Action Items: 2021-03-02 AFRALO Operating Principles Review WG
Action Items: 2021-03-02 AFRALO Operating Principles Review WG
- Sarah K will summarize the main responses from the Individual membership Survey into one single document
- Isaac Maposa and WG members will include actual suggestions in "edits" into the google document "Issues Under Review: AFRALO Operating Principles Review Working Group"
- While the Report of the ALAC individual WP on Individual members is final, this AFRALO WG members will continue with the edits to the google doc and based on the feedback of the report of the ALAC WP Report
- Silvia Vivanco will add a link to the ALAC WP report to the google doc
- Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong and Isaac Maposa will let staff know the date(s) of the next call