2002-03-14 - Evolution and Reform Committee
- Category: ICANN Structures
- Topic: Evolution and Reform Committee
- Board meeting date: 14 March 2002
- Resolution number: 02.20, 02.21, 02.22, 02.23, 02.24, 02.25, 02.26
- URL for Board minutes/resolution: http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/prelim-report-14mar02.htm
- Status: Completed
Board changes name of the Committee on Restructuring to the Evolution and Reform Committee. Board instructs the Committee to report to the Board its recommendations and a timeline for structural change as specified and with consideration of the public's input.
Whereas, a Committee on Restructuring ("Committee"), presently consisting of Alejandro Pisanty (Chair), Lyman Chapin, Phil Davidson, Hans Kraaijenbrink, and Nii Quaynor, was established by the Board in resolution 01.132;
Whereas, a more appropriate name for this Committee would be the Committee on ICANN Evolution and Reform;
Whereas, the ICANN President has published a Report describing current issues facing ICANN and recommending various reforms to deal with those issues;
Whereas, the ICANN staff has posted a document describing the current activities of ICANN as a contribution to the ongoing dialogue concerning ICANN's mission;
Whereas, the Committee is responsible for monitoring community discussion on the full range of ICANN reform topics, and for evaluating and making recommendations to the Board concerning any specific proposals for reforming ICANN structures and procedures, including the President's Report noted above;
Whereas, it is important that steady and real progress be made toward resolving the various reform issues now under discussion in the ICANN community, and that a proposed blueprint and timetable for the implementation of any such reforms be available for Board action at its Bucharest meeting in June, and for public review and comment prior to that meeting;
Therefore it is resolved [02.20] that the name of this Board Committee is changed to the Committee on ICANN Evolution and Reform;
Resolved [02.21] that the Committee is instructed to report to the Board its recommendations for a framework for the structure and functioning of a reformed ICANN, and a timetable for implementing that framework, no later than 31 May 2002, so that it can be considered by the Board at its upcoming meeting in Bucharest on 28 June 2002;
Resolved [02.22] the Committee is instructed that this framework and timetable should include recommendations dealing with the following: first and foremost, a list of essential functions of ICANN, and a proposed mission statement for ICANN;
ensuring that ICANN decisionmaking takes proper account of the public interest in its activities;
meaningful participation and input from informed Internet users participating through an At Large mechanism, as described in resolution 02.17;
the structured participation of all stakeholders in the organization's deliberations and decision making, and in providing input for policy that guides the decisions;
the ways the different components of any proposed structure will function together and interact;
the system of checks and balances that will ensure both the effectiveness and the openness of the organization.
the ways in and conditions under which essential components of any proposed structure that may not be able to be fully incorporated at the start of the reform process will be included when appropriate; and
a description of a proposed transition process from the current structure to any recommended new structure, including a description of how the present components of ICANN relate to the new proposed structure, and the anticipated timetable for that transition;
Resolved [02.23] that the Board strongly encourages comments and suggestions relating to ICANN evolution and reform from all stakeholders to the Committee as soon as possible, and encourages the Committee to inform the community as soon as possible of any deadlines for such input;
Resolved [02.24] that the Committee should consider all input from the community through the forums established by the President and other public forums, and is encouraged to consult any parties that express themselves through such forums, or through correspondence directed to the committee's email address, where the Committee determines that it requires clarifications or further input from specific stakeholders;
Resolved [02.25] that the Committee should work closely with the President and staff throughout this process; and
Resolved [02.26] that the Committee is instructed to ensure that any recommendations to be considered by the Board at its meeting in Bucharest on 28 June 2002 are posted for public review and comment no later than 31 May 2002.
Implementation Actions
- Report to the Board its recommendations and a timeline for structural change.
- Responsible entity: Evolution and Reform Committee
- Due date: 31 May 2002
- Completion date: 31 May 2002
- Consider public input on recommendations and post them for public review.
- Responsible entity: Evolution and Reform Committee
- Due date: 31 May 2002
- Completion date: 31 May 2002
Other Related Resolutions
- Resolutions 01.132 through 01.134 created the Committee: http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/prelim-report-15nov01.htm.
- Resolution 02.75 adopted the Committee's Blueprint for Reform: http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/minutes-28jun02.htm.
- Resolutions 02.76 through 02.80 called for the further implementation of the Blueprint for Reform with cooperation among the Committee, President, Board, and community: http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/minutes-28jun02.htm.
- Other resolutions TBD.
Additional Information
- A copy of the President's Report on the Case for Reform is available at: http://www.icann.org/en/general/lynn-reform-proposal-24feb02.htmhttp://www.icann.org/en/committees/evol-reform/.
- A copy of the Blueprint for Reform is available at: http://www.icann.org/en/committees/evol-reform/blueprint-20jun02.htm.
- The work of the Committee for Evolution and Reform can be found here: http://icann.org/en/committees/evol-reform/ .
- The resolution does not address funding for the items identified therein.
Explanatory text does not modify or override Resolutions. See Board Resolutions Page for more information.