2002-06-28 - .org Application Fees Rebates
- Category: gTLDs
- Topic: .org Application Fees Rebates
- Board meeting date: 28 June 2002
- Resolution number: 02.85
- URL for Board minutes/resolution: http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/prelim-report-28jun02.htm
- Status: Completed
Board establishes final examination fee of US$29,000.
Whereas, the Board of Directors at its 22 April 2002 meeting established a tentative examination fee of US$35,000 in connection with proposals for transfer of the .org registry;
Whereas, the Board stated that it would finally establish the examination fee, not to exceed US$35,000, at its Bucharest meeting with rebates to be made if the final examination fee is less than the tentative examination fee;
Whereas, the President has analyzed the financial costs in relation to the revenues actually received, and concluded that the final examination fee could be set at US$29,000 and still recover anticipated costs;
Whereas, this final examination fee and the revenues derived therefrom would not provide for any potential litigation costs;
Resolved [02.85] that the Board establishes the final examination fee to be US$29,000 and instructs the President to rebate the US$6,000 per applicant.
Implementation Actions
- Rebate US$6,000 to each applicant.
- Responsible entity: President
- Due date: None provided
- Completion date: 2002
Other Related Resolutions
- Resolutions 01.72 and 01.73 - Referral of .org reassignment matter to DNSO to develop policies for selection of successor entity to operate .org TLD: http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/prelim-report-04jun01.htm
- Resolutions 02.36, 02.37, 02.38, and 02.39 - Directing President to request proposals for reassignment of .org, present to Board proposal for application fee levels, review applications and assemble report on applications: http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/prelim-report-14mar02.htm
- Resolution 02.58 and 02.59 - Establishing target schedule (subject to change by Board) for requesting, receiving, and evaluating proposals; set tentative examination fee for proposals: http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/prelim-report-22apr02.htm
- Resolutions 02.110, 02.111, 02.112, 02.113, 02.144, and 02.115 - Proposal of Internet Society selected for negotiations to become successor operator of .org: http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/prelim-report-14oct02.htm
- Other resolutions TBD
Additional Information
- 7 January 2003 Advisory Concerning .org Transition
- 9 December 2002 IANA Report on Redelegation of the .org Top-Level Domain
- 3 December 2002 .org Agreement Signed; Transition Plans Announced
- 24 October 2002 Proposed ICANN-PIR .org Registry Agreement Posted
- 14 October 2002 ICANN Board Selects New .org Registry Operator
- For further information regarding .org Reassignment (Request for Proposals, Criteria for Assessing Proposals, Index to Applications, ICANN Public Forum, Public Comments, and Evaluation), see Meeting Minutes 14 October 2002: http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/prelim-report-14oct02.htm
- ICANN Accra Meeting on Reassignment of .org TLD, posted 26 February 2002: http://www.icann.org/en/meetings/accra/org-topic.htm
- ICANN Stockholm Meeting on Referral of .org Issues to DNSO, posted 3 June 2001: http://www.icann.org/en/meetings/stockholm/org-topic.htm
- ICANN Public Comment Forum on Reassignment of .org TLD: http://forum.icann.org/org/
- May 2001 Registry Agreement with VeriSign, Inc. providing that VeriSign will cease being the registry operator for .org top-level domain as of 31 December 2002: http://www.icann.org/en/tlds/agreements/verisign/org-index.htm
- .org Registry Agreement: http://www.icann.org/en/tlds/agreements/org/
- The resolution does not address funding for the items identified therein.
Explanatory text does not modify or override Resolutions. See Board Resolutions Page for more information.