Webex Chat: 2018-04-24 ALAC Monthly Teleconference
04/24/2018 06:34:56 AM from Gisella Gruber to All Attendees:
Welcome to the ALAC Monthly Call on Tuesday, 24 April 2018 at 04:00 UTC.
04/24/2018 06:35:16 AM from Gisella Gruber to All Attendees:
Agenda: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/V-DvBQ
04/24/2018 06:54:16 AM from Barrack Otieno to All Participants:
Hi everyone, goodmorning from Mombasa, Kenya
04/24/2018 06:54:31 AM from Evin Erdoğdu to All Participants:
Good morning, Barrack and all!
04/24/2018 06:58:49 AM from Heidi Ullrich to All Participants:
Hi All.
04/24/2018 06:59:27 AM from Holly Raiche to All Participants:
Hello all
04/24/2018 06:59:52 AM from Alberto Soto to All Participants:
Hello everyone!!
04/24/2018 07:01:03 AM from Bartlett Morgan to All Participants:
I'm here
04/24/2018 07:01:31 AM from Ricardo Holmquist to All Participants:
Good day everyone
04/24/2018 07:02:02 AM from Javier Rua Jovet to All Participants:
Im here
04/24/2018 07:03:00 AM from Maureen Hilyard to All Participants:
My phone bridge line has dropped
04/24/2018 07:03:19 AM from Alberto Soto to All Participants:
I don't have audio by Adigo
04/24/2018 07:04:50 AM from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:
@ Alberto - do you need a dial-out?
04/24/2018 07:05:05 AM from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:
@ Maureen - will dial-out to you
04/24/2018 07:05:10 AM from Bartlett Morgan to All Participants:
see it
04/24/2018 07:05:41 AM from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:
@ Maureen - reconnected
04/24/2018 07:05:50 AM from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:
@ Alberto -welcome to ES channel
04/24/2018 07:07:34 AM from Olivier Crépin-Leblond to All Participants:
was I listed on the English Channel?
04/24/2018 07:09:34 AM from Alberto Soto to All Participants:
Sorry, now I´m online by Adigo...
04/24/2018 07:10:03 AM from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:
Abdulkarim Ayopo Oloyede added
04/24/2018 07:11:03 AM from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:
Tijani Ben Jemaa has joined the call
04/24/2018 07:13:08 AM from Barrack Otieno to All Participants:
Sorry my connection has started misbehaving
04/24/2018 07:13:30 AM from cs6170 to All Participants:
Very poor audio
04/24/2018 07:13:41 AM from Barrack Otieno to All Participants:
Is anyone speaking?
04/24/2018 07:16:34 AM from Alberto Soto to All Participants:
Alan, I will read and coordinate with our representative
04/24/2018 07:17:31 AM from Alberto Soto to All Participants:
04/24/2018 07:24:00 AM from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:
Hello Ricardo! Unfortunately not possible with WebEx :-)
04/24/2018 07:24:30 AM from Evin Erdoğdu to All Participants:
04/24/2018 07:26:23 AM from Bartlett Morgan to All Participants:
amazingg sound effects
04/24/2018 07:27:09 AM from Bastiaan Goslings to All Participants:
I was penholder for our reflections on the the WS2 HR and Jurisdiction outcomes - while I am not aware of any significant changes made to the recommendations of other subgroups, I can (will) help draft a response to CCWG-Accountability WS2 Final Report. So @staff, add my name to this one please.
04/24/2018 07:28:50 AM from Andrei Kolesnikov to All Participants:
GDPR applied to EU citizens
04/24/2018 07:29:25 AM from Andrei Kolesnikov to All Participants:
displaying names of inidividual members as personal data
04/24/2018 07:36:09 AM from Gisella Gruber to All Attendees:
Seun Ojedeji has now joined the call.
04/24/2018 07:45:56 AM from Cheryl Langdon-Orr to All Participants:
It just took me 12 mins to get into WebEx after I closed off my other meeting :-( Sorry I also missed getting the dial out when I ended the PDP call as well, I am in room and the Audio Bridge now by getting the system to call me ... Just sorry for the delay
04/24/2018 07:45:56 AM from Cheryl Langdon-Orr to All Participants:
Exactly OCL we the Registrants will end up paying the additional pitance
04/24/2018 07:47:19 AM from Olivier Crépin-Leblond to All Participants:
The increase in levy is the opening of a new battle front. That's all I'm saying. And anything else we say in that statement will be overshadowed by this 1 sentence.
04/24/2018 07:48:14 AM from Olivier Crépin-Leblond to All Participants:
Don't get me wrong, I personally agree with $0.02 increase. In fact, I think the increase should strictly follow inflation every year, if we want to save the ICANN budgets.
04/24/2018 07:48:14 AM from Cheryl Langdon-Orr to All Participants:
Getting push back on ATLAS III is a very *real* risk SeB ...indeed (and I fear regardess of which battel we pick here in Budget
04/24/2018 07:50:26 AM from Cheryl Langdon-Orr to All Participants:
Indeed Alan
04/24/2018 07:53:25 AM from Bartlett Morgan to All Participants:
makes sense
04/24/2018 07:54:07 AM from Evin Erdoğdu to All Participants:
Blog post from Göran Marby, CEO on recent meeting regarding Article 29:
"Summarizing our Recent Meeting with Article 29": https://www.icann.org/news/blog/data-protection-privacy-issues-update-summarizing-our-recent-meeting-with-article-29
04/24/2018 07:56:53 AM from Olivier Crépin-Leblond to All Participants:
ICANN met Article 29 *yesterday*
04/24/2018 07:57:05 AM from Olivier Crépin-Leblond to All Participants:
and blog post already up today
04/24/2018 07:58:30 AM from Olivier Crépin-Leblond to All Participants:
isn't it ironic that a process by which ICANN has dragged its feet for so many years asking for a court order in order to receive a waiver from compliance, now has tables turned around where ICANN may be in the accused dock and feels uneasy about this
04/24/2018 08:01:39 AM from Bastiaan Goslings to All Participants:
@Holly: which mailinglist is that? Is it publically archived?
04/24/2018 08:03:19 AM from Evin Erdoğdu to All Participants:
@Holly will send link
04/24/2018 08:03:24 AM from Evin Erdoğdu to All Participants:
Thank you Alan!
04/24/2018 08:08:38 AM from Bastiaan Goslings to All Participants:
Thanks Holly ;-)
04/24/2018 08:10:02 AM from Heidi Ullrich to All Participants:
Blog on today's meeting with DPA (see: https://www.icann.org/news/blog/data-protection-privacy-issues-update-summarizing-our-recent-meeting-with-article-29).
04/24/2018 08:10:40 AM from Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong to All Participants:
Thanks @Heidi
04/24/2018 08:16:30 AM from Yrjö Länsipuro to All Participants:
+1 to Tijani
04/24/2018 08:26:40 AM from Bastiaan Goslings to All Participants:
Sorry for not sharing in advance but I need to leave in 5min because of another meeting I have to get to
04/24/2018 08:27:14 AM from Bartlett Morgan to All Participants:
yours truly
04/24/2018 08:29:45 AM from Gisella Gruber to All Attendees:
Thank you for joining the call Bastiaan
04/24/2018 08:29:48 AM from Heidi Ullrich to All Participants:
Prep Committee for ICANN 62: Alan, Maureen, Bartlett, Sarah, Ricardo
04/24/2018 08:32:36 AM from Alberto Soto to All Participants:
@Heidi, me too in Prep Committe
04/24/2018 08:33:44 AM from Heidi Ullrich to All Participants:
of course, Alberto!
04/24/2018 08:35:13 AM from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:
AFRALO AfrICANN Meeting was missed in Puerto Rico so is planned for ICANN62
04/24/2018 08:35:19 AM from Satish Babu to All Participants:
Yes Seun...this was communicated several meetings back...
04/24/2018 08:42:33 AM from Evin Erdoğdu to All Participants:
Yes we will note AI
04/24/2018 08:46:26 AM from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:
Ethos awards is on Monday from 08:30-09:00, combined with the Welcome
04/24/2018 08:55:14 AM from Bartlett Morgan to All Participants:
Criteria for NomCom Delegates
The NomCom is responsible for selecting members of the ICANN Board, ALAC, ccNSO and GNSO. This is a very important function and all candidates should meet important criteria.
Familiarity with the ICANN groups to which the NomCom appoints (Board, ALAC, GNSO, ccNSO).
Ability to judge people (such as when interviewing and hiring).
Comfortable and preferably fluent with English (listening, reading, speaking).
Good on-line skills such as on Google & Social media
Time Commitment - Must be willing to devote substantial time under tight deadlines (March-June). Will involve travel to up to 4 meetings.
Ability work in a group environment, standing up for what you believe in a discussion with other "strong" people, but at the same time, must be a good listener and be willing to change your mind if someone else has a good argument. Diplomacy is important.
RALOs may recommend one or more candidates to the ALAC. The appointment if NomCom delegates is done by
04/24/2018 09:02:05 AM from Bartlett Morgan to All Participants:
its one of a series of criteria... hard to imagine that any one criteria would be definitive
04/24/2018 09:02:21 AM from Bartlett Morgan to All Participants:
*it = the fluency criteria
04/24/2018 09:03:01 AM from Bartlett Morgan to All Participants:
04/24/2018 09:09:35 AM from Alberto Soto to All Participants:
Thanks everyone,bye bye!!!
04/24/2018 09:09:39 AM from Satish Babu to All Participants:
Thanks and bye
04/24/2018 09:09:41 AM from Harold Arcos to All Participants:
thanks to all,,hve a nice day
04/24/2018 09:09:42 AM from Leah Symekher to All Participants:
04/24/2018 09:09:44 AM from Bartlett Morgan to All Participants:
bye all
04/24/2018 09:09:45 AM from Evin Erdoğdu to All Participants:
Goodbye all!
04/24/2018 09:09:45 AM from Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong to All Participants:
Bye bye
04/24/2018 09:09:48 AM from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:
bye all
04/24/2018 09:09:49 AM from Dewole Ajao to Gisella Gruber (privately):
thank you!
04/24/2018 09:09:56 AM from Dewole Ajao to All Participants: