GAC-ALAC Leadership Call 22 September 2016

GAC-ALAC Leadership Call 22 September 2016

Notes by Tom Dale, GAC Secretariat


GAC: Thomas Schneider, Wanawit Ahkuputra, Gema Campillos-Gonzalez
ALAC: Alan Greenberg, Yrjö Länsipuro
ACIG GAC Secretariat: Tom Dale
ICANN staff: Olof Nordling, Julia Charvolen, Gulten Tepe, Heidi Ullrich, Gisella Gruber
Role of ALAC-GAC Liaison
ALAC see the role as primarily a means of better communication, at least for now.
Noted that a paper from ALAC outlining their expectations of the role would be helpful at some point.
Agreed that the ALAC Liaison could put messages to the GAC mailing list via the GAC Secretariat.
GAC Secretariat will share with ALAC leadership the draft document on GAC expectations of the GNSO-GAC Liaison.
Future New gTLDs Process
The request from the Board for GNSO to consider different timing options for future new gTLDs was noted.
Second String Similarity Review Process
ALAC made a submission to the public comment process.
GAC input (including EU concerns about delegation of .eu in Greek script) will be made to the EPSRP WG shortly.
The possibility of a joint GAC-ALAC position on this issue was raised but no specifics agreed.
CCT Review Team
ALAC noted some concerns about the complexity of the Review Team’s work and the need to get a clear view of progress.
Implementation of new Bylaws
ALAC has finalised its approach to this, and will send a copy to the GAC Chair and ACIG. 
Noted that GAC issues are taking longer to resolve, and some may be contentious.
Possible Agenda for ALAC-GAC Session in Hyderabad
(ALAC to send points to GAC to confirm)
  1. New gTLDs - (a) General process/timing, (b) review of Public Interest Commitments
  2. Diversity - noting that this is also an issue for CCWG-Accountability Work Stream 2
  3. CCT Review
  4. Implementation of new Bylaws  (As far as ALAC is concerned, Sections 23 and 24 http://tinyurl.com/ALAC-RoP-2016-09)