2002-10-31 - Evolution and Reform

2002-10-31 - Evolution and Reform


Board adopts the proposed new bylaws as the new bylaws of the Corporation, and continues the term and membership of the Evolution and Reform Committee until adoption of the Transition Article.


Whereas, the ICANN Evolution and Reform Committee has developed a proposed new set of bylaws for the Corporation;

Whereas, these proposed new bylaws were posted for public review and comment on 2 October 2002;

Whereas, minor modifications to these proposed new bylaws were posted on 23 October 2002 in response to comments received;

Whereas, these proposed new bylaws were the subject of discussion in the open Public Forum held in Shanghai, China on 30 October 2002;

Whereas, these proposed new bylaws were further adjusted in response to the comments received during the Public Forum as attached in Appendix A;

Whereas, the Evolution and Reform Committee plans to submit for the Board's approval (i) a proposed additional Article of the bylaws (the "Transition Article") that will govern the transition to the structure, policies, processes, and procedures contemplated in the proposed new bylaws, as well as (ii) proposed new or revised provisions concerning Regional Internet Registries and ccTLD registries;

Resolved [02.116] that the ICANN Board adopts the proposed new bylaws as attached in Appendix A as the new bylaws of the Corporation, such proposed new bylaws to become effective upon adoption of the Transition Article;

Further resolved [02.117] that the term and membership of the Evolution and Reform Committee is continued until the Transition Article has been adopted.

Implementation Actions

  • None 
    • Responsible entity: None
    • Due date: None provided
    • Completion date: None

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