EURALO 19.10.2010 Summary Minutes
19 October Discussion Notes
Participants: Manuel Schneider, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Wolf Ludwig, Annette Muehlberg, Sebastien Bachollet, Lutz Donnerhacke, Christopher Wilkinson
Apologies: Yrjö Länsipuro, Sandra Hoferichter
Staff: Matthias Langenegger, Heidi Ullrich
AI: Matthias will send out an email to the EURALO list with instructions on how to get a login to the EURALO confluence wiki.
Review of action items from the GA
Wolf: From what I remembers, we decided to ask for funding for the next EURALO meeting which will be held in conjunction with EUROdig in 2011.
Sebastien: The problem is that the next EUROdig meeting would still be part of the current budget which has been adopted in July 2010. The current budget does not forsee the funding of a EURALO GA and It is unlikely that additional funding can be made available in the current budget. The new budget process will start soon and a strong EURALO input is needed.
Review mechanism for ALS involvement in the upcoming At-Large Board Director selection
Wolf: We already informed and polled our members back in August. There was general agreement that Avri Doria would be a good candiate. If she won't be part of the final slate of candidates we need to get the support of two more ALSes to get her back on the candiate list. My vote will be guided by the EURALO members.
Sebastien: the final slate will probably be published on 3 November
Matthias: According to the Board Director selection process, RALOs are free to adopt the process of their choice. This can be a formal process or informal.
Annette: I think the election should not be done by a simple majority.
Olivier: there are two issues here: what are our voting procedures? and will there be several rounds of voting?
Adam: I would like to have specific information from the BCEC on the election procedure and timeline.
Sebastien: We are quite flexible on this. We could also seat a Board Director six months later and keep the
Wolf: I suggest that we send an email to the ALAC and ask for an extension on the timeline. Since this is the first time At-Large elects a Board Director, we need a solid process.
Adam: I think we should simply put this on the list and ask for their input.
The discussion on the At-Large Director Selection Process and timeline carried on for some time and resulted in the following action items:
AI: Olivier and Wolf will write a draft document to summarize the concerns raised on the Board Selection process and ask for an extension of the election timeline. The message will be sent to the EURALO list for review and then forwareded to Cheryl.
AI: Wolf, Olivier and Matthias will suggest a specific procedure to poll the EURALO members on the preferred candidate, in accordance with the selection timeline set out by the BCEC and ABSC.
Wolf: can we postpone the remaining agenda items to the next call?
There was general agreement with this suggestion.
AI: Agenda items 7, 8 and 9 will be carried over to the next EURALO teleconference.
The meeting was then adjourned.