Council Decisions
No | Resolution |
RESOLUTION 159-01 | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED to select and appoint Katrina Sataki (.lv, EU region) as chair of the ccNSO for a one year term starting at the end of ICANN67 and ending at the end of ICANN70. |
RESOLUTION 159-02 | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED to select and appoint:
as Vice- Chairs of the ccNSO for a one year term starting at the end of ICANN67 and ending at the end of ICANN70. |
RESOLUTION 158-01 | The ccNSO Council adopts the joint ccNSO- GNSO Special IANA Function Review Guideline version 1, as presented to Council. The ccNSO Council request the GRC to develop related procedures with respect to the Special IANA Function Review. The Chair of the ccNSO is requested to inform the Chair of the GNSO Council of the adoption by the Council as soon as this decision becomes effective. The Secretariat is requested to post this resolution and the adopted Guideline as soon as possible. |
RESOLUTION 158-02 | The ccNSO Council appoints Katrina Sataki (chair and EU), Pablo Rodiguez (NA), Hiro Hotta (AP), Margarita Valdes ( LAC), Abdalla Omari ( AF) and Laura Margolis (NomCom) and Marie-Noémie Marques (NomCom) as the PDP Launch oversight committee that will oversee the work of the Issue Manager to ensure an adequate definition of the issues at stake and progress of the drafting effort. The PDP Launch committee will be appointed up and until the draft Issue Report has been submitted to the ccNSO Council. |
RESOLUTION 158-03 | In light of the need to change Article 10 and Annex B of the ICANN Bylaws as foreseen under ccPDP2 to lift the barriers for IDNccTLD Managers to become members of the ccNSO if they choose to do so and to address the issue identified by the ccPDP3 Retirement Working Group, the ccNSO Council adopts the 22 January 2020 version of the letter to the ICANN Board of Directors and request its Chair to send it on behalf of Council. This decision becomes effective 7 days after its publication on the ccNSO website. |
RESOLUTION 157-01 | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the Council Election Report FY 2020, notes the observations, and thanks Joke Braeken for her work as Election Process Manager. By this adoption the election process 2020 is closed. The ccNSO Council congratulates the elected candidates:
RESOLUTION 157-01 | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO request the secretariat to prepare and send out a call for volunteers for membership of the Meeting Program Committee by mid- January 2020 |
RESOLUTION 157-01 | After call for volunteers to Council the following Councillors volunteered:
THE CCNSO RESOLVED TO appoint both as ccNSO appointee to ICANN's Ethos Award Panel 2020. The chair is requested to inform relevant ICANN staff accordingly |
RESOLUTION 157-01 | The ccNSO Council has taken notice of and confirms the amended schedule and timeline of ccNSO PDP 3 version 3, as proposed by the PDP Issue Manager and request the Issue Manager to launch the call for volunteers as foreseen in the updated schedule and timeline. |
RESOLUTION 156-01 | The ccNSO Council adopts all resolutions under items 4, 5, and 6 of its 6 November 2019 consent agenda and takes item 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 as discussed and read at this Council meeting. View resolutions on the Council agenda: |
RESOLUTION 156-02 | In accordance with section 6.1 (a) and Annex D section 1.4 (a) the ccNSO Council as one of the Decisional Participants, APPROVES the amendment of section 18.7 as proposed. This decision becomes effective 7 days after publication of this resolution on the ccNSO website. The chair of the ccNSO is requested to notify the Empowered Community Administration in writing of this decision as soon as possible and forward this notice to the Secretary. |
RESOLUTION 156-03 | Decision The ccNSO Council requests its Triage Committee, with support of the secretariat to prepare a workplan and suggest priorities to implement the most relevant Areas for improvement of the ccNSO change. Areas of improvement are the combination of ccNSO review recommendations and suggestions and related relevant WS 2 CCWG Accountability recommendations. The Committee is also requested to report back by the February Council meeting, in time for the next Council workshop and face -to – face meeting in Cancun. Decision The ccNSO Council requests all working group and committees, with exception of the PDP Retirement WG, to review their charters or terms of reference, and if necessary suggest changes. In reviewing the charters or terms of reference, the groups are specifically requested to review
The Chair of the Council is requested to inform the chairs of the working group and committees. |
RESOLUTION 156-04 | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO request all working group and committees, with exception of the PDP Retirement WG, to review their charters or terms of reference, and if necessary suggest changes. In reviewing the charters or terms of reference, the groups are specifically requested to review
RESOLUTION 155-01 | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt The Guideline: ccNSO Procedure for the Exercise of the Empowered Community's Rights to Approve Specified Actions version 9, as submitted for this Council meeting. The Guideline will become effective 7 days after publication on the ccNSO Website. For avoidance of doubt, the Guideline, once effective shall not apply to the currently running Approval Action Procedure to amend section 18.7 of the ICANN Bylaws. |
RESOLUTION 154-01 | The ccNSO Council was informed that Frederico Neves ( .br) was nominated as cochair of the first IANA Function review team (IFRT) by chair's email of 5 September 2019. THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED confirmation appointment of Frederico as ccNSO appointed cochair to the IFRT, and request the secretariat to inform relevant staff of ICANN Org and the ccNSO appointed IFRT members of the appointment |
RESOLUTION 153-01 | The ccNSO Council adopts the FY 2020 NomCom Selection Report on the selection of the FY 2020 ccNSO appointed member to the NomCom. The Council congratulates Annebeth Lange with her appointment and thanks the previous appointee Pablo Rodriguez (.pr) for his two years of service on the NomCom and also thanks the other candidates who expressed interest to serve as appointee to the NomCom. The Secretariat is requested to publish the report on the ccNSO website |
RESOLUTION 153-02 | Following the call for expression of interest (15 July – _9 August 2019) Peter Koch (.de) volunteered to serve for a second term on the Root Zone Evolution Review Committee (RZERC) and was the only candidate. The ccNSO Council appoints Peter Koch as ccNSO appointee, and the chair is requested to ensure RZERC is informed accordingly. |
RESOLUTION 153-03 | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the amended Guideline: ccNSO Selection procedure Boards seats 11 and 12, which will become effective seven (7) days after publication on the ccNSO Website. The Secretariat is requested to publish the amended Guideline as soon as possible on the ccNSO Website and inform the ccNSO members accordingly. |
RESOLUTION 153-04 | Background In accordance with the Guideline, the ccNSO Council needs to appoint the Nomination Manager, to manage the Board Seat 11 nomination process. The term of Chris Disspain (Board Seat 11) ends at the end of the ICANN AGM in November 2020. To replace him, the ccNSO Council will is required to select a candidate in accordance with the relevant ICANN Bylaws and internal rules of the ccNSO applicable at the time of the call for expression of interest. Under the current Guideline the timing and duration of the background check need to be considered and taken into account before the Q&A session and before the selection by the ccNSO Members. Also, to be considered is the Bylaw provision when ECA needs to be informed about the candidate (22 April 2020) and the Bylaw provision that internal rules and procedures of the ccNSO are required to be consistent with the ICANN Bylaws (section 10.3 (k)). The ccNSO Council was presented 3 options for the Board Seat 11 nomination process. Decisions
RESOLUTION 153-05 | Background The term of the following ccNSO Councillors ends in March 2020:
In accordance with the Guideline ccNSO Council Election Procedure, the ccNSO Council needs to establish a timeline for the election of Councillors, which timeline allows for a Q & A session at the upcoming face -to -face meeting in Montreal (ICANN66). The proposed timeline Council Elections FY 2020 meets these requirements and was included in background material. Decisions
RESOLUTION 153-06 | The ccNSO Council adopts the letter as proposed as item 10.1 – _letter to the Board re ending PDP 2 and request the Chair of the Council to send it to the Board on behalf of the ccNSO Council. |
RESOLUTION 153-07 | The ccNSO Council adopts the final report of the IDN Preliminary Review Team and supports the recommendations contained in the report. The Council thanks the team for its expedient work. |
RESOLUTION 152-01 | The ccNSO Council adopts all resolutions under items 4, 5, 6, and 8 of it 26 June 2019 consent agenda and takes item 2, 3, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 as discussed and read. Resolution 4: The ccNSO Council appoints Peter Madavhu (.za), Adriana Lazzaroni (.it), Jordan Carter (.nz) and Sean Copeland (.vi) as members of the IGLC and requests the secretariat to inform the IGLC, the newly appointed members and update the website and email list accordingly. Resolution 5: The ccNSO Council adopts the timeline as proposed for the selection of a new ccNSO appointed member on the CSC, and request the Secretariat to launch the call for volunteers at the time foreseen in the schedule and in accordance with the mechanism in the Guideline: ccNSO Actions respecting the Customer Standing Committee. The ccNSO Council also decides to re-appoint a selection committee with the mandate to consult with the RySG and GNSO Council and approve the full slate of membership. Resolution 6: The ccNSO Council adopts the proposed timeline, selection procedure and call for volunteers as detailed in the Selection Process ccNSO Member NomCom FY 2020. The ccNSO Council requests the Secretariat to launch call for volunteers accordingly Resolution 8: The ccNSO Council requests the Secretariat to prepare a timeline, call for expression and dates for the selection process in accordance with the Guideline: ccNSO Actions respecting RZERC by 12 July 2019. In preparing the timeline it needs to be ensured that the ccNSO member on RZERC will be appointed by 20 September 2019. |
RESOLUTION 152-02 | The ccNSO Council request the secretariat to prepare a timeline, call for expression of interest based on Option [A] and sent the call out by 2 July 2019. |
RESOLUTION 152-03 | The ccNSO Council adopts the Guideline: ccNSO Nominations process ICANN Board seats 11 and 12, as presented (version – Draft Final May 2019), provided and conditional that ICANN Org's legal department checks section 3.5 and do not raise any legal concerns with respect to the proposed section 3.5 of the Guideline. The Chair of the ccNSO is requested to ask ICANN legal to conduct such a check, and after conclusion of the check by ICANN legal inform the Council of the result. If according to ICANN Legal there are NO legal concerns with the proposed section 3.5 and Council has been informed accordingly, the secretariat is to publish the guideline on the ccNSO website and inform the community. If according to ICANN legal there are legal concerns with the proposed section, the Guideline shall NOT come into effect. The proposal will then be amended to resolve issues and subject to approval by Council. This decision becomes effective seven (7) days after publication of this Resolution on the ccNSO website. |
RESOLUTION 151-01 | The ccNSO Council approves the membership application of Bilgi Teknolojileri ve Iletisim Kurumu (BTK), the ccTLD Manager of .tr, and welcomes (BTK) as member of the ccNSO. |
RESOLUTION 151-02 | The ccNSO Council adopts the amended Charter of the Meeting Programme Committee (MPC) as proposed, and request the secretariat to inform the MPC accordingly. |
RESOLUTION 150-01 | The ccNSO Council adopts Guideline travel funding as submitted to the Council, draft version 3. |
RESOLUTION 150-02 | The ccNSO Council adopts the roles and responsibilities overview and assigns these to the Councillors as listed, including the chair and vice-chair(s). |
RESOLUTION 149-01 | The ccNSO Council adopts the final report of the Customer Standing Committee Effectiveness Review and supports the Findings and Recommendations contained in it. The Chair of the ccNSO Council is requested to inform the GNSO Council accordingly. Further, if the GNSO Council also adopts the Report and supports finding and recommendations contained in it:
RESOLUTION 149-02 | The ccNSO Council requests its chair to draft a letter for discussion by Council at its next meeting to the ICANN Board of Directors to seek:
RESOLUTION 148-01 | 148-01: In accordance with the Guideline: ccNSO Liaisons and Observers ( as adopted by Council, the following person were selected by Council: Segun Akano as liaison to the ALAC. <GNSO liaison will be selected after a runoff election> Both Liaisons will take their seat at the end of the ccNSO Council meeting in Kobe, Japan and invited to attend the ccNSO Council workshop. The chair is requested to inform the ALAC and GNSO of the appointments and the secretariat is requested to add them to the relevant ccNSO email lists. |
RESOLUTION 148-02 | The ccNSO Council appoints the listed candidates as members of the SOPC for a term of 2 years taking effect immediately. The ccNSO Council requests the Secretariat to inform the candidates and include them on the relevant email list and list them on the SOPC webpage.
RESOLUTION 148-03 | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED to adopt the Term of Reference for the ccNSO Internet Governance Liaison committee as proposed. The Council requests the secretariat to publish the resolution and Term of Reference as soon as possible and send out a call for volunteers. |
RESOLUTION 147-01 | Following the call for volunteers, the following Councillors have volunteered: Stephen Deerhake and Ajay Data. THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO select the Councillors to serve on the 2019 Ethos Award Panel. The chair is requested to inform relevant ICANN staff accordingly. |
RESOLUTION 147-02 | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO reconfirm the listed members of the SOPC for a renewed term of 2 years. The ccNSO Council also request the Secretariat to launch a call for volunteers as soon as possible and after consulting the chair of the SOPC for additional members. The call for volunteers should at a minimum include an indication of the time requirements and expected expertise. |
RESOLUTION 147-03 | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO appoint Laura Margolis and Jian Zhang as member and alternate, and Alejandra Reynoso & Biyi Oladipo as members of the On-Boarding committee. |
RESOLUTION 147-04 | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO launch a call for volunteers for both the ccNSO liaison to the GNSO and the ccNSO Liaison to ALAC in accordance with the Guideline: ccNSO Liaisons and Observers. Accordingly the secretariat is tasked to send the call by Monday 21 January 2019 to the relevant email lists. |
RESOLUTION 147-05 | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the Statement version final, as included, and requests the Chair of the ccNSO to submit it timely on behalf of the ccNSO Council. The secretariat is requested to inform the ccTLD community accordingly. |
RESOLUTION 146-01 | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the Council Election Report FY 2019, notes the observations, and thanks Joke Braeken for her work as Election Process Manager. By this adoption the election process 2019 is closed. The ccNSO Council congratulates the elected candidates:
The Council notes that elected candidates will take their seat at the end of the Council meeting at ICANN64 meeting in Kobe. The chair of the ccNSO is requested to inform the ICANN Secretary and candidates accordingly and invite the future Councillors for the upcoming Council workshop at the Kobe meeting. |
RESOLUTION 146-02 | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the Terms of Reference for the ccNSO Community Onboarding Programme as proposed. The Council requests the secretariat to publish this resolution and Terms of Reference as soon as possible and send out a call for volunteers as proposed. |
RESOLUTION 146-03 | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO re-confirm selection of the interim candidate on the IFRT up and until a representative of a non-ccNSO ccTLD manager who will meet the required skill-set and expertise, would volunteer and be selected by Council. The Council requests ICANN to seek approval form the appointing organizations, as suggested in the ICANN letter dated 22 October 2018. The Council requests its Chair to inform ICANN accordingly. |
RESOLUTION 146-04 | THE CCNSO RESOLVED TO adopt the Guideline: ccNSO selection and Appointment Liaisons, and thanks the GRC for their work on this Guideline. The secretariat is requested to publish the Guideline as soon as possible. In accordance with the Rules of the ccNSO the Guideline will become effective 7 days after publication. |
RESOLUTION 146-05 | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO appoint Alejandra Reynoso (.gt) as ccNSO representative and Mentor on the ICANN Fellowship Programme, up and until March 2020. The Secretariat is requested to inform ICANN staff accordingly. |
RESOLUTION 145-01 | Taking into account the very high level of support by the ccTLD managers present in Barcelona (with no indication of objection), the ccNSO Council supports and adopts the Final WS 2 Recommendations by the CCWG Accountability as included in the Final Report as submitted on 24 June 2018. The ccNSO Council requests the secretariat to publish this resolution as soon as possible after the closure of this ccNSO Council meeting. In accordance to the rules of the ccNSO (, the decisions in this resolution will become effective seven days after publication of these decisions by the Council. For the interim, the chair of the ccNSO is requested to inform the co-chairs of the CCWG-Accountability and the other chartering organizations of this decision of the ccNSO Council under the assumption that this decision will become effective and subsequently, after seven (7) days, whether the decision has become effective. The ccNSO Council wholeheartedly thanks all members and participants of the CCWG-Accountability for their perseverance and hard work to deliver the Final Report. |
RESOLUTION 145-02 | The ccNSO requests and mandates the ccNSO Guideline Review Committee to implement the CCWG Accountability WS 2 Recommendations with respect to Diversity and SO/AC Accountability independent of whether the Final Report is adopted by all other chartering organisations and the ICANN Board of Directors, starting with the Accountability Recommendations. The GRC is requested to inform the Council and broader community on progress at the next face to face meeting in Kobe. |
RESOLUTION 145-03 | The ccNSO Council requests the ccNSO Secretariat and Alejandra Reynoso and Margarita Valdes to draft the Terms of Reference for a ccNSO mentor/mentee Committee, which will further develop the main activities identified, and to be presented at the next Council meeting. |
RESOLUTION 145-04 | The ccNSO Council approves the ccNSO membership application by Agence de Developpement des Technologies de l Information et de la Communication ADETIC, the ccTLD manager of .td (Chad) and welcomes ADETIC as the 169th member of the ccNSO. |
RESOLUTION 144-01 | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO support the proposal to rename the ccNSO Meeting Programme WG to ccNSO Meeting Programme Standing Committee and adopts the updated charter/Terms of Reference. |
RESOLUTION 144-02 | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the draft Statement on GNSO PDP subsequent procedure WT 1-4 Interim Report, as proposed/with proposed amendment on use of single character, single digit combinations: "Given the close relation with two-letter code-elements and issues of confusing similarity, the ccNSO Council strongly suggests the current reservation be maintained. At a minimum, this issue needs to be further discussed under Work Track 5." The ccNSO Council chair is requested to submit the Statement and inform the community |
RESOLUTION 144-03 | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the proposed Template to determine the Customer Standing Committee (CSC) Effectiveness Review as required under the Bylaws and the Charter of the CSC. Further, the ccNSO Council appoints Debbie Monahan (.nz) and Martin Boyle (.uk) as the ccNSO members of the Effectiveness Review Team. The Chair of the ccNSO is requested to inform the GNSO Council accordingly and, if the GNSO Council also adopts the Template, together with the Chair of the GNSO Council inform the ICANN Board of Directors, the President and CEO of ICANN and the CSC accordingly. |
RESOLUTION 143-01 | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the selection report as provided by the secretariat and confirms the selection procedure was concluded as directed by Council. The Chair is requested to inform the Chair of the NomCom and relevant ICANN staff that Pablo Rodriguez has been appointed as ccNSO Member on NomCom FY19. The ccNSO Council wants to thank all candidates for applying. |
RESOLUTION 143-02 | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the timeline Council Elections FY 2019 as proposed, and requests the secretariat to publish the timeline and start the procedure accordingly. |
RESOLUTION 143-03 | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the proposed Template to determine the Customer Standing Committee (CSC) Effectiveness Review as required under the Bylaws and the Charter of the CSC. Further, the ccNSO Council appoints Debbie Monahan (.nz) and Martin Boyle (.uk) as the ccNSO members of the Effectiveness Review Team. The Chair of the ccNSO is requested to inform the GNSO Council accordingly and, if the GNSO Council also adopts the Template, together with the Chair of the GNSO Council inform the ICANN Board of Directors, the President and CEO of ICANN and the CSC accordingly. |
RESOLUTION 142-01 | Resolution: Resolution: Resolution: Resolution: Resolution: |
RESOLUTION 142-01 | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED to adopt the Final Report of the CSC Charter Review Team, including its recommendations. The ccNSO Council ratifies the changes made to the CSC Charter as a result of the Charter Review Process. The ccNSO Council requests its Chair to inform the GNSO Council of this decision as soon as is it has become effective in accordance with internal Rules of the ccNSO, and work with the GNSO Council on a way to inform ICANN, PTI and the CSC accordingly on behalf of both the ccNSO and GNSO Councils. The ccNSO Council requests the secretariat to publish this decision as soon as possible. Finally, the ccNSO Council thanks the CSC Review Team wholeheartedly for their hard work and timely conclusion of the CSC Charter Review. |
RESOLUTION 141-01 | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the Guideline: ccNSO Procedure for the Exercise of the Empowered Community's rights to Reject Specified Actions as submitted by the ccNSO Guideline review Committee. The Council thanks the GRC for its hard work, in particular Stephen Deerhake. The Council requests the secretariat to publish this decision and guideline as soon as possible. |
RESOLUTION 141-02 | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO appoint Adebiyi Oladipo (.ng) as ccNSO liaison to the GNSO and requests the Chair to inform Adebiyi and the GNSO Council accordingly. Further, the ccNSO Council requests the Guideline Review Committee to review and update the relevant guideline to include terms for appointment. |
RESOLUTION 141-03 | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO appoint all volunteers [study group on use of emoji as top level domains], and requests the secretariat to inform the appointees accordingly. The chair of the ccNSO is requested to inform ICANN Org and SSAC accordingly. The Chair is also requested to extend through the chair of SSAC an invite to members of SSAC to participate in a personal capacity or any other way they find appropriate. |
RESOLUTION 141-04 | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the timeline as proposed for the selection of a new ccNSO appointed member on the CSC, and request the secretariat to launch the call for volunteers at the time foreseen in the schedule and in accordance with the mechanism in the Guideline: ccNSO Actions respecting the Customer Standing Committee. The ccNSO Council also decides to opt for a selection committee with the mandate to consult with the RySG and GNSO Council and approve the full slate of membership. The secretariat is requested to invite Councillors (one from every region, and one NomCom appointed Councilor) to volunteer. The secretariat is further requested to inform the community as soon as possible on the upcoming CSC member nomination and selection process |
RESOLUTION 141-05 | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO initiate the ccNSO Statement procedure to provide input and feed-back on the Short term adjustment and Long-Term adjustment of the schedule of reviews. The GRC is requested to prepare a draft Statement to be finalized by the Council |
RESOLUTION 140-01 | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the annual work plan as reflected in the ccNSO Activities Portfolio 2018-2020. The secretariat is requested to publish it and inform the community accordingly. The secretariat is further requested to provide the monthly work plan as soon as feasible following adoption of the annual work plan and in accordance with the relevant ccNSO Guideline |
RESOLUTION 140-02 | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO request the secretariat to send out a call for volunteers as soon as possible. The Chair is requested to inform ICANN and SSAC about this step accordingly and invite relevant ICANN Org staff and individuals from SSAC who are interested to participate in the Study Group in a way they fit. |
RESOLUTION 140-03 | The ccNSO welcomes the final report of the ccNSO Meeting Strategy Review Working Group and thanks the group for its hard work and timely report. The ccNSO Council adopts the recommendations contained in the report, and will send them to the ccNSO meeting Programme WG and will request that group to implement the recommendations to the extend reasonably feasible. |
RESOLUTION 139-01 | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED to appoint Jelena Ožegović, Ahlam Abu-Jadallah, Adebiyi Oladipo, Mirjana Tasic, Nigel Roberts, Tinuk Andriyanti Asianto, and Stephen Deerhake to the ccNSO Review working party. In addition, the Secretariat is requested to seek reconfirmation of those persons who were appointed in January 2107. |
RESOLUTION 139-02 | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED to request the Secretariat to send out a call for volunteers as soon as possible to invite new members to the Guideline review committee |
RESOLUTION 139-03 | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED to appoint its chair, vice-chair, and Alejandra Reynoso as selection committee for the ccNSO mentor and mentee for the Community Onboarding Pilot (COP) Program for ICANN62 |
RESOLUTION 139-04 | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED to adopt the roles and responsibilities overview and assigns these to the Councillors as listed, with exception of the chair and vice-chair(s). |
RESOLUTION 139-05 | With respect to the work plan, the Chair and Secretariat are requested to complete the draft prior to the next meeting for discussion and adoption, taking into account the results of the Council Workshop |
RESOLUTION 130-06 | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED to request the ccNSO Guidelines Review Committee to provide an overview of the different methods used to date by other ICANN communities, including NomCom, to screen their candidates for the ICANN Board and advise on a method to be included in the Guideline: Board Nomination Procedure. |
RESOLUTION 137-01 | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO formally closes the GAC-ccNSO Liaison Working Group and request the secretariat to take all steps to effectuate this decision. For the record, the Council thanks all listed and former members of this Working Group. |
RESOLUTION 137-02 | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO request members of the ccNSO GRC to participate in the working party that will act as point of contact and organize the ccNSO activities pertaining to the upcoming (2018) second ccNSO Organisational review. In addition, the secretariat is requested to send a call for volunteers to the ccTLD community, for additional members of the working party. |
RESOLUTION 137-03 | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO reconfirm the following persons as members of the Strategic Operational Planning Committee for the term of 2 years:
RESOLUTION 137-04 | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO re-install the working party EPSRP and mandates its chair to seek 2 volunteers that could provide feed-back and comments on the implementation details for the amended "Final Implementation Plan for IDN ccTLD Fast Track Process". |
RESOLUTION 137-05 | Background The current chair of the ccNSO Policy Development Process Working group on retirement of ccTLDs Nigel Roberts has been designated to become a member of the ICANN Board of Directors and as such recused from being chair of the PDP WG on retirement of ccTLDs. Stephen Deerhake was nominated by the members of the WG to replace him as chair. Following the nomination of the working group members, THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO appoint Stephen Deerhake as chair of the ccNSO Policy Development Process Working group on retirement of ccTLDs no later than by 15 March 2018, 23.59 UTC |
RESOLUTION 136-01 | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the Council Election Report FY 2018, including the recommendations contained in the report, and thanks Joke Braeken for her work as Election Process Manager. |
RESOLUTION 136-02 | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED to adopt the Term of Reference for review of the ccNSO Meeting Strategy, including the proposed timeline. The ccNSO Council appoints the former members of the drafting team to the ccNSO Meeting Strategy Review team: - Alejandra Reynoso - Margarita Valdes Cortes - Mira Fajriyah - Jordan Carter - Giovanni Seppia |
RESOLUTION 136-03 | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO approve the application for ccNSO membership by the ccTLD manager for .MU (Mauritius), and welcomes Internet Direct Ltd, as the 163rd member of the ccNSO. |
RESOLUTION 136-04 | At the nomination of the chair of the TLD-OPS steering committee, Régis MASSÉ, is appointed as member of the TLD-Ops Steering Committee. |
RESOLUTION | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the Nomination Report, including the recommendation to resolve the issues identified by the Nomination Manager, and request the GRC to propose an update of the Guideline: ccNSO Nominations process Board seats 11 and 12 (September 2016) accordingly. |
RESOLUTION 136-06 | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO nominate Nigel Roberts to be designated by the Empowered Community Administrative Committee to fill ICANN Board Seat number 12 starting at the end of ICANN's Annual General Meeting in 2018 for a term of three years. |
RESOLUTION 135-01: | 135-01: THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the charter of the Strategic Operational Planning Committee, and request the Committee to review its membership in accordance with the rules in the charter. The secretariat is requested to inform the chair of the SOPC accordingly and archive the SOPWG charter THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO mandate and request the ccNSO Guideline Review Committee (GRC) to review the Operating Standards for specific reviews and, if considered necessary by the GRC, prepare feed-back and input, for submission by Council. In addition, the GRC is mandated and requested to conduct an initial review of the current status of the implementation of the recommendations coming out of the first organizational review of the ccNSO, and inform the Council of its findings. THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO appoint Stephen Deerhake, as the ccNSO Representative on the Empowered Community Administration, up and until the end of the ICANN61 meeting, and the chair is requested to the ICANN secretary, confirming Stephen's appointment |
RESOLUTION 135-02: | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO request its chair and vice-chairs to develop a procedure for a background check for future candidate nominees for Board seat 11 and 12 of the ICANN Board of Directors. In developing such a procedure, the chair and vice-chairs are advised to look at the current similar procedures used by NomCom, ASO and ALAC, for the nomination of ICANN Board Members. |
RESOLUTION 134-01: | As suggested by the ccNSO Guideline Review Committee, the ccNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO request the ccNSO Travel Funding Committee to test criteria to assess applications for travel funding and related mechanism as included in the latest version of the travel funding guideline proposed by the GRC on its effectiveness. The Travel funding committee is requested to report to Council and the GRC after closure of the next round application round. |
RESOLUTION 133-01: | The ccNSO Council appoints Ching Ciao as ccNSO appointed co-chair to the cross-community working group Auction Proceeds (CCWG Auction Proceeds) and requests the chair of the ccNSO to inform the other chartering organizations and the CCWG Auction Proceeds accordingly. |
RESOLUTION 133-02: | The ccNSO Council adopts the amended version of the TLD-Ops Standing Committee, and request the secretariat to adjust the revision number and publish the updated version charter |
RESOLUTION 133-03: | The ccNSO Council appoints Margarita Valdes, Alejandra Reynoso, Jordan Carter, Mira Fajriyah and Giovanni Seppia to propose terms of reference for the evaluation of the ccNSO meeting Strategy to date, and request Margarita and/or Alejandra to provide regular updates to the Council on progress of the drafting team. |
RESOLUTION 133-04: | Independent of the qualities of the recently NomCom appointed Council member, the ccNSO Council expresses its strong disappointment in the decision of NomCom that despite its earlier assurances it has appointed a person who is directly related with a ccTLD manager, which in addition already has a seat on the ccNSO Council. The Council re-iterates its grave concern that this appointment does not respect NomCom’s role and mission to add independent people to the ccNSO Council. In addition, the ccNSO urges NomCom to indicate how they intend to assure that such an appointment will be avoided in future. |
RESOLUTION 132-01: | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the timeline as proposed for the general ccNSO Council Election 2018 and appoints Joke Braeken as Election Manager for that Election. |
RESOLUTION 132-02: | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO ADOPT the proposed timeline for the Board Seat 12 nomination procedure and appoints Joke Braeken as the Nomination Manager for the Board Seat 11 Nomination procedure |
RESOLUTION 132-03: | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO request the secretariat to send out a call for 3 volunteers who are to draft the terms of reference for a ccNSO review of the ccNSO meeting format, taking into account the experience of the last 6 meetings under ICANN's meeting strategy. Margarita Valdez and Alejandra Reynoso are requested to participate in this effort in their capacity as member of the former ICANN Meeting Strategy and chair of the ccNSO Program WG. |
RESOLUTION 131-01: | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO appoint Vadim A. Mikhaylov (.su) as member of the PDP WG Retirement. |
RESOLUTION 131-02: | Background Decision |
RESOLUTION 131-03: | Background Decision 1. Close this CWG in accordance with and as foreseen in the charter. 2. Recommend that the ICANN community consolidate all policy efforts relating to geographic names (as that term has traditionally very broadly been defined in the ICANN environment to this point) to enable in-depth analyses and discussions on all aspects related to all geographic-related names. This is the only way, in our view, to determine whether a harmonized framework is truly achievable. 4. Recommend that future policy development work must facilitate an all-inclusive dialogue to ensure that all members of the community have the opportunity to participate. Again, we believe that this is the only way to determine whether a harmonized framework is truly achievable. The Council also request the ccNSO appointed members to the CWG to keep the Council abreast of the developments and advise the Council on next steps. The ccNSO Council thanks and congratulates the CWG and in particular its ccNSO appointed members and co-chair Annebeth Lange. |
RESOLUTION 131-04 | At the ccNSO members meeting in Johannesburg the recommendations of the CCWG Use of Country and Territory names to continue work on use of Country and Territory Names as TLDs were discussed and supported. This also included the recommendation of the Study Group. However, as the format to continue work is still under community discussion, and interest of the ccTLD community in future efforts needs to be ensured THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO defer the decision whether to send the letter to its August meeting, and request the secretariat to organize the drafting of such a letter, which includes at a minimum consultation of the ccNSO appointed members on the CCCWG and interested Councillors. |
In accordance with charter PDP WG Retirement the WG members have nominated Nigel Roberts as chair and Eberhard Lisse as vice-chair. Both accepted the nomination. Decision: The ccNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO APPOINT Nigel Robert (.gg and .je) as chair and Eberhard Lisse (.na) as vice-chair of the PDP WG retirement of ccTLDs. | |
Background Decision. | |
RESOLUTION 130-03: | Background Decision |
RESOLUTION 130-04: | Background: The ccNSO will need to appoint a member to the NomCom for FY 2018 nomination process. Joerg Schweiger (current member) has served two terms and is therefore not eligible again. Decision |
RESOLUTION 130-05: | Background: Council adopted this recommendation in 2014. Given the establishment of the CCWG UCTN, Council did not pursue this recommendation, awaiting the outcome of the deliberations and recommendations of the CCWG. Decision: |
RESOLUTION 130-06: | Background Following an extensive discussion, the vast majority of the ccTLD community present supports Alternative 2: ccNSO Council final decision in approval action process and rejection action petition process should be subject to request of member’s ratification vote (under the 2004 rules of the ccNSO). Decision |
RESOLUTION 130-07: | Approval of ICANN Fundamental Bylaws Amendment to section 4.3 of the ICANN Bylaw. Background The text of the Fundamental Bylaws amendment is available and a reference included in the notification. The ccTLD community was informed by the chair of the ccNSO ( ) of the intended amendment of a Fundamental Bylaw change and of the upcoming Approval Action Community Forum during ICANN 59. Following the letter of the chair, 33 ccTLD managers expressed their support for the amendment and one expressed its abstention. At the Approval Action Community Forum (27 June 2017) no objections were expressed to the amendment. At the ccNSO Session on the topic, the vast majority of the ccTLDs present supported the proposed Fundamental Bylaw amendment. Decision |
RESOLUTION 130-08: | Decision |
RESOLUTION 130-09: | Background Decision |
Resolution 129-01: | The ccNSO Council appoints the applicants listed as members of the ccNSO Policy Development Working Group on the retirement of ccTLDs, and ask the ccNSO Secretariat to inform them accordingly and set up an email list, and take all the other steps to start the WG. |
Resolution 127-01: | The ccNSO Council initiates the ccNSO Council procedure to prepare a submission to the ICANN FY 2018 Budget and/or Operational Plan seeking an increase in the number of ccNSO traveling slots. The ccNSO Council designates Nigel Roberts as lead of the drafting team and request the Secretariat to send out a call for volunteers to take part in the drafting team. In preparing the Council Statement the drafting team is requested to propose a reasonable number of traveling slots and the rationale for the proposed number. |
Resolution 127-01: | The Chair of the ccNSO is requested to inform the chair of the ICANN Board Organizational Effectiveness Committee that the ccNSO requests to defer the start of the ccNSO Organizational Review by twelve months. |
Resolution 127-03: | 1. In accordance with Annex B section 3and 4 of the ICANN Bylaws, the ccNSO Council decides that: C. To appoint two working groups each with its own charter, working method and schedule. 2 The Secretariat is requested to send out a call for volunteers for the first WG, and invite other stakeholders listed in the relevant charter, to participate in the WG in the manner most suited to them. 3 As required under Annex B, the Chair of the ccNSO is requested to formally inform the Chair of the GAC and ask the GAC to advise or provide an opinion. 4 The Chair of the ccNSO is requested to recommend the ICANN Board of Directors to defer any decisions pertaining to the retirement of a ccTLD until such a time the policy for the retirement of the ccTLD has been developed following this ccNSO PDP 3 and adopted and implemented by ICANN. 5 The Secretariat is requested is publish this resolution as soon as possible and upon publication it becomes effective. |
Resolution 127-04: | The ccNSO Council expresses its interest to assist the GAC Underserved regions WG to prepare a FAQ and high level informational document to explain procedures around delegation, transfer and revocation of ccTLDs. |
Resolution 126-01: | The ccNSO Council adopts the ccNSO Guideline: ccNSO Council Practices as proposed by the ccNSO Guideline Review Committee (GRC WG) |
Resolution 125-01: | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO appoint Margarita Valdes Cortes and Nigel Roberts as ccNSO members on the FY 17 ICANN Ethos Awards Committee |
Resolution 125-02: | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO request ccNSO secretariat to send out a call for a volunteer to fill the role as ccNSO appointed liaison to the GNSO. The secretariat is also requested to inform the GNSO Council accordingly. Finally, the ccNSO thanks Patrick Myles wholeheartedly for all his hard work and efforts and thanks to CENTR for allowing and supporting Patrick in his role. |
Resolution 125-03: |
2. The chair of the ccNSO is requested to inform the chair of the ICANN Board of Directors accordingly, and further note that by submission of the requested guidance and refinement it has completed its work and considers the 3rd review of the Fast Track Process completed. Thirdly the Board should be requested to discuss and decide on the overall IDN ccTLD policy recommendations as submitted to the Board in September 2013, as foreseen in Annex B section 15 of the ICAN Bylaws to replace the Fast Track Process. 3. The Members, observers and other participants of the WG EPSRP are thanked wholeheartedly for their hard work, and the working group is closed. The secretariat is requested to inform the WG accordingly and publish this resolution as soon as possible. |
Resolution 124-01: | The ccNSO Council appoints Ching Chiao, Peter Vergote and Mathieu Weill as ccNSO appointed members to the CCWG new gTLD Auction proceeds, and request the secretariat to inform both the volunteers and CCWG accordingly. |
Resolution 124-02: | The ccNSO Council decides to send out a call for volunteers again and closes the former call. The Secretariat is requested to send out this call as soon as possible and leave it open until 10 January 2017. |
Resolution 124-03: | The ccNSO Council appoints all persons, just listed and who applied as member of the charter drafting team for the charter of the WG review mechanism and WG retirement of ccTLDs. The newly appointed members together with the PDP Issue Manager need to appoint a chair and vice-chair. The Council expects the drafts to be ready by the Copenhagen meeting for discussion with the ccTLD community. The Secretariat is requested to inform the volunteers. |
Resolution 124-04a and 124-04b: | The ccNSO Council decides that the ccNSO will participate in the Security and Stability Review 2 process, a specific review as foreseen in Section 4.6 of the ICANN Bylaws. The ccNSO Council decides to use the selection method described in the ccNSO Guideline: ccNSO Nominations Specific Review Teams ( to nominate 3 candidates / up to 7 candidates in order of preference. |
Resolution 124-05: | The ccNSO Council requests the WG EPSRP to review its Final Report to take into account SSAC 088 if deemed necessary. It is further requested to include and document process steps since its final report was produced (for example the meeting in Hyderabad). Finally, the WG is requested to provide a brief analysis of SSAC 088, including but not limited to, whether the points raised have been addressed and other relevant observations. |
Resolution 123-01: | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the Selection Report for the Board Seat 11 Nomination Process, and thanks Joke Braeken for her work as Nomination Manager. The ccNSO Council nominates Chris Disspain to be designated by the Empowered Community Administrative Committee to fill ICANN Board Seat number 11 starting at the end of ICANN's Annual General Meeting in 2017 for a term of three years. The Council requests its Chair to inform the ICANN Secretary accordingly. |
Resolution 123-02: | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the Election Report for the General Council Elections 2017, and thanks Joke for her work as Election Process Manager. The ccNSO Council congratulates the elected candidates and notes that they will take their seat at the end of the ccNSO meeting at the end of the Council Copenhagen meeting, at ICANN 57 meeting. |
Resolution 123-03: | The ccNSO Council adopts the Election Report for the Special Council Elections for the African Region 2017, and thanks Joke for her work as Election Process Manager. The ccNSO Council congratulates Abdalla Omari, the elected candidate and notes that Abdalla will take his seat at the end of this ccNSO Council meeting and his term ends in March 2018. |
Resolution 123-04: | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the timeline as proposed for the special ccNSO Council for the North American region to fill the vacancy on the Council from that region. 123.04b THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO appoint Joke Braeken as Election Manager for the special ccNSO Council for the North American region. |
Resolution 123-05: | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the proposed charter of the ccTLD World list, and request the secretariat to take all steps necessary to align the current procedures and subscriptions with those proposed in the adopted charter and inform the ccTLD community accordingly. |
Resolution 123-06: | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO ADOPT the ccNSO Guideline: ccNSO Nominations to Specific Review Teams as proposed by the ccNSO Guideline Review Committee (GRC WG) The ccNSO Secretariat is requested to publish the above mentioned Guideline as soon as possible on the ccNSO Website and inform the community accordingly. The adopted Guideline will be effective 7 days after publication of the Guideline on the ccNSO Website. |
Resolution 123-07: | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the final report of the CCWG to develop a Uniform Framework of Principles and Recommendations for Cross Community Working Groups and the framework proposed by this CCWG. The ccNSO Council invites ICANN's advisory committees and Address Supporting Organisation to also adopt the framework. The secretariat is requested to post the final report and include the framework as guideline to guide the creation of cross-community working groups once it has become effective, 7 days after publication. The ccNSO Council congratulates the CCWG with the end result and want to thank the members, in particular the co-chairs Becky Burr (ccNSO co-chair) and John Berard (GNSO co-chair) for their hard work |
Resolution 123-08: | At the request of the Issue manager, the ccNSO Council requests the ccNSO secretariat to send out a call for volunteers as soon as possible for one or two drafting teams for charters of the working groups to: Develop the review mechanism of decision pertaining to the delegation, transfer, revocation and retirement of ccTLDs and |
Resolution 123-09: | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the charter of the CCWG new gTLD Auction Proceeds and by adopting will participate as one of the chartering organisations. The chair of the ccNSO is requested to inform her counterparts in the other Supporting Organisations and Advisory Committees accordingly. The ccNSO secretariat is requested to send out a call for volunteers to fill the slate of 2-5 ccNSO appointed members. The call for volunteers should include specific reference to the requirements in the charter. Further, this call for volunteers is not limited to the ccTLD community. Representatives of organisations, closely related to ccTLD managers, with experience in the areas to be considered by the CCWG new gTLD Auction proceeds. The Council will use its usual procedure to appoint a limited number of members on a (CC) WG. |
Resolution 123-10: | THE CCNSO RESOLVED TO request the secretariat to run a call for volunteer for ccNSO liaison to the ALAC as soon as possible to fill the vacancy. |
Resolution 123-11: | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt Christelle Vaval as member of the ccNSO Travel Funding Committee and Triage committee taking effect after the meeting. |
Resolution 122-01: | Closure CWG-Stewardship The ccNSO wholeheartedly welcomes the completion of the IANA Stewardship Transition on 1 October 2016, and congratulates the ICANN community, and in particular the membership and support staff of the CWG –Stewardship with this historic outcome and with this demonstration of the strengths of the multi-stakeholder process. With the completion of the Transition, THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO agree with the CWG-Stewardship that the work of the CWG has been completed, and in accordance with the CWG-charter requests the chair of the ccNSO to thank and congratulate the membership of the CWG-Stewardship, in particular the ccNSO appointed members and participants from ccTLD community for their enormous efforts and the result, and to notify the CWG – Stewardship that form a ccNSO perspective the CWG may be dissolved. |
Resolution 122-02: | Closure of ISTACC With the completion of the Transition, THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED to close the IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Committee (ISTC). The ccNSO Council want to thank all past and current members of the ISTC for their contributions and efforts to achieve the Transition. The chair of the ccNSO is requested to inform the members of ISTC group accordingly and the secretariat is requested to take all necessary steps to close ISTC. |
Resolution 122-03: | Closure of ISTC With the completion of the Transition, THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED to close the IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Committee (ISTC). The ccNSO Council want to thank all past and current members of the ISTC for their contributions and efforts to achieve the Transition. The chair of the ccNSO is requested to inform the members of ISTC group accordingly and the secretariat is requested to take all necessary steps to close ISTC. |
Under the assumption and conditional to the ICANN 27 May 2016 becoming effective on 1 October 2016, the CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the following Guidelines as proposed by the ccNSO Guideline Review Committee (GRC WG): | |
Resolution 121-02: | The ccNSO Council adopts the timeline for the general ccNSO Council election 2017 as proposed. |
Resolution 121-03: | The ccNSO Council adopts the timeline as proposed for the special ccNSO Council for the African region to fill the vacancy on the Council from that region. |
Resolution 121-04: | The ccNSO Council adopts the following timeline for the Board Seat 11 Selection/Nomination procedure (whatever is appropriate) |
Resolution 120-01: | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO approve the application of the ccTLD manager of .dk and welcomes Dansk Internet Forum (DIFO), the ccTLD manager for .dk (Denmark), as the 160th member of the ccNSO. |
Resolution 120-02: | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO request and mandate the ccNSO Guideline Review Committee to do all what is necessary including, but not limited to, reaching out and coordinating with other SO/ACs and ICANN staff to develop all processes and procedures the ccNSO should implement according and flowing from the ICANN Bylaws as adopted by the ICANN Board on 27 May 2016. The GRC is requested to present these rules and procedures to the ccTLD community and for adoption by the ccNSO Council. |
Resolution 120-03: | THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO validate the FY 17 budget for the CCWG-Accountability and agrees with the formal process as proposed to deal with additional expense requests. The Chair of the ccNSO Council is requested to inform the ICANN Board of Directors accordingly and co-chairs of the CCWG-Accountability accordingly |
Resolution 120-04: | As the CCWG-Accountability will now start with WS 2. Given the expected and extended time commitment of membership, the Council requests its chair to ask the ccNSO appointed members on the CCWG to indicate whether they want to remain on the CCWG-Accountability as member. |
Resolution 120-05: | In accordance with the ccNSO Guideline: ccNSO Actions Respecting the Customer Standing Committee, the ccNSO Council instructs the Secretariat to issue the call for Expression of Interest for membership of the CSC on 30 June 2016 and close call on Friday 15 July 17.00 UTC. The call for expression should be send to all emails available, the, ccTLD community and ccNSO members email lists. The Expressions of Interest should be send to the following email address: After closure of the Call for Expression the secretariat is instructed to transmit all Expression of Interest to all individual Councilors eligible to select members of the CSC no later than Saturday 16 July 17.00 UTC. |
Resolution 120-06: | In accordance the ccNSO Guideline: ccNSO Actions Respecting the Customer Standing Committee (CSC), the ccNSO Council establishes a sub-group of the Council, the CSC Selection Committee, of 6 Councilors eligible to select candidates for the CSC (5 ccNSO members appointed Councilors, one from every ICANN region and 1 NomCom appointed Councilor). This group is mandated to coordinate with the RySG and formally appoint the two candidates selected by the ccNSO Council. Further the ccNSO Council mandates the CSC Selection Committee to coordinate and approve with the GNSO Council the full slate of membership (members and liaisons) in accordance with the charter of the CSC. |
Resolution 120-07: | 1. In accordance with Annex B section 1 of the ICANN Bylaws the ccNSO Council requests an Issue Report, which should address the following topics: 2. In preparing the Issue Report, and, in proposing a time line for conducting each stage of the ccPDP the Issue Manager should take into consideration and be guided by the following documents: 3. In accordance with Annex B section 2 of the ICANN Bylaws the ccNSO Council appoints Bart Boswinkel, ccNSO senior policy advisor as Issue Manager. 4. To establish a Council sub-committee to act as a steering group for the PDP, and to liaise with and assist the Issue Manager on behalf of the Council, up and until the Council decides whether or not to initiate a ccPDP on review mechanism and retirement of ccTLDs (foreseen to take place at the Hyderabad face-to face meeting). The sub-committee will have 6 members consisting of one (1) Councilor from each of ICANN geographic regions, including the vice-chair overseeing the policy and policy related activities, and one (1) NomCom appointed Councilor. The initial members of the PDP Oversight Committee are: |
Resolution 119-01: | THE COUNCIL RESOLVED TO approve the application of the ccTLD manager of .ba and welcomes Universtiy Telinformatic Centre (UTIC), the ccTLD manager for .ba (Bosnia and Herzogovina), as the 159th member of the ccNSO. |
Resolution 119-02: | THE COUNCIL RESOLVED TO approve the membership of Timo Võhmar, .ee, of the cross-community working group on use of country and territory names as TLDs. The secretariat is requested to inform the co-chairs of the WG and take all other necessary steps to include Timo as ccNSO appointed member of the WG. |
Resolution 119-03: | THE COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the ccNSO Guideline: ccNSO Actions Respecting the Customer Standing Committee and request the secretariat to publish it on the ccNSO website as soon as possible and this Guideline will become effective 7 days after publication. The ccNSO Council requests its chair to inform the community of the adoption of the Guideline. |
Resolution 118-01: | THE COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the revised statement of purpose of the ccNSO IANA Stewardship Transition and Accountability coordination committee. The ccNSO Council appoints its vice-chair Byron Holland as chair of the committee. The secretariat is requested to inform all current members of the ISTACC on the changed mandate and invite and adjust membership according to the adopted purpose statement. |
THE COUNCIL RESOLVED TO appoint Alejandra Reynoso as chair of the ccNSO Programme WG. The secretariat is requested to inform the members of the Programme WG, relevant ICANN staff accordingly, and update the webpage of the WG. | |
Resolution 117-02: | *THE COUNCIL RESOLVED TO make all face-to ¬ face ccNSO, ccNSO Council or ccNSO chartered Working group meetings shall be open to observers, unless a majority of the voting members present at the meeting resolve to close the meeting due to the confidential nature of the topic being dealt with. If so, that part of the meeting shall only be closed to observers for the duration of the deliberations of the confidential item. 2. The ccNSO Guideline Review Committee is requested to update the relevant Guidelines accordingly, and submit them to Council for adoption. 3. The chair of the Council is requested to inform the chairs of the ccNSO chartered WG’s of this Council decision. Background |
Resolution 117-03: | *THE COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the ccNSO 2016-2018 Work Plan and schedule and requests the secretariat to update the work plan monthly and in accordance with the ccNSO |
| |
Resolution 116-02: | THE COUNCIL RESOLVED TO request and mandate the ccNSO Guideline Review Committee to do all what is necessary including, but not limited to, reaching out and coordinating with other SO/AC s and ICANN staff to develop all processes and procedures the CWG-Stewardship suggested the ccNSO should implement. The GRC is requested to present these rules and procedures to the ccTLDs present at the ccNSO meeting at ICANN 56 and for adoption by the ccNSO Council. |
THE COUNCIL RESOLVED request the secretariat to seek additional volunteers for the GRC as soon as possible, in particular community members who actively participated in the development of the CWG-Stewardship Proposal. The ccNSO Council will appoint these additional members as soon as feasible. | |
Resolution 116-04: | THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to extend the appointment of the current below listed members of the TLD-OPS steering committee for one year, up and until the ccNSO Council meeting at ICANN 58: |
Resolution 116-05: | THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to request the secretariat to prepare a call for volunteers jointly with the TLD-OPS Steering Committee and then to send out the call for volunteers on the appropriate email-list to seek one additional volunteer from the Asian Pacific region to serve on the TLD-OPS Steering Committee. |
Resolution 116-06: | THE COUNCIL RESOLVED select Katrina Sataki to serve as the Chair of the ccNSO, for the term of one year, up until the end of the in person ccNSO Council meeting at ICANN 58. |
Resolution 116-07: | THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to select Byron Holland to serve as vice-chair 1 of the ccNSO up and until the end of the in person ccNSO Council meeting at ICANN 58. |
THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to select Demi Getschko to serve as vice-chair 2 of the ccNSO up and until the end of the in person ccNSO Council meeting at ICANN 58. | |
Resolution 116-09: | THE COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the following Guidelines and Charters as proposed by the ccNSO Guideline Review Committee (GRC WG):
The ccNSO Secretariat is requested to publish the above mentioned Guidelines and Charter as soon as possible after adoption by the Charter on the ccNSO Website, inform the community accordingly, and archive those Guidelines which will be replaced by the adopted version. The Guidelines will become effective 7 days after publication of the Guidelines and Charters on the ccNSO Website. |
The ccNSO Council adopts report on the replacement of a ccNSO appointed member of the CWG-Stewardship and appoints Maarten Simon as newly ccNSO appointed member of the CWG-Stewardship. | |
The ccNSO Council welcomes the advice of the Programme WG. Based on the advice the ccNSO Council decides to continue with three (3) meetings a year, at least until the end of the year 2017. The ccNSO Council will revisit the topic by August 2017 to organize the community assessment of the new format as advised. The Council itself will revisit the topic at the end of 2017. The secretariat is requested to include the community assessment and Council revisiting the topic in the annual work plan. |