2008-02-15 - ICANN Deployment of IPv6-Capable Services

2008-02-15 - ICANN Deployment of IPv6-Capable Services


Board requests that Staff produce a plan to implement IPv6-capable service and deploy IPv6 across ICANN's servers as part of the 2008-2009 operating budget. 


Whereas, IPv6 deployment is of growing interest for many in the Internet community.

Whereas, ICANN's Strategic Plan lists as one of its key priorities for the next three years to "monitor the depletion of IPv4 address space and provide leadership towards IPv6 adoption".

Whereas, ICANN should act as a leader in enabling IPv6 services throughout the DNS, including encouraging all providers of DNS services to implement IPv6 capability.

Whereas, IPv6 implementations are reaching a maturity of use and capability.

Whereas, five root name server operators have added IPv6 addresses to their root zone records, thus enabling native IPv6 DNS resolution.

Resolved (2008.02.15.13), the Board requests that ICANN staff produce a plan to implement IPv6-capable services, and deploy IPv6 across ICANN's infrastructure as part of the 2008-09 operating plan and budget. The Board further requests that ICANN staff provide regular feedback to the community on progress and lessons learned.

Implementation Actions

  • Produce plan to implement IPv6-capable services. 
    • Responsible entity: ICANN staff
    • Due date: None specified
    • Completion date: 12 December 2008
  • Provide regular feedback on progress and lesson learned.
    • Responsible entity: ICANN Staff
    • Due date: None specified
    • Completion date: 15-17 April 2008

Other Related Resolutions

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