July 20 2017
Members: Nigel Roberts, Eberhard Lisse, Svitlana Tkachenko, Patricio Poblete, Barbara Povse, Garth Miller, Martin Boyle, Abibu Ntahigiye, Mirjana Tasic, Nick Wenban-Smith,
Participants: Michele Neylon, Maureen Hilyard, Marita Moll,
Observers and experts: Kim Davies, Jaap Akkerhuis
Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Joke Braeken, Maria Otanes
Apologies: Annebeth Lange, Allan MacGillivray, Peter Van Roste, Elise Gerich
1. Welcome and roll call
2. House Rules for the WG meetings
3. Public comment period closure and GAC opinion (update)
4. Rules ISO 3166 with respect to assignment and deletion of names
5. Topic list retirement: additional topics to be included?
6. AOB
7. Next meetings
Session Transcript: EN
Chat transcript:
Maria Otanes: Welcome to the ccPDP Working Group on Retirement meeting on 20 July at 12:00 UTC
Maria Otanes: hi Nigel, welcome
Nigel Roberts: hello everybody
Nigel Roberts: Maria, can you arrange a call out to +44 20 7100 4319 please.
Nigel Roberts: I dialled in, but the system wouldn't accept the 5258
Maria Otanes: no problem. dialing out to you now
el: I tried twince and went in on the second try
Nigel Roberts: I have two calls!
Kim Davies: Howdy
el: And I use SIP via one of the toll free numbers. That seems to work better that the Adobe Connect
el: Hi Kim.
Maria Otanes: hi Kim, welcome
Michele Neylon: afternoon
Bart Boswinkel: Hi All
Svitlana Tkachenko, .UA: Hello all!
Garth MIller: Hi
Martin Boyle: I can't connect audio via AC
Michele Neylon: the dial in seems to be the sanest option
Abibu: hello all
Michele Neylon: Elise said she'd be on a plane I think
Stephen Deerhake (.as): Greetings all.
Martin Boyle: Can I only get audio via dial-in?
Maria Otanes: @Martin, you should be able to get audio via Adobe Connect as well. will private chat you
Kim Davies: You can only listen via Adobe Connect. If you wish to speak I believe you have to be on the phone.
el: I forgot the muting
Stephen Deerhake (.as): +1@el and Michele
Michele Neylon: is there a link??
el: Hang on
Kim Davies: Google for "Nigel Roberts' Rules of Order" ;-)
el: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%27s_Rules_of_Order
el: We will read everything twice during calls
el: as previously suggested
Joke Braeken: absolutely, will make a note of it
jaap akkerhuis: Finally got sund & mike
Stephen Deerhake (.as): Can we get Frank Marsh out of retirement? ;-)
Mirjana Tasic .rs: Sorry I am late
Maria Otanes: document is scrollable
Michele Neylon: his line isn't very good
Michele Neylon: hard to hear him
Kim Davies: Note that what was called "ISO 3166" in 1994 is called "ISO 3166-1" today
Michele Neylon: ok all I'm getting now is noise
Maureen Hilyard: musical interude
jaap akkerhuis: I can try to find out which version was active at the time of writing 1591
Svitlana Tkachenko, .UA: The sound is very bad :(
Mirjana Tasic .rs: No sound at all
jaap akkerhuis: Some versions had some parts of the reserved names in it as well
Martin Boyle: silence via adobe connect
el: We need to get a copy of the ISO 3166 for each member of the group
Abibu: audio breaking!
Martin Boyle: is there an example of reserving names, please?
Kim Davies: It was.
Bart Boswinkel: My understanding is that the rule
el: much better
Bart Boswinkel: That i swhat I meant with differnc ein terminology
Mirjana Tasic .rs: CS for Serbia and Montenegro was a little bit earlier 2002_
el: Mirjana, the exact year doesn't really matter as we are looking towards future cases
Mirjana Tasic .rs: thank el I will be still
el: No, please don't :-)-O
Danko Jevtovic: Sorry I am late, trafic :(
Abibu: no audio!!!!
Maria Otanes: @Abibu, will private chat you
Mirjana Tasic .rs: It is very important not to have clear situation how ISO is working, I agree
Maureen Hilyard: @Abibu - I had to reboot AC
el: of the Standard
Stephen Deerhake (.as): Withdrew hand; El made my point regarding terminology.
Kim Davies: https://www.iana.org/reports/2007/um-report-10jan2007.html
Kim Davies: IANA called it a revocation
el: thanks
Patricio Poblete 2: The FOI report in several places equates "revocation" to "unconsented redelegation"
Stephen Deerhake (.as): Can we do what we did informally with the FoI-WG?
Stephen Deerhake (.as): Exactlly.
el: I have no position, I wanted to raise it to membership
Stephen Deerhake (.as): Would a Doodle poll be useful for this question?
el: do it on the email list
Stephen Deerhake (.as): Bye all!
Michele Neylon: bye all
Mirjana Tasic .rs: Bye
Svitlana Tkachenko, .UA: Bye
Danko Jevtovic: bye all, thaks
Martin Boyle: thanks & bye
Bart Boswinkel: Bye all
jaap akkerhuis: bye
Nick WS: bye
Garth MIller: bye
Barbara Povse: bye