2002-04-22 - .org Reassignment

2002-04-22 - .org Reassignment

Board establishes target schedule (subject to change by Board) for requesting, receiving, and evaluating proposals; sets tentative examination fee for proposals.


Whereas, in resolutions 02.36 through 02.39 the Board directed the President to make arrangements for soliciting proposals from organizations seeking to succeed VeriSign, Inc. as the operator of the registry for the .org top-level domain;

Whereas, the the President has recommended a detailed schedule for the submission and consideration of proposals and for the establishment of a fee arrangement;

Resolved [02.57] that the following target schedule is established for requesting, receiving, and evaluating proposals to succeed VeriSign, Inc., as the registry operator for the .org top-level domain:1 May 2002 - Posting of draft Request for Proposal (RFP) materials for Names Council comment and for applicants to begin working on their proposals

13 May 2002 - DNSO Names Council to provide ICANN Secretary any comment on the posted materials

13 May 2002 - Deadline for prospective applicants to submit written questions regarding the draft RFP

20 May 2002 - Final RFP materials posted

24 May 2002 - Written questions from prospective applicants posted with responses

18 June 2002 - Deadline for submission of applications, with tentatively established examination fee to be paid

27 June 2002 - Proposals to be discussed Bucharest ICANN Public Forum. Applicants to make presentations.

28 June 2002 - Board to finally establish examination fee

22 July 2002 - Posting of draft staff report; responses invited

1 August 2002 - Deadline for applicant responses to draft staff report

8 August 2002 - Posting of Final Staff Report and Recommendation

Late August 2002 - Board decision on selection
Resolved [02.58] that the above schedule may be adjusted by future Board resolution or by action of the President to the extent circumstances warrant;

Resolved [02.59] that the President shall require that an examination fee, in the tentative amount of US$35,000, be submitted with each application, with the understanding that at the Bucharest meeting the Board will finally establish the examination fee, not to exceed that amount, with rebates to be made if the final examination fee is less than the tentative examination fee established in this resolution.

Implementation Actions

  • Put into action President's proposed schedule for application and selection of operator of registry for .org TLD.
    • Responsible entity: ICANN Staff, President, DNSO Names Council, and Board
    • Due date: August 2002
    • Completion date: October 2002
  • Finalize examination fee.
    • Responsible entity: Board
    • Due date: At Bucharest meeting
    • Completion date: 28 June 2002

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