2002-10-31 - Internationalized Domain Names

2002-10-31 - Internationalized Domain Names

Board resolves to continue the IDN Committee and directs preparation of charter for new committee to address implementation issues.

Whereas, the Internationalized Domain Name Committee was established by resolution 01.94 to serve as a general coordination body for the work on policy issues related to Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs);

Whereas, the IDN Committee has issued a series of reports and recommendations regarding IDNs and related issues;

Whereas, earlier this month the Internet Engineering Steering Group approved the publication of three Proposed Standards defining an application-level mechanism for IDNs;

Whereas, technical analysis has shown that the IDN standards are not sufficient to limit collisions, confusion, and other potentially damaging side-effects stemming from the unrestrained potential to register IDNs using arbitrary characters available in the UNICODE encoding system;

Whereas, there remains a variety of other unresolved issues and potential problems associated with the use of IDN-based identifiers;

Whereas, deployment of IDNs before these issues are addressed raises serious operational and other concerns;

Whereas, under resolution 02.89, the IDN Committee is currently scheduled to formally terminate at the conclusion of the ICANN meeting in Shanghai;

Resolved [02.118] that the IDN Committee is continued until the conclusion of the 2002 ICANN annual meeting;

Resolved [02.119] that the President and the Chair of the IDN Committee are directed to prepare a proposed charter and list of members for a new committee to address IDN implementation issues, for presentation to the Board at the 2002 ICANN annual meeting.

Implementation Actions

  • Prepare proposed charter and membership for new committee to address IDN implementation issues.
    • Responsible entity: President, IDN Committee Chair
    • Due date: 15 December 2002
    • Completion date: Superseded by Resolution 02.153

Other Related Resolutions

Additional Information

  • The resolution does not address funding for the items identified herein.

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