2008-06-26 - Approval of BGC Recommendations on GNSO Improvements

2008-06-26 - Approval of BGC Recommendations on GNSO Improvements


Board endorses BGC Working Group's GNSO Improvements Report, but commissions separate Working Group to make recommendations related to restructuring GNSO Council.

Whereas, Article IV, Section 4 of ICANN's Bylaws calls for periodic reviews of the performance and operation of ICANN's structures by an entity or entities independent of the organization under review.

Whereas, the Board created the "Board Governance Committee GNSO Review Working Group" (Working Group) to consider the independent review of the GNSO and other relevant input, and recommend to the Board Governance Committee a comprehensive proposal to improve the effectiveness of the GNSO, including its policy activities, structure, operations and communications.

Whereas, the Working Group engaged in extensive public consultation and discussions, considered all input, and developed a final report <http://www.icann.org/topics/gnso-improvements/gnso-improvements-report-03feb08.pdf > containing a comprehensive and exhaustive list of proposed recommendations on GNSO improvements.

Whereas, the Board Governance Committee determined that the GNSO Improvements working group had fulfilled its charter and forwarded the final report to the Board for consideration.

Whereas, a public comment forum was held open for 60 days to receive, consider and summarize <http://forum.icann.org/lists/gnso-improvements-report-2008/msg00033.html > public comments on the final report.

Whereas, the GNSO Council and Staff have worked diligently over the past few months to develop a top-level plan for approaching the implementation of the improvement recommendations, as requested by the Board at its New Delhi meeting.

Whereas, ICANN has a continuing need for a strong structure for developing policies that reflect to the extent possible a consensus of all stakeholders in the community including ICANN's contracted parties.

Resolved (2008.06.26.13), the Board endorses the recommendations of the Board Governance Committee's GNSO Review Working Group, other than on GNSO Council restructuring, and requests that the GNSO convene a small working group on Council restructuring including one representative from the current NomCom appointees, one member from each constituency and one member from each liaison-appointing advisory committee (if that advisory committee so desires), and that this group should reach consensus and submit a consensus recommendation on Council restructuring by no later than 25 July 2008 for consideration by the ICANN Board as soon as possible, but no later than the Board's meeting in August 2008.

Implementation Actions

  • Form and submit recommendation to Board.
    • Responsible entity: Working Group on GNSO Council Restructuring (WG-GCR)
    • Due date: August 2008 Board meeting
    • Completion date: 25 July 2008

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