Meeting # 37 | 13 November 2019 @ 21:00 UTC

Meeting # 37 | 13 November 2019 @ 21:00 UTC


Review Team Members:  Adetola Sogbesan, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Daniel Nanghaka, Demi Getschko. Jaap Akkerhuis, Jacques Blanc, Kimberly Claffy, Leon Sanchez, Lui Yue, Michael Karanicolas, Osvaldo Novoa, Pat Kane, Sebastien Bachollet, Vanda Scartezini

ICANN Organization:  Negar Farzinnia, Brenda Brewer

Observers:  Jim Prendergast, Chantelle Doerksen, Herb Waye

Technical Writer:  Bernie Turcotte

Apologies:  Wolfgang KleinwächterJennifer Bryce

Audio recordingEN   (1.30:56)

Zoom recording:  HERE

Transcript:  EN

Zoom Chat Transcript: EN

Documents:  Report v5.1

Plenary Call Report: PDF

Decisions Reached:

  • The review team agreed, by consensus, to move from work party work to plenary work going forward with work party leaders maintaining their role as is.

Action Items:

  • Plan for a F2F meeting on 7-9 of February as planned to work on the comments received even if summary analysis of the comments is not completed. Also meet 5-6 March prior to ICANN67.
  • ICANN org to send out a doodle poll, with 48-hour deadline, that indicates whether RT members prefer Istanbul and Brussels as meeting locations for the February 2020 meeting. Additionally, ICANN org to get a security assessment on Istanbul and distribute to the RT.

  • Pat to work with Bernie and Cheryl to put a proposal together, that can be shared with the RT prior to the next week’s plenary call, and discuss how to move reviews and prioritization effort forward.

  • ICANN org to look into whether Action Request Register information is publicly available and/or accessible to all? If not, what is the target availability of this data?


  1. Welcome, roll call, SOI updates
  2. Action items review (new and closed)
    • Face-to-face meeting planning - staff has asked meetings team if it’s possible to meet in Cancun 4 - 6 March, or alternatively 7 - 9 February (meetings team is working on a quote for February dates)
  3. Any work party items for plenary attention (Board, GAC, Reviews, Community, WS2)
  4. Continue work in report report v5.0
    • ATRT3 recommendations prioritization - see discussion here
  5. Reminder of ATRT3 engagement session feedback and notes document here
  6. AOB
  7. Confirm actions / decisions reached

Call Details

21:00 - 22:30 UTC  (timezone converter here)

Interested in listening to the discussion? Send request to mssi-secretariat@icann.org for meeting link.

Learn more about how you can observe ATRT3-RT meetings - see here