11 December 2024 | 13:00 UTC

11 December 2024 | 13:00 UTC

note: exceptionally on Wednesday



Attendance records, apologies, action items: see tracker
  1. Welcome
  2. Administrative matters
    1. SOI updates, if any
  3. ccNSO Sessions: Looking back at ICANN81
    1. recap actions items for ICANN82
  4. ICANN82 outlook
    1. Planning by ICANN org: highlights for ccNSO
      1. Community Forum, 8-13 March in Seattle, USA
    2. ccNSO schedule and potential topics for discussion
      1. Working groups and committees meet on Saturday and Sunday
      2. Tech Day on Monday
      3. ccNSO Members Meeting sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday
        • UA readiness
        • Policy gaps and methods to address them
        • DNS abuse: data accuracy and validation
        • ccTLD financial contributions review
        • Updates on ICANN meeting strategy, Council discussions on capacity, activities by working groups
        • TLD-OPS preparations for a AGM workshop
    3. ccTLD News session planning
      1. 1 slot, 90 min. session
      2. planning timeline
        • call for presenters: 4 December -  22 January
        • MPC confirms agenda: 30 January
        • ccTLD News Prep: 4-6 Feb
        • ccTLD News Dry-run: 18-20 Feb

5. AOB

6. Closure and next meetings

Week 21-24 Jan - webinar to promote MPC call for volunteers

30 January | 13 UTC - confirm the agenda for ccTLD News

13 February | 11 UTC – if needed

8-13 March: ICANN82

Documents, Notes

The high-level notes are designed to help the MPC navigate through the content of the call and are not meant as a substitute for the transcript and/or recording. Consult the notes here.
