2001-11-15 - Restructuring Committee

2001-11-15 - Restructuring Committee

Board establishes the Committee of the Board on Restructuring and appoints chairs and members to the new committee.

Whereas there is ongoing considerable discussion in the ICANN community, including a number of the DNSO constituencies, about the desirability of possible changes in the structure of ICANN, including consideration of possible new Supporting Organizations and changes in the composition of the ICANN Board;

Whereas the ongoing evaluation of the ALSC Final Report also implicates issues of ICANN structure and Board composition;

Whereas some in the community believe that it would be useful, in the context of these discussions, to reaffirm and clarify ICANN's limited mission for technical management and administration of the DNS, administration of Internet address space, and administration of technical protocol identifiers;

Whereas it would be desirable to have a Committee of the Board that is responsible for monitoring these discussions, and for evaluating and making recommendations to the Board on any specific proposals;

Resolved [01.132] that a Committee of the Board is hereby established, to be known as the Committee on Restructuring, to monitor and provide reports to the Board on these issues, and to evaluate and make recommendations to the Board concerning any specific proposals or applications to the Board that would or could affect the structure of ICANN or the composition of the Board;

Further resolved [01.133] that Alejandro Pisanty is appointed the Chair, and that Lyman Chapin, Phil Davidson, Hans Kraaijenbrink, and Nii Quaynor are appointed members, of the Committee on Restructuring; and

Further resolved [01.134] that the President is directed to take such steps as he deems appropriate to bring to the Board for its review and approval recommendations for how best to reaffirm and clarify the nature and scope of ICANN's limited mission.

Implementation Actions

  • Take steps to bring to the Board for its review and approval recommendations for how best to reaffirm and clarify the nature and scope of ICANN's limited mission. 
    • Responsible entity: President
    • Due date: None provided
    • Completion date: 2003

Other Related Resolutions

  • The Restructuring Committee was converted to the Committee on Evolution and Reform, at resolution 02.20.

Additional Information

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