12 May @19:00 UTC
Members: Abibu Ntahigiye, Souleymane Oumtanaga, Debbie Monahan, Nigel Roberts (phone only), Katrina Sataki, Peter Vergote, Alejandra Reynoso, Demi Getschko, Becky Burr, Byron Holland, Stephen Deerhake
NomCom/Observers/Liasons/Regional Organizations: Christelle Vaval, Leonid Todorov, Barrack Otieno, Maureen Hilyard, Ron Sherwood, Celia Lerman-Friedman
Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Joke Braeken, Kim Carlson
Apologies: Hiro Hotta, Margarita Valdes, Ching Chiao, Peter Van Roste
Did not attend - no apology sent: Vika Mpisane, Young-Eum Lee
Recording: Mp3
1) Welcome and Apologies
1 more person needed to be quorate.
Analysis of the previous Council call.
- avoid writing +1 in the chat window. Use the check boxes in AdobeConnect (Agree - not agree)
- each agenda item will be discussed.
- meeting will last for 1 hour.
- Bart will keep an eye on the chat window.
Attendance list available on website + wiki
2) Minutes and Actions
Minutes circulated on 02/05. No objections or suggestions.
Action items:
• Council accountability survey to be completed by end of next week.
• WG chairs need to be inforemed that all meetings are open to observers
All other action items completed.
3) Overview inter-meeting Council decisions
• workplan adopted, and updated regularly. More details will be added over time
• resolution on transparancy adopted.
4) IANA Stewardship transition and CCWG –Accountability
SO/AC chairs received a briefing from ICANN staff. 90-day NTIA review process. Timeline bylaw drafting. 21 may: comment period closes. 27 may the new version of the bylaws need to be submitted to NTIA.
Becky gives an update.
Nothing changes regarding the ccNSO provisions of the bylaws. Questions on some of the language regarding the PDP wthin ICANN. Mostly related to generic. ccNSO specific sections are not changing.
Consensus that the lawyers did a good job. Some issues they did not get quite right. CCWG will submit small comment for changes to be made. Critical issue: Board needs to adopt bylaws, changes, prior to June 15, when Larry Strickling will issue his report. Everything is on track for that timing.
Question to Becky from Byron. Insights on political climate in Washington on this issue? Suggestion that there might be other congressional hearings. That is not a very friendly territory. Nothing formally scheduled yet, to Becky's knowledge. One senator, senator Cruz is back on his senator job, he is back from campaigning. Nothing that will derail us. If DoC certifies that the criteria are met, it can go forward.
4.1 Progress implementation
committee where we need to appoint 1 member. There is no charter yet, currently being drafted.
much more clarity. ICANN needs to submit implementation report to NTIA. By that date, the CSC needs to be in place, adopted by ccNSO council and gNSO council. The members, ccNSO and RySG, need to be submitted by 21 july. Slate then sent to councils for consideration.
Call for volunteers:
latest moment to launch is Helsinki meeting. By that time the internal guideline for the selection process needs to be in place and adopted by council. The GRC is aiming to finalise the guideline by the council call in June. Information to be distributed with council, community, will be prepared. Plan for ICANN to send out EoI on 16 may: next week. Webinar shortly afterwards.
Councils, both ccNSO and gNSO, needs to adopt the full slate. How? 1 option is to have a council call on 28 July. BUT: needs to be quorate.
Second option would be to delegate set of councillors to liaise with RySG, to work on the full slate. Primary concern: select technically knowledgeable people. Diversity is secondary to that, from our perspective. The second option will ensure more diversity.
No answer needed yet, to be discussed later, on how to select the full slate.
Question from Barrack.
Time needed to respond is sometimes considerable. Can we send out the call immediately after this meeting?
Katrina: not all info available yet. Internal procedures are not ready either (CSC guideline). Reassurance that info will be distributed in a timely manner, before Helsinki, and during Helsinki.
4.2 Change statement of Purpose ccNSO IANA Transition and Accountability Coordination Committee (ISTACC).
purpose statement of this group needs to be changed.
[Resolution read out loud]
No objections, no abstentions. Resolution has passed.
5) PDP Review Mechanism and Retirement Framework
Secretariat prepared overview of the different PDP
first focus: decisions on delegation, revocation and transfer of ccTLDs have the highest priority.
Second focus: retirement, review mechanims.
Council wiki: PDP framework document, with questions and assumptions, and set of timelines.. Assumed we will launch the PDP in Helsinki.
Question from Byron. PDPs at the same time, or consecutively? Any preferred options? Both options have pros and cons.
Peter Vergote said that the issues we will deal with are not leading to easy conversations. Advantage: to address thing in a sequential manner. To determine which obstacles we have.
Risk pointed out by Katrina: the longer it takes, the more volunteers risk to drop off.
Secretariat will outline a timeline, to see which decisions need to be taken. by Helsinki.
6) Meeting B Update/Programme WG update
general ICANN56 block schedule: More time foreseen or cross-community-sessions (CC-Sessions)
Not all ccTLDs will be interested in the CC-sessions elected in the general schedule. Therefor, some cross-community sessions will be hosted under auspices of the ccNSO. Topics proposed by ccNSO.
Alejandra confirmed that draft agenda is online. Changes might be needed: early start on Tuesday, at 08:30.
Sessions currently being developped. Legal session: 3 volunteers.
Main topics: implementation of the CWG stewardship proposal, and implementation CWG-WS1 and progress to date on WS2.
CC-session on Tuesday: ccNSO and GAC. Discussed: ccTLD survey, and PDP. Potential other CC-session: operational side, and geographic names forum.
Wednesday: SO/AC accountability, or rather skip this as CC-session under auspices of the ccNSO, since it is covered in the general schedule already.
ccNSO Council on Thursday.
7) Council Updates
• Debate on anti-harassment policy of ICANN, how to introduce this, and how to ensure it is being followed. Announcement of public forum in Marrakech.
• Byron has nothing to report in his capacity as vice-chair, Demi neither.
• Barrack: Africa Internet Summit coming up at the end of the month
• update from Kim Carlson on council wiki. Reminder to check out the wiki. current info and status of action items. 8 people viewed the wiki space.
• update from Joke Braeken. social media strategy
8) WG updates
GRC update.
Referred to earlier in this meeting. Working on CSC selection guideline. Intention to have it ready before the council call in June.
CWG-UCTN. written update provided
CWG on CCWG principles. will meet in Helsinki. work focussed on bylaw drafting.
CCWG internet governance. hopefully update later.
9) Liaison Updates
sent to the council.
10) Monthly Work Plan
prepared following this meeting.
11) Next meetings
- 16 june
- thu 30 june (Helsinki)
- 28 july. depending on CSC member selection progress
12) AOB
• For more details on events at the Africa Internet Summit www.aftld.org/aroc2016 <http://www.aftld.org/aroc2016>
• ccNSO Member Days Meeting satisfaction survey: paper and online. to get more feedback.
13) Closure
Action Items:
- Item 4 TPFM_03MAY16.pdf
- Item 4.2Updated Draft charter coord_comm.pdf
- Item 5 1 PDP Parallel WG.pdf
- Item 5 1 PDP Sequential WGs.pdf
- Item 5 2 PDPs.pdf
- Item 5 Framework for PDP.pdf
- Item 6Helsinki ICANN 56 - Draft Agenda v2.pdf
- Item 7 socialmediastrategy[1][2].pdf
- Item 9 201605 GNSO Update.pdf
- Item 9 ALAC Liaison Report May 12 2016[1].pdf
Adobe Chat:
Kimberly Carlson 2:Hello, welcome all
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):Hi Kim!
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):Good afternoon everyone
Joke Braeken:hello everybody.
Peter Vergote (.be):Good evening/morning/afternoon everyone
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):Hi Peter
Katrina Sataki:Hello everyone!
Debbie Monahan:yes, morning for me and thanks for changing the time of this one
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):Hi Katrina and Debbie :D
Debbie Monahan:as it isn't 1am but 7am!
Katrina Sataki:is 7am ok? :)
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):1pm for me :)
Stephen Deerhake:Good morning Debbie!
Stephen Deerhake:Hello all.
Ron Sherwood:Good afternoon all
Byron:Hello all
Barrack Otieno AFTLD:Hello Byron, Hello colleagues
Kimberly Carlson 2:@Peter, i muted your line on AC
Christelle Vaval:Hello all!
Stephen Deerhake:NIgel will be a few minutes late apparently.
Leonid:Hi all!
Peter Vergote (.be):ok, Kim, no prob
Barrack Otieno AFTLD:Hi Leonid
souleymane:hello all
Kimberly Carlson 2:Nigel is on the phone only
Byron:thank you
Kimberly Carlson 2:Demi happy you could join
demi getschko:Hi everybody!, Sorry in being late (and withou mic, but I'm following...
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):Hi Demi. Welcome.
Barrack Otieno AFTLD:Given the time ccTLDs take to respond at times is there harm making the call immediately after this meeting?
Kimberly Carlson 2:Welcome Abibu
Barrack Otieno AFTLD:for the CSC?
Abibu:Thanks. sory for being late.
Barrack Otieno AFTLD:welcome AN
Barrack Otieno AFTLD:Bart please note by question
Barrack Otieno AFTLD:sorry my
Peter Vergote (.be):Suggestion: provide sufficient time at ccNSO meeting Helsinki to feed this info to members
Barrack Otieno AFTLD:yes
Barrack Otieno AFTLD:understood
Barrack Otieno AFTLD:thank you
Stephen Deerhake:Looks good.
Stephen Deerhake:I'm leaning towards concurrent...
Stephen Deerhake:Still thinking about it.
Debbie Monahan:quality with speed
Stephen Deerhake:LOL!!!
Stephen Deerhake:Barely audible...
Kimberly Carlson 2:doc is scrollable
Barrack Otieno AFTLD:i have an update
Barrack Otieno AFTLD:Africa Internet Summit coming up at the end of the month
demi getschko:No from my side
Kimberly Carlson 2:it's there
Kimberly Carlson 2:https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AoAlBg - wiki
Barrack Otieno AFTLD:For more details on events at the Africa Internet Summit we have www.aftld.org/aroc2016
demi getschko:thank you!
Byron:Thanks Katrina and colleagues
Peter Vergote (.be):Well done; Katrina. Good night all
Stephen Deerhake:Bye.
Kimberly Carlson 2:thank you everyone, bye
Abibu:thank u, bye
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):Thanks you! Have a great day!
Christelle Vaval:bye!
Katrina Sataki:bye!
Bart Boswinkel:Bye all
Barrack Otieno AFTLD:thanks Katrina and all bye
Joke Braeken:Bye all