11 September 2019 | 13 UTC
11 September 2019 | 13 UTC
Attendees | Pierre Bonis, Fiona Ongeso, Laura Margolis, Maša Drofenik, Mustafa Sheik, Souleymane Oumtanaga |
Attendees staff | Bart Boswinkel, Maria Otanes, Joke Braeken |
Apologies | Lianna Galstyan |
Agenda |
Documents | slide deck |
Recordings | https://icann.zoom.us/recording/share/FpEHQleRf4AMlNzt52N-6TtgGiGWfih_R8-b1u3r81ewIumekTziMw |
Chat | |
Notes | ACTION ITEMS AI#1: Staff and chair share briefing paper to prepare for the ICANN66 Wednesday session with IGLC by the end of next week. NOTES These high-level notes included below are designed to help the IGLC navigate through the content of the call and are not meant as a substitute for the transcript and/or recording. The MP3, transcript, and chat are provided separately and are posted on the wiki. Consult the notes here. |