16 June @11:00 UTC
Members: Souleyamane Oumtanaga, Peter Vergote, Alejandra Reynoso, Abibu Ntahigiye, Debbie Monahan, Katrina Sataki, Hiro Hotta, Stephen Deerhake, Nigel Roberts, Margarita Valdes (10)
NomCom/Observers/Liasons/Regional Organizations: Christelle Vaval, Ron Sherwood, Maureen Hilard
Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Kim Carlson, Joke braeken
Apologies: Peter Van Roste, Demi Getschko, Byron Holland
Did not attend - no apology sent: Vika Mpisane, Young-Eum Lee
- Draft Agenda ccNSO Council Meeting 16 June 2016 v2.docx
- Draft Agenda ccNSO Council Meeting 16 June 2016 v2.pdf
Minutes: Council Minutes 16 June.pdf
- Item 7.1 agenda 16 June 2016 Guideline CSC.pdf
- Item 8 -16 June 2016 Council meeting Council paper Decisions needed on ccNSO PDP.docx
- Item 8 -16 June 2016 Council meeting Council paper Decisions needed on ccNSO PDP.pdf
- Item 14 Council meeting 16 June 2016 Monthly overview Work plan FY 16-18 June 2016.docx
- Item 14 Council meeting 16 June 2016 Monthly overview Work plan FY 16-18 June 2016.pdf
- ALAC Liaison Report June 16th 2016.pdf
- 201606 GNSO Update.pdf
Chat transcript:
Kimberly Carlson:Hi Christelle
Christelle Vaval:Hi Kim
Kimberly Carlson:Hello Souleymane
Kimberly Carlson:Welcome Peter
Peter Vergote (.be):Hi Kim
Kimberly Carlson:Good morning Ron
Ron Sherwood:Good morning all
Kimberly Carlson:Good early morning Alejandra
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):Good morning ;)
Christelle Vaval:Good Morning!
abibu (.tz):hello all good afternoon from TZ.
Joke Braeken:hello everybody
Debbie:I will say good evening
abibu (.tz):hello sounds to be a generic greeting. hello all.
HH:Hi, all
souleymane:hello all
Katrina Sataki:Hello everyone!
Kimberly Carlson:welcome all
HH:I mean, HH is Hiro Hotta
souleymane:yes i am ready
Joke Braeken:Being kind to everyone Abibu :)
Stephen Deerhake:Good morning.
Kimberly Carlson:we had the operator mute
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):Shall we fill the survey too? ;)
Kimberly Carlson:Abibu/Soulemane *7 to unmute
abibu (.tz):ok kim.
abibu (.tz):in favor
souleymane:i am ok
HH:I just say 'for'
Peter Vergote (.be):second
souleymane:no question
abibu (.tz):ok
Stephen Deerhake:Mine is a postivie vote. Just dropped off .
abibu (.tz):noise and echo
Stephen Deerhake:There is an application form in the Guideline.
Stephen Deerhake:We did not address specific weighting.
Stephen Deerhake:There is no disqualification of a candidate simply because they come from a ccTLD Registry that also provides back-end services for a gTLD.
Debbie:not so much the back end but if they set policy, run the operations etc
Debbie:you could have the same person apply through both the g and cc channel
Bart Boswinkel:To date is is not a disqualifying argument to nbecome members
Debbie:I'm not bothered
Debbie:it is just that this will become an increasing issue
Debbie:I have the same issue re a GAC and cc rep when the govt runs the cc
Stephen Deerhake:Debbie, you raise a good point. I don't think that V1 of the Guideline covers all possible instances; it is intended to get us through the time crunch to get the CSC up and running ASAP with some structure behind the process.
Debbie:happy with the guidelines as a first position
Stephen Deerhake:Thank you Debbie.
abibu (.tz):second
Bart Boswinkel:In addition to first point,This is alo one of te reasons to for coordination
Bart Boswinkel:between ccNSO and RySG and later with GNSO
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):I like the selection committee and full council aproval (option B)
Peter Vergote (.be):Working with selection committee seems the most efficient way
abibu (.tz):i prefer selection committee
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):consult only
Peter Vergote (.be):Agree with Alejandra, Council should have final say
Debbie:council should be accountable
Stephen Deerhake:Just pointing out that having full Council make the final decision will cause delay regardless of whether we use email or try to round up enough members for a call.
Stephen Deerhake:Council making the final call seems to carry the day. This works for me.
Debbie:if we make that decision then we have to make it work
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):Agree with Debbie ;)
Stephen Deerhake:Bart, if we vote via email is there a minimum # of votes that we need to receive (either yes or no) for the election to count?
Bart Boswinkel:Majority
Bart Boswinkel:of Council presnet
Bart Boswinkel:so that is full
Stephen Deerhake:No requirement that we have to have 50% +1 council member email a vote in?
Bart Boswinkel:but by email you need a
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):yes
Bart Boswinkel:weel to allow everybody to chime in
abibu (.tz):mandate issue in Helsink - yes
abibu (.tz):agree with Bart appointment as Issue Manager.
Kimberly Carlson:Agenda is scrollable
Joke Braeken:nothing from me, thank you
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):Thank you! :) Have a great day!
Margarita Valdes:bye
Kimberly Carlson:Bye everyone
abibu (.tz):thank u so much and bye
Ron Sherwood:Thank yopu all, Bye for now
Peter Vergote (.be):Thank you all and looking forward to see many of you in Helsinki
Christelle Vaval:bye
Katrina Sataki:thank you