefull for us
sergio salinas porto:thanks Ginger!
Alfredo Lopez (Enredo-COLOMBIA):gracias Ginger
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Sure
Carlton Samuels:Thanks for the word Ginger. Much obliged
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Thank you Ginger - that was very helpful
Natalia Enciso 2:hay audio
Natalia Enciso 2:'no escucho nada
Gilberto Lara:Que paso!!!
Natalia Enciso 2:ahora si
Natalia Enciso 2:de nuevo se fue
Natalia Enciso 2:el audio digo
Gilberto Lara:No hay audio o soy yo?
Fatima Cambronero:no audio
Philippe:no hay por adobe
Philippe:ya si
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Who is speaking?
Sylvia Herlein:humberto
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:thanks
Fatima Cambronero:Humberto Carrasco now
Gisella Gruber-White:@ ALL/Todos - please identify yourselves when speaking
Gisella Gruber-White:And do not speak at the same time
Gisella Gruber-White:a todos: por favor diga su nombre cuando se habla
Gisella Gruber-White:Y no hablamos al mismo tiempo
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:not hearing you Carlton, you may be muted
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Yes
Gisella Gruber-White:Carlton is now speaking
Natalia Enciso 2:yes
Fatima Cambronero:agree Carlton
Natalia Enciso 2:agree with Carlton
Sylvia Herlein:sergio is speaking now
Gisella Gruber-White:Carlton has disconnected
alberto soto:i agree with Carlton
Gisella Gruber-White:Carlton is back
Carlos Dionisio Aguirre:lo de voto calificado tiene que ver con una supermayoria! no con calificar los votos individuales!
Carlos Dionisio Aguirre:lo del voto calificado tenia que ver con la necesidad de contar con supermayoria en el tema a decidir. no con relacion a calificar los votos particulares!
Carlton Samuels:@Sergio: There is NO requirement to vote on whether Humberto Carrasco is a member of the region!!
vanda: but we need to define who has the legal base in this issue
Carlos Dionisio Aguirre:+1
vanda:reading Jose Ovidio, we can see that Adam had similar situation and was selected.
Humberto Carrasco:yes
Carlos Dionisio Aguirre:sorry was not the same situation!
vanda:me apreceo peor - Adam es residente en Japon
Carlton Samuels:@Vanda: Was Adam representing EURALO or was he selected by NomCom?
Carlos Dionisio Aguirre:perdon Jose: votar sin discutir?
Natalia Enciso 2:No estoy de acuerdo Jose. Las reglas se acatan, no se votan si se acatan o no.
Roosevelt King:No qorum in this meeting. Proposing a virtual vote
Natalia Enciso 2:Para que tenemos reglas si vamos a votar cuando las queremos aplicar y cuando no?
Carlos Dionisio Aguirre:we need to give further discussion about it. it`s not a simple thing!. this situation affect the futuro in our region
vanda: I agree , not a simple issue. it is legal stuff and more clear the best.
Carlos Dionisio Aguirre:there no quorum in this meeting
Natalia Enciso 2:what happened with the audios of San Juan?
Natalia Enciso 2:Do we have access to them?
Carlton Samuels:@ROK. There would be a quorum requirement of 50%+1 since this is not a trivial question. So country coefficients shall apply to count the votes
Carlton Samuels:That is 50%+1 of ALS
vanda:en este call no tenemos suficiente ALSs apra que sea representativo, creo Yo.
Philippe:que % somos vanda
vanda:agree with Carlton
Heidi Ullrich:@Natalia, At-Large staff asked IT to see if they could get the audios to work (they were not Adigo). IT was not able to get them to work.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:@Carlton, indeed, quorum requirement of 50%+1 of ALS
Carlos Dionisio Aguirre:Adam situation was very different, because was elected by NomCom, with different rules!!!!!
Carlton Samuels:I have to leave off now. My apologies.
Natalia Enciso 2:THanks Heidi.
alberto soto:puede escuchar lo que se está diciendo sobre la votación?
Roosevelt King:ok
Carlton Samuels:@Carlos: Exactly right!
Carlos Dionisio Aguirre:please stop with the ignorance. we need to talk with some degree of knowledge.
Carlton Samuels:That was what we call a 'red herring' in argument!
Natalia Enciso 2:Fortunately, all the founders are participating and should give light to this issue. Being honest what was the real meaning.
vanda: I don´t beleive we are talking about that. I understood he was selected by Euralo to represent at NOMCOMM the region.... but I beleive we nedd to have it checked. btu I understood was said by Olivier, so, for me is clear.
Carlton Samuels:@Natalia: The real meaning was you have to live in the country of the region to be qualified.
Carlton Samuels:Especially for the 2 year term of ALAC office!
Natalia Enciso 2:THanks Carlton. So Humberto does not fullfill the requirements
Humberto Carrasco:Bueno
Natalia Enciso 2:So it is clearly ilegal to vote agains the application of the ruel
Natalia Enciso 2:rule
Roosevelt King:The question should be how long can a person be away from their residence to be a valid candidate and not Humberto???
Natalia Enciso 2:ROK, I think that during the mandate the candidate has to be resident in the Region.
Humberto Carrasco:Natalia
Humberto Carrasco:I must go to chile
Humberto Carrasco:for several months
Roosevelt King:but Humberto is resident in the region. Or do you mean that the person should be present in the region?
Humberto Carrasco:to research about my topic
Humberto Carrasco:Actually
Humberto Carrasco:I am flying by the end of this year
Humberto Carrasco:in that case,
vanda:For me the most relevant is different interpretaciones ,
alberto soto:Eo0svelt, only during the period of his duty as Member Alac
Natalia Enciso 2:Carlton has clearly explain the meaning.
Humberto Carrasco:Where is my residence?
Carlton Samuels:By virtue of his university attachment and by his pown hand, Humberto has not disagreed he must be resident in Scotland. By virtue of his own hand, he expects to be resident in Scotland past 2014. Question: Has Humberto denounced rgw residency requiremnt of the Scottish university? And if so, does he retain his status as a student?
Carlos Dionisio Aguirre:@Fatima : clap, clap, clap !
Roosevelt King:loose language Carlton.
alberto soto:Roosvelt, only during the period of his duty as Member Alac
Carlos Dionisio Aguirre:@Carlton: +1
Natalia Enciso 2:Agree with Fatima
Humberto Carrasco:I insist, I have to travel to Chile for several months soon
Javier Pallero:+1 to Fatima. Voting wether to respecto the rules or not is, by all means, illegal
Humberto Carrasco:I will have chilean residence again?
Philippe:Bien Fatima
Carlton Samuels:@REoosevelt: As a practical ,matter, NOT for the duration of the term of office!
alberto soto:I agree FAtima
Carlton Samuels:Bye all
Roosevelt King:so he should not be representing Chile on LACRALO?
vanda: Carlton. for you there is only one interpretation?
Humberto Carrasco:Señor presidente
Humberto Carrasco:yo no he contratado a nadie
Humberto Carrasco:Yo le solicite que me ayudara a preparar los argumentos
Humberto Carrasco:nadsie le ha pagado a nadie señor presidente
Carlos Dionisio Aguirre:bye all, was to much for me on this afternoon ! thanks to all.
Alfredo Lopez (Enredo-COLOMBIA):Quiero respetuosamente, hacer un llamado a la unidad e iniciar el trabajo en equipo. Ojo que este juego de la division le sirve a los que estan en contra de la unidad de la region. Otros son los que se le favorecen.
Natalia Enciso 2:y esta situacion queda como antecedente para votar cualquier otra ley si se acepta o no?
Natalia Enciso 2:+1 Alfredo
vanda:Calton. the rule is written, I could not found clearly this rule, or it was the use in our foundation...
vanda:Seing the ICANn rule for that, I don´t see whay we have different since the beggining,..
alberto soto:Dev, como fue la aprticipacion personal de los integrantes del grupo' hubo much participacion personal, por favor, puedes dar nombres? gracias
Carlos Dionisio Aguirre:y quienes son los que estan por la region?
Sylvia Herlein:I must go, I'm so sorry, bye!!!
vanda:bye Silvia, gracias por el trabajo
Carlos Dionisio Aguirre:muy buena reunion!
alberto soto:bye, bye to all!!
Jose Arce:Bye all
Gisella Gruber-White:Thank you everyone
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:I would be happy to answer any questsions re: the gTLD Review Group
Fatima Cambronero:thanks to all/gracias a todos
Humberto Carrasco 2:byye
Fatima Cambronero:bye
Humberto Carrasco 2:cho a todos
Natalia Enciso 2:bye
vanda:thank you for all participation
Javier Pallero:Gracias a todos y saludos! adios!
Alfredo Lopez (Enredo-COLOMBIA):Adios a Todos
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, All.
Silvia Vivanco:Gracias a todos. Thanks all