To-Do for Action Items 2016

To-Do for Action Items 2016

ActionWhoDateDue DateStatusNotes
Define next steps - FOIBart    
Define next steps - EPSRPBart    
Posting of PDP decisionBart  COMPLETED 
Send out call for volunteers CSCBart  COMPLETED 
Send out call for volunteers CCWGBart  COMPLETED 
Kim to create an internal Google calendarKim  COMPLETED 
WG chairs/secretariat: provide written update on progress Wgs to date Bart  IN PROGRESS 
Kim to send email to Councilors seeking permission to use email addresses on wiki workspaceKim  COMPLETEDemail to Councilors has been sent. Emails on wiki will be updated by 29 April
Review Introduction to the ccNSO (prepared by Alejandra)Bart, KatrinaIN PROGRESS 
Contact the GAC regarding discussions in HelsinkiKatrinaCOMPLETED
  • survey on ccTLD relations with government
  • PDP on FoI implementation
Meeting B: Submit topics for discussion with other communitiesKatrinaCOMPLETED
  1. SO/AC accountability.
  2. ICANN Strategy assessment (Community discussion on the operational side of the FY 17 Ops Plan and Budget  and operational aspects of ICANN)
  3. WHOIS accuracy and privacy (the main target audience here would be lawyers from the different communities)
Prepare wiki for the ccNSO CouncilKimCOMPLETEDAny suggestions for improvements?