AFRALO Operating Principles Review Working Group Action Items
AFRALO Operating Principles Review Working Group Action Items
2021-10-15 AFRALO Operating Principles Review Working Group Action Items
- Isaac Maposa , Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong and Sarah K will clean up the document, separate the application form and will send final documents to AFRALO leadership copying AFRALO ROP members via mailing list by Tuesday October 19. AFRALO leaders will send both documents to staff with the request for translation into French.
- Once the FR documents are translated into FR, seun.ojedejiwill send the document to Silvia Vivanco to coordinate the vote with Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated) to be launched after ICANN 72.
- Isaac Maposa, Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong and Sarah K to draft a vote announcement and will send it to Silvia Vivanco.
2021-08-22 AFRALO Operating Principles Review Working Group
- Sarah K and hadia.elminiawito finalize the individual members application form and once approved will send it to Silvia Vivanco to coordinate the online application form.
- seun.ojedeji will suggest edits into the definition section of the 2017 Operating Principles document and Part II Membership so they are consistent
- Claudia Ruiz will schedule the next call for Wednesday 29 at 17:00 UTC
2021-08- 05 AFRALO Operating Principles Review Working Group
- Sarah Kto copy and edit the rules section 5.7 including the revised membership criteria
- Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated)to inquire about web form for the individual membership application on At-Large website, 2) explore Google Form option, in the meantime 3) update the current PDF (once the edits are approved by AFRALO members).
- Isaac Maposa, Sarah Kand Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong and WG members will finalize the document with today's input.
- Isaac Maposa and Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong will send the document to AFRALO's mailing list requesting comments within 3 weeks.
- Isaac Maposa and Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong will present the WG work at the next AFRALO monthly call on 1st September.
2021-07-26 AFRALO Operating Principles Review Working Group
- Sarah K and hadia.elminiawi to review the application form taking into account section 5.7 and the AFRALO rules and to include a suggestion to add a QR code and the digitalization of the form.
seun.ojedeji and hadia.elminiawi to review the section on voting rights to include election of the representative.
- Claudia Ruizto schedule the next call for Thursday August 5th at 17 UTC.
2021-07-15 AFRALO Operating Principles Review Working Group
- WG members will continue reviewing the google doc and proposing edits.
- Claudia Ruiz to send a doodle to WG members offering Tuesday 20 at, 18-19 UTC Wed 21 at 18 UTC and Thursday at 16 UTC.
2021-06-29 AFRALO Operating Principles Review Working Group call
- Claudia Ruizto send a doodle to working group members and Roberto Gaetano for a call offering from July 14, 15 16 offering 17,18, 19 UTC
- seun.ojedejito start a discussion on voting rights options for individuals on the mailing list
- Sarah Kto contact Roberto Gaetano to invite him to join the next call.
2021-06-10 AFRALO Operating Principles Review Working Group Call
- Silvia Vivanco will send the voting procedures for individuals in APRALO, NARALO and EURALO.
- seun.ojedeji will lead the discussion on voting via the mailing list
- Claudia Ruiz to schedule the next call for June 29 at 18 UTC
2021-05-26 AFRALO Operating Principles Review Working Group Call
- Sarah K, otieno.barrack Barrack and WG co-chairs to come up with a paragraph to capture Decertification. They will also look at other RALO's practice for decertification and come up with proposed text by the next call.
- Isaac Maposa to include topics termination and withdrawal process and votes in the Agenda for the next call
- Yesim Saglam Michelle DeSmyter to schedule the next WG call for Thursday 10 at 17:00 UTC.
2021-05-18 AFRALO Operating Principles Review Working Group Call
- Sarah K and hadia.elminiawi to lead the review of the Individual member application form.
- Isaac Maposa, Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong and Sarah K to share the document “ Issues under Review” with the mailing list requesting comments by May 25.
- Claudia Ruiz to schedule the next call for May 25 at 18:00 UTC.
2021-05-04 AFRALO Operating Principles Review Working Group Call
- Isaac Maposa to check with Roberto on the difference of unaffiliated individual members and individual members (affiliates to an ALS)
- Isaac Maposa , Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong, Sarah K and hadia.elminiawi will review and edit the document “Issues under Review” , taking into account the recommendations of the Unaffiliated Individuals Mobilization Working Party Report (UIM- WP)
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule the next meeting in 2 weeks, (Tuesday May 18) same day and same time.