2001-03-13 - Proposed Revision to VeriSign Agreements

2001-03-13 - Proposed Revision to VeriSign Agreements

Board requests all members of the Internet community to comment on the proposed to the VerisSign agreements and directs the staff ro maintain a web-based public comment forum.  

Whereas, a proposal has been presented to the Board for various revisions in the agreements among ICANN, Network Solutions, Inc., and the United States Department of Commerce that were approved on 4 November 1999 in resolutions 99.132 and 99.133 and were signed on 10 November 1999;

Whereas, the Board intends to consider what action, if any, to take on this proposal in its meeting to be scheduled for 2 April 2001 at a time to be confirmed;

It is therefore

Resolved [01.22] that the Board requests all members of the Internet community, including the Names Council and any of the constituencies and other participants in the Domain Name Supporting Organization, to provide comments on the substantive merits of the proposal no later than 31 March 2001;

Resolved [01.23] that the staff is directed to maintain through that date a web-based public comment forum for the purpose of receiving such comments.

Implementation Actions

  • Place proposed revisions to VeriSign agreements on web-based public comment forum. 
    • Responsible entity: ICANN staff
    • Due date: 2 April 2001
    • Completion date: 1 April 2001

Other Related Resolutions

Additional Information

 Explanatory text does not modify or override Resolutions.  See Board Resolutions Page for more information.

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