2008-02-15 - ICANN Bylaws Change Request from ALAC
- Category: ICANN Structures
- Topic: Bylaws Change Request from ALAC
- Board meeting date: 15 February 2008
- Resolution number: 2008.02.15.09
- URL for Board minutes/resolution: http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/resolutions-15feb08.htm
- Status: Completed
Board modifies ICANN's bylaws to incorporate ALAC's requested changes regarding handling At-Large Structure applications.
Whereas, the At-Large Advisory Committee has proposed a revised process for handling applications for At-Large Structure applications worldwide.
Whereas, the new process will bring improvements, including by providing the Regional At-Large Organisations with an important role in evaluating applications.
Whereas, the new process will increase transparency of the consideration of applications.
Whereas, the Board directed the staff to allow the public to comment on the proposed Bylaw change .
Whereas, the public comment period began on 7th November 2007 and concluded on 2nd December 2007, and during the comment period all substantive comments received from the public were in favour of the change.
Resolved (2008.02.15.09), the Board modifies Article XI, Section 2(4)(i) of the Bylaws as posted at http://icann.org/announcements/announcement-2-07nov07.htm.
Implementation Actions
- None
- Responsible entity: Not applicable
- Due date: None specified
- Completion date: Not applicable
Other Related Resolutions
- Resolution 07.91 directing the staff to post ALAC's proposed bylaws for public comment, available at: https://wiki.icann.org/display/tap/2007-11-02+-+Review+of+Proposed+ALAC-related+Bylaws+Changes
- Other resolutions TBD
Additional Information
- Announcement requesting public comments on the proposed bylaw changes, available at the following page: http://www.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-2-07nov07.htm
- ALAC's proposed amendments were approved for inclusion in the bylaws as amended on 15 February 2008, available at: http://www.icann.org/en/general/archive-bylaws/bylaws-15feb08.htm#XI.
- Information on the ALAC and At-Large Community is available at http://www.atlarge.icann.org/.
- The resolution does not address funding for the items identified therein.
Explanatory text does not modify or override Resolutions. See Board Resolutions Page for more information.