2001-06-04 - Referral of .org Issues to DNSO

2001-06-04 - Referral of .org Issues to DNSO

Board refers certain matters to the DNSO to develop policies to assist in the orderly selection of a successor entity to operate the .org TLD as part of the transition of the .org TLD from Verisign as required by Verisign's registry agreement.

Whereas, on 25 May 2001 ICANN entered into a new registry agreement with VeriSign, Inc. for the .org top-level domain;

Whereas, under that agreement VeriSign's operation of the .org top-level domain will terminate on 31 December 2002, at which time the operation will be turned over to an entity designated by ICANN;

Whereas, before the transition to operation of the .org top-level domain by the new entity can occur, it will be necessary to designate or establish an appropriate entity, to fashion its legal relationship with ICANN, to develop any necessary policies for the entity's operation, and to allow the entity to set up its business operations;

Whereas, it is the Board's goal that these activities be completed in an orderly manner and in time to permit transfer of operational responsibilities for .org on the contracted schedule;

Whereas, meeting this goal will require early planning and policy development;

Whereas, the Board considers that the designation of a successor registry for the .org top-level domain involves policy issues concerning the domain-name system that should be referred to the Domain Name Supporting Organization for its consideration and recommendations;

Whereas, under Subsection 5.1.4 of the current .org registry agreement VeriSign must contribute a US$ 5,000,000 endowment to be used to fund future operating costs of a non-profit entity, if one is designated by ICANN as successor operator;

Whereas, the Board notes that the availability of this endowment should be considered in developing policy for the future operation of the .org top-level domain;

Whereas, the Board urges that consideration be given to the positive effects on stability of assuring the ability of present registrants to continue their registrations;

Resolved [01.71] that the Board refers to the Names Council for its consideration the issues raised by the scheduled transition of the operation of the .org top-level domain from VeriSign to a new entity, including at least:(a) whether to select an existing entity to succeed VeriSign as responsible for operation of the .org TLD, or to establish a new entity;

(b) the characteristics of the entity to be selected or established;

(c) selection criteria for the entity or its organizers;

(d) principles governing its relationship with ICANN (sponsored or unsponsored TLD, term of operation, etc.); and

(e) policies for the entity's operation of the .org top-level domain (to the extent they are not to be established by the entity).
Further resolved [01.72] that the Names Council is requested to provide a report on its progress on the issues referred by resolution 01.71, including any policy recommendations it has developed, no later than 12 October 2001; and

Further resolved [01.73] that the report will then be posted for public comment in advance of ICANN's third annual meeting in November 2001.

Implementation Actions

  • Consider the issues raised by the transition of the .org registry, including, whether to select an existing entity or to establish a new entity.
    • Responsible entity: DNSO
    • Due date: 12 October 2001
    • Completion date: 5 February 2002
  • Report on its progress, and seek public comment on the Report.
    • Responsible entity: DNSO
    • Due date: November 2001
    • Completion date: 5 February 2002

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