Zoom chat: 2022-03-02 OFB-WG Recommendation Prioritization Sub-Group Call

Zoom chat: 2022-03-02 OFB-WG Recommendation Prioritization Sub-Group Call

12:01:46 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone:
Heymay, the foster Labradane, sulks on bath day...
12:02:35 From Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Hello all
12:02:59 From Judith Hellerstein to Everyone:
Sorry to be late
12:03:05 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
12:03:15 From Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Welcome everyone 
12:03:29 From Daniel K Nanghaka to Everyone:
thank you
12:03:35 From Daniel K Nanghaka to Everyone:
hello everyone
12:05:38 From Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Seee AI page (refreshed): https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=99668631
12:11:01 From Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Welcome back Daniel
12:16:36 From Judith Hellerstein to Everyone:
@susie, in your beautiful chart please remember to right click on the chart/graph and add the ALT text
12:16:47 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
Michelle Judith just mentined a dial out for SeB did you hear?
12:17:09 From Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org to Everyone:
I did not - thank you Judith and Cheryl - I will dial out to him
12:17:12 From Judith Hellerstein to Everyone:
Yes @michelle sebastien just posted in Skype that he needs a dial out
12:17:54 From Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Sebastien has now joined zoom
12:18:04 From Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Welcome Sebastien 
12:25:34 From Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Jamboard link for reference: https://jamboard.google.com/d/1A6QVXERtVtsgsGRLaf8UkRXnbKEgDFxHuVG79G2x0WM/viewer?f=4
12:26:51 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone:
I wish the chart wasn't based on number of recommendations but something more complex
12:30:07 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone:
A measure of "effort" would be more interesting than number of recs, which vary so much
12:31:50 From Judith Hellerstein to Everyone:
I think she means a new chart since she gave a specific title to this new chart and then listed what she wanted charted
12:32:00 From Judith Hellerstein to Everyone:
the chart we are using has a different name
12:32:14 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
Noted @Judith and I agree it can be interpreted either way
12:34:54 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone:
Indeed. that would completely change the look of this chart is what I'm saying.
12:35:59 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone:
and urgency is an interesting metric as well
12:37:40 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone:
4 quadrant diagram for that
12:39:37 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond to Everyone:
effort/urgency interesting
12:43:57 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone:
she might want something like this then https://img.bhs4.com/d5/f/d5f69028a62e4a9b08aa0605a85861a7a866a5f0_large.jpg
12:45:52 From Marita to Everyone:
sorry to be so late but did make it for a little bit
12:46:07 From Judith Hellerstein to Everyone:
Yes that is what would be great
12:58:51 From Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org to Everyone:
The org slides should be added shortly.
12:58:55 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone:
we'll see each other! we'll just be holding a PUBLIC meeting
12:59:19 From Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Thank you all for the great work!
13:00:15 From Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org to Everyone:
I’m staying , too!
13:00:31 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone:
I'm happy to stay for a bit if helpful