Johannesburg - 2017
Members: Nigel Roberts, Eberhard Lisse, Peter Van Roste, Peter Vergote, Danko Jevtovic (remote), Martin Boyle (remote) Abibu Ntahigiye, Svitlana Tkachenko (remote), Annebeth Lange, Nick Wenban-Smith, Debbie Monahan (remote), Allan MacGillivray, Peter Koch, Barbara Povše (remote)
Participants: Maureen Hilyard
Observers and experts: Jaap Akkerhuis, Kim Davies
Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Kim Carlson
Apologies: Michele Neylon
PDP on retirement WG – Johannesburg
1. Welcome and roll call
2. Chair and vice chair appointment
3. Second presentation rules of engagement
4. Presentation on retirement from ISO 3166 MA perspective: role of MA, terminology and rules
5. Presentation on retirement from root management perspective
6. Workplan and next steps (how does WG want to apporach the work ahead)
7. AOB
8. Adjourn
Background reading:
ISO 3166 database and related terminology overview ([]
RFC 1591:
DRD WG Final Report on retirement of ccTLDs and case studies included in this report:[]