2001-11-15 - Geographic and Geopolitical Names in .info

2001-11-15 - Geographic and Geopolitical Names in .info

Board accepts President's Proposed Action Plan and President's recommendations of individuals to be appointed to discussion group; authorizes President to invite additional individuals to participate in discussion group.

Whereas in resolution 01.93 the President was directed to propose to the Board an action plan for rapid analysis of the technical and other issues related geographic and geopolitical names in .info;

Whereas on 11 October 2001 the Names Council adopted a resolution commenting on this issue, and on 26 October 2001 the Governmental Advisory Committee submitted additional commentary, both of which have been posted;

Whereas the Proposed Action Plan was presented to the Board and posted on the ICANN website on 9 October 2001;

Resolved [01.121] that the President's Proposed Action Plan is accepted by the Board;

Further resolved [01.122] that the Board accepts the President's recommendation that the following individuals be appointed to a discussion group, as contemplated in Point 2 of the Proposed Action Plan: Vint Cerf (Chair), Rob Blokzijl, Alejandro Pisanty, Nii Quaynor, Amadeu Abril i Abril, Paul Twomey, Christopher Wilkinson, Len St. Aubin, Mohd Sharil Tarmizi, Antenor C. V. Correa, Keith Besgrove, Susanne Maedrich, and Amy Page.

Further resolved [01.123] that the Board authorizes the President to invite additional individuals to participate in the discussion group to the extent he thinks appropriate, and to invite input from the DNSO and other interested parties within the Internet community.

Implementation Actions

  • None
    • Responsible entity: None
    • Due date: None provided
    • Completion date: None

Other Related Resolutions

  • Resolutions other than those identified in the Resolution are TBD.

Additional Information

  • See the Proposed Action Plan identified within the resolutions.
  • The resolution does not address funding for the items identified therein.

Explanatory text does not modify or override Resolutions.  See Board Resolutions Page for more information.

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