2008-10-01 - Timing for Implementation of GNSO Improvements

2008-10-01 - Timing for Implementation of GNSO Improvements

  • Category: ICANN Structures
  • Topic: GNSO Improvements
  • Board meeting date: 1 October 2008
  • Resolution number: 2008.10.01.10, 2008.10.01.11, 2008.10.01.12, 2008.10.01.13, 2008.10.01.14, 2008.10.01.15
  • URL for Board minutes/resolution: http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/minutes-01oct08.htm
  • Status: Completed 


Board approves a four phase implementation timeline for several critical GNSO Improvements initiatives; acknowledges a new "Notice of Intent to Form a New Constituency;" and directs Staff to develop a petition/charter template as well as a streamlined process to facilitate Board approval of new Constituencies.  Further, Board reinforces principles in structuring Stakeholder Groups within the GNSO; directs Staff to develop a set of streamlined processes for formation of the four new Stakeholder Groups; and directs that plans for each group be submitted to the Board for consideration.  Board requests community input on the appropriate role and representation of individual Internet users in the GNSO, including individual commercial and non-commercial Internet users. 


It is, Resolved (2008.10.01.15), the Board amends its previous implementation timetable and directs that the transition to a new bicameral GNSO Council voting structure take place over a phased implementation schedule that begins immediately and ends in June 2009 with the seating of the new Council. The implementation phases will be as follows:

Phase 1 – GNSO Council restructuring implementation plan submitted in advance of the December 2008 Board Meeting;

Phase 2 – Existing Constituencies submit confirmation documents to the Board for review in advance of the February 2009 Board Meeting;

Phase 3 – Stakeholder Groups submit formal plans for Board approval for consideration at the ICANN Mexico City Board meeting; and

Phase 4 – Stakeholder Groups with plans approved by the Board select Council representatives, and the newly structured GNSO Council is seated by the June 2009 Asia-Pacific ICANN Meeting.

It is, Resolved (2008.10.01.10), the Board acknowledges Staff's development of the "Notice of Intent" documentation for potential new constituencies and directs Staff to develop a formal petition and charter template that will assist applicants in satisfying the formative criteria (consistent with the ICANN Bylaws) to facilitate the Board's evaluation of petitions to form new constituencies. Staff also is directed to work with the existing GNSO constituencies to design and develop a streamlined process along with appropriate mechanisms that will assist with the Board's timely recognition and approval of existing constituencies.

It is, Resolved (2008.10.01.11), the Board reinforces its support for the following principles pertaining to the formation of the new Stakeholder Groups, and requests that all constituency members and other relevant parties comply with the principles included in the BGC Working Group's GNSO Improvements Report approved by the Board in establishing the newly formed structures, including:

  • The need to better represent the wide variety of groups and individuals that compose the global ICANN community, in a structure that can change more easily with the gTLD environment and stakeholders.
  • The inclusion of new actors/participants, where applicable, and the expansion of constituencies within Stakeholder Groups, where applicable.

It is, further Resolved (2008.10.01.12), that the Board further directs Staff to work with existing constituencies to develop a set of streamlined processes (along with appropriate templates, tools, or other mechanisms) that will assist in the formation of these new Stakeholder Groups and also facilitate the Board's subsequent review and approval of those structures.

It is, Resolved (2008.10.01.13), the Board directs that plans for each of the four new Stakeholder Groups, that are consistent with the above principles, be submitted to the Board for consideration at the ICANN Mexico City Board meeting. The plans must be reviewed and approved by the Board before a newly structured GNSO Council is seated in June 2009. The Board will consider the need for interim action to fill Council seats in the event that it finds any Stakeholder Group plans to be deficient or delayed.

It is, Resolved (2008.10.01.14), The Board requests additional community dialogue and input on the appropriate role and representation of individual Internet users, including individual commercial and non-commercial Internet users, in the GNSO. Input from the GNSO, the ALAC and At-Large community, and any relevant applicants for new constituencies, would be particularly helpful and should address the inclusion of registrants and individual users in the GNSO in a manner that compliments the ALAC and its supporting structures, and ensures that registrants' and individual Internet users' gTLD interests are effectively represented within the GNSO.

Implementation Actions

  • Deliver Implementation Plan to the Board.
    • Responsible entity:  GNSO Council
    • Due date: December 2008
    • Completion date: 5 December 2008
  • Submit confirmation documents to the Board. 
    • Responsible entity:  Constituencies
    • Due date: February 2009
    • Completion date: February 2009
  • Submit formal plans to the Board.
    • Responsible entity:  Stakeholders
    • Due date: March 2009
    • Completion date: June 2009
  • Seat new GNSO Council.
    • Responsible entity: GNSO Council
    • Due date: June 2008
    • Completion date: 28 October 2009 
  • Develop a petition/charter template.
    • Responsible entity: ICANN Policy Staff
    • Due date: None provided
    • Completion date: 15 October 2008
  • Develop streamlined processes to assist formation of the new Stakeholder Groups.
    • Responsible entity: ICANN Policy Staff
    • Due date: None provided
    • Completion date: 28 October 2008
  • Provide input on the appropriate role and representation of individual Internet users in the GNSO.
    • Responsible entity: ICANN Community
    • Due date: None provided 
    • Completion date: 28 November 2008

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Additional Information

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