Removal of the AFRALO Vice Chair position
Removal of the AFRALO Vice Chair position
The current AFRALO operating Principles includes 3 AFRALO officers: a Chair, a Vice Chair and a Secretary. The Vice Chair only mission in the Operating Principles is to replace the Chair in case of unavailability.
For the record, on the 5 RALOs, only AFRALO and APRALO have a Vice Chair.
I proposed in the 4 May call to consider the possibility of the AFRALO Vice Chair Position removal for the following reasons:
- The VC doesn't have other duties than the replacement of the chair in case of unavailability
- AFRALO has 2 travel support slots only for the ICANN meetings; It has always been embarrassing to decide on who among the Vice Chair and the Secretary should accompany the Chair
- The Secretary can easily take over the Vice Chair duty
- If adopted in the WG, and if ratified by the AFRALO General Assembly, this provision wouldn't be effective before the end of the newly selected Vice Chair term (2019 AGM)
A short discussion was conducted that showed an objection of 2 of the present members while the others didn't give their opinion. On the list Seun approved the proposal.
I hope that the WG members express their opinion on this proposal by commenting on the wiki or through the mailing list before the upcoming call