2001-06-04 - Revision of Registrar Application and Accreditation Fees

2001-06-04 - Revision of Registrar Application and Accreditation Fees

Board revises registrar application and accreditation fees.

Whereas, in resolution 99.16 the Board approved the charging of an application of US$1000 fee for those seeking to be accredited as registrars in the .com, .net, and .org top-level domains and a US$ 5000 fixed component of the accreditation fee for those registrars;

Whereas, on 17 April 2001 ICANN posted on its web site a proposal to change those registrar application fees and annual registrar fixed accreditation fees, with a detailed explanation of the nature of the change being proposed and the reasons for it;

Whereas, since then an online public comment forum for comments on the proposal, at which members of the public can see the comments of others and reply to them;

Whereas, on 3 June 2001 a public forum was held in Stockholm at which the proposed fees were discussed;

Whereas, the Board has carefully considered the comments received;

Resolved [01.65] that the fee for making an application to be accredited by ICANN as a registrar shall be US$ 2500, without regard to the number of top-level domains for which accreditation is sought, for applications submitted on or after 1 July 2001; and

Resolved [01.66] that the fixed fee for accreditation for registrars accredited under agreements signed after 17 May 2001 shall be US$4,000 annually for the first top-level domain in which they are accredited to perform registrar services and US$500 for each additional top-level domain.

Implementation Actions

  • Revise registrar application and accreditation fees.
    • Responsible entity: ICANN Finance Department
    • Due date: Not applicable
    • Completion date: 1 July 2001

Other Related Resolutions

Additional Information

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