Resource Requests

Resource Requests

Quick Links: Board | GAC | Reviews | Community | Independent Review Process | Other

Work Party: Board 

Members: Demi Getschko, Sebastien Bachollet, Wolfgang Kleinwaechter, Erica Varlese, Maarten Botterman, Osvaldo Novoa, Michael Karanicolas, Tola Sogbesan, Liu Yue, Ramet Khalili Nasr, Pat Kane, Cheryl Langdon-Orr

Leaders: Sebastien Bachollet, Osvaldo Novoa




Date requested:

Date delivered:

Last global reviews of the Board: last Board Review ended in 2010 - get a report on how the recommendations were implemented

Google doc(tick) Information delivered via email10 Sep 201917 October 2019

Staff to prepare a document stating the time from when a recommendation or advise was presented to the Board till a resolution was taken on it.

Doc shared via email(tick) Information delivered via email11 June 201929 July 2019

Staff to obtain the participants evaluation of the training received by the Board members and trainers evaluation of the participants for the last 3 years.

Doc shared via email

(tick) Information delivered via email. Attachments include:

11 June 201923 August 2019

Obtain details on the 360º Board review process and the corresponding Key Take Away for the last three years.

Doc shared via email(tick) Information delivered via email.11 June 201923 August 2019

Interview the WS2 Chairmen in order to coordinate our work and avoid duplications.

Doc shared via email(info) Sebastien advised to hold until August when a call will take place with the WS2 implementation team11 June 2019

Staff to prepare a list of the Board members in the last 6 years indicating their region, gender, age and their selecting body.

Doc shared via email(tick) Information delivered via email.11 June 201926 July 2019

Staff to prepare a list of the Board liaisons in the last 6 years indicating their region, gender, age and their selecting body.

Doc shared via email(tick) Information delivered via email.11 June 201926 July 2019

Selection process of the Board Members by their SG.

Doc shared via email(tick) Information delivered via email.11 June 201916 July 2019

Selection process of the Board liaisons by their SG.

Doc shared via email(tick) Information delivered via email.11 June 201916 July 2019

Description of ICANN budgeting process, this can be done in a meeting with the Finance people. They can also explain to us the project prioritization process, and the long-term financial stability considerations taken into account in the budgeting process.

Doc shared via email(tick) Information delivered via email.11 June 201922 August 2019

Assessment of the evolution of the budget and its different elements in the last 5 years.

Doc shared via email(tick) Information delivered via email.11 June 201922 August 2019

A description of the strategic planning process, this can be done in a meeting with the people in charge of developing the Strategic Plan.

Doc shared via email(tick) Information delivered via email.11 June 20199 July 2019

The last 4 Strategic Plans.

Doc shared via email(tick) Information delivered via email.11 June 20199 July 2019

Last 5 years Board’s resolutions with their justification.

Doc shared via email(tick) Information delivered via email.11 June 20199 July 2019

Documentation regarding all the Reconsiderations Process cases in the last 3 years.

Doc shared via email(tick) Information delivered via email.11 June 20199 July 2019

Documentation regarding all the IRP cases in the last 3 years.

Doc shared via email(tick) Information delivered via email.11 June 20199 July 2019

Work Party: GAC 

Members: Vanda Scartezini, Jacques Blanc, Wolfgang Kleinwaechter, Maarten Botterman, Liu Yue, Pat Kane, Cheryl Langdon-Orr

Leaders: Vanda Scartezini, Liu Yue




Date requested: Date delivered:
Staff to provide the two statements ALAC had made together with GACSkype

(tick) Delivered via Skype: 

3 July 20194 July 2019

ICANN org to provide factual overview 'scorecards' for each case study, with references to public record: 

  • Dot Africa
  • Dot Amazon
  • IGO protection
  • GDPR (what brought EPDP and on the EPDP)
  • 2 characters
Google doc(tick) Complete. Vanda confirmed via Skype (4 July) that no further case studies are required. 15 April 2019

dot Amazon - 26 April 

2 characters - 20 June

dot Africa - 20 June

Work Party: Reviews

Members: Vanda Scartezini, KC Claffy, Demi Getschko, Daniel Khauka Nanghaka, Jacques Blanc, Sebastien Bachollet, Ramet Khalili Nasr, Pat Kane, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, (Geoff Huston, resigned 4 Sep 2019)

Leaders: KC Claffy, Daniel Khauka Nanghaka




Date requested: Date delivered:
Regarding review of ATRT2 recommendation 6.9: Where the goals developed for stakeholder engagement by GSE?

Is there a link to the tools that summarize and communicate in a more structured manner government involvement in ICAAN via GAC? please provide a link.
Email(tick) Response delivered via email. 29 July 20192 August 2019
Staff to provide the cost for each individual review - Specific and Organizational - for the last five years. Where possible, staff to provide a report of implementation costsEmail and Meeting #20(tick) Information delivered via email.9 July 201918 July 2019

According to https://www.icann.org/news/blog/about-the-fy18-board-activities-priorities [icann.org] 

2.1 The Accountability WS2 co-leaders are a very good example of adopting and successfully using the PCST to help them manage cost. The Board wishes that ICANN (Board, org and community) becomes more financially disciplined and that decisions to start projects, reviews, and community initiatives must be based on clear needs, priorities, and affordability. The Board will consult with the SOs and ACs on deploying PCST beyond WS2.

Question: Has the board completed or done the consultation with the SOs and ACs on the deployment of PCST beyond WS2? 

Email(tick) Requester (Daniel) advised the information is no longer needed.8 July 201922 October 2019

According to https://www.icann.org/news/blog/about-the-fy18-board-activities-priorities [icann.org] 

3.1 - Board Skills Adequacy – The Board is focused on ensuring that it has all of the skillsets needed to serve ICANN. To this end, we are undertaking a "gap analysis" (existing skillset, needed skillset, missing skillset) and, based on the results, we will develop a three-year rolling plan to guide Board member training and inform Board nominating bodies.

Question: Has the Board gap analysis been completed? If yes, please provide Gap Analysis report or link to Gap Analysis report.
What is the extent of the development of the 3 yr rolling plan from the time that the Gap Analysis report has been made? 

Email(tick) Requester (Daniel) advised the information is no longer needed.8 July 201922 October 2019

According to https://www.icann.org/news/blog/about-the-fy18-board-activities-priorities [icann.org] 

4.2 – Openness and Accountability – The Board is focused on improving openness and accountability. To that end, the Board:

  • Has approved a new communications plan that aims at keeping the community better informed of Board activities and decisions;
  • Intends on providing clarity and developing a shared understanding of ICANN's mission; and
  • Will undertake a 360 review in order for Board members to be able to continue to improve their contributions, and for the Board as a whole to better understand its areas for improvement.

Could you please provide a link to the communications plan.
Is there a stipulated timeline for the 360 review? When is this review due to start?
Email(tick) Requester (Daniel) advised the information is no longer needed.8 July 201922 October 2019

According to https://www.icann.org/news/blog/about-the-fy18-board-activities-priorities [icann.org] 

Furthermore, According to Engaging with ICANN's Global Community – Historically, the Board engaged reasonably well with the names community and we will continue to do so but has not engaged enough with the numbers and protocol communities.

What challenges has the board faced in engaging with the Numbers and Protocol communities?

Email(tick) Requester (Daniel) advised the information is no longer needed.8 July 201922 October 2019

According to https://www.icann.org/news/blog/about-the-fy18-board-activities-priorities [icann.org] 

5.1 – Community Requests – The Board is committed to serving the community as a reliable partner by responding, professionally and systematically, to community requests, using a public response system. The Board plans on introducing an "Action Request Response" (ARR) public system that registers community requests and the Board's responses.

Question: Is the Board Advice an alternative to the ARR public system?
In case this is not the case, did the board proceed with the plan of introduction the AAR public system to register community request and Board responses?

Email(tick) Information delivered via email (the email attachment is available here).8 July 201929 July 2019
Staff to proceed with developing the case study regarding GDPR (what brought EPDP and on the EPDP)Email(info) Staff asked via email for the work party to provide specific questions that would help inform the case study. 7 July 2019

Regarding One World Trust Report: ICANN org to provide:

• a link to the stakeholder satisfaction survey
• Link to a dedicated page on ICANN website where Accountability Framework has been posted with objectives and results of metrics
• Link to annual accountability reports
• Bench Marking Reports where ICANN performance is compared with other organisations

Email(tick) Complete. Mapping document provided by email.27 May 201911 October 2019

ICANN org to facilitate answers to the following questions from the work party:

  1. Did the ICANN Board convene a Special Community Group, include governance and dispute resolution expertise, to discuss options for improving Board accountability with regard to restructuring of the Independent Review Process (IRP) and the Reconsideration Process?
  2. If yes, did the Special Community Group use the 2012 Report of the Accountability Structures Expert Panel (ASEP) as one basis for its discussions?
Email(tick) Complete: Response delivered to the review team via email.10 May 201929 July 2019

In reference to the EPDP, Can we make a request to Interview Kurt Pritz and Janis Karklins.

Email(tick) Complete: Janis Karklins and Rafik Dammak joined 31 July plenary call.13 May 201931 July 2019

ICANN org to provide RDS2’s draft assessment of RDS recommendations. 

Email(tick) Included in RDS-WHOIS2 draft final report.20 May 201918 June 2019
ICANN org to provide link to Board Advice RegisterEmail

(tick) Complete: Link delivered to the review team via email:

10 May 201910 May 2019
ICANN org to provide referenced in ATRT2 Final Report (p80): "The (WHOIS RT) Recommendations call for annual reports on implementation, and the deadline for the first such report coincides with the publication of this ATRT2 draft report.RT #10 and Google doc(tick) Complete: Delivered to the review team:24 April 201926 April 2019
ICANN org to provide the One World Trust report referenced in ATRT2 Final Report (page E-4): "Staff provided a confidential copy of the One World Trust report to ATRT2 on December 17, 2013. The copy was provided on a confidential basis because it was a work in progress and because One World Trust and ICANN Staff were working out details with respect to the Report."RT #10 and Google doc

(tick) Complete: Delivered to the review team:

24 April 201926 April 2019
ICANN org to provide briefing document regarding implementation of ATRT2 recommendations
(tick) Complete: 8 of 8 briefing documents provided to the review team. Available here: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/gRK8BQ 
23 April 2019

Work Party: Community 

Members: Osvaldo Novoa, Daniel Khauka Nanghaka, Jaap Akkerhuis, Michael Karanicolas, Tola Sogbesan, Pat Kane, Cheryl Langdon-Orr (Erica Varlese, resigned August 2019)

Leaders: Erica Varlese, Michael Karanicolas




Date requested:Date delivered:
Community and long-term planning topic: 

Ask staff to prepare a document reviewing the implementation, transparency, developing, and reporting for the 2016-2020 Five Year Plan.

Request report regarding the development, with a focus on community input and transparency, regarding the upcoming Five Year Plan (2020 forward).

Document (tick) Information delivered via email.17 June 20199 July 2019
NomCom topic: Request briefing on the independent review of the NomCom and implementation planning, as well as compilation of election procedures of the NomCom and SO/ACs, implementation progress of Board advice to the NomCom.Document 

(tick) Complete:

17 June 201924 July 2019

Areas and methods of community input topic: 

Request an overview from staff on how all comments are processed and prioritized, as well as statistics on how comments can be submitted and are submitted.

Ask staff for assistance with compiling a list of PDPs (2017 to 2019) that have occurred, charter information, timeline, key members, and links to relevant comments/comment periods.

Document (tick) Delivered to RT via email.17 June 20193 July 2019
Community access to information topic: Ask staff to provide an overview report on metrics or performance tracking which ICANN has amassed on the performance of the DIDP, or on its related open data programming.Document (tick) Delivered to RT via email. 17 June 201930 August 2019

Independent Review Process (Plenary Topic) 




Date requested:Date delivered:
ICANN org to create a page of background materialsRT #09(tick) Complete. Background materials available here. 17 April 201915 May 2019
Presentation from David McAuley, Chair IRP-IOT (Pat to coordinate)RT #08

(tick) Complete.

  • Presentation delivered to Review Team on 8 May 2019 (see PPT here).
  • See complete meeting archive here
5 April 20198 May 2019

 Other (Plenary Level) 




Date requested:Date delivered:

FY2020 budget for reviews split in organizational and specific
An estimate for a 5 days retreat for 20 and 30 people

Email(tick) Information provided via email.11 February 202018 February 2020
Request for a comprehensive list of recommendations from Specific and Org reviews as well as WS2RT # 46

(tick) Information provided via email. 

See spreadsheet of all recommendations here.

See summary list of recommendations here.  

9 February 202027 February 2020 
Staff to provide information on the status of the ODI and ITI projects.RT # 33

(tick) ODI information delivered via email.

(tick) ITI information delivered via email.

9 October 2019

9 October 2019

9 December 2019

2 November 2019

ICANN 'By the Numbers reports 2016 - 2019 to assist Jacques with assessment of implementation of ATRT2 recommendation 6.Email(tick) Link to reports delivered via email.28 August 201928 August 2019

ATRT2 implementation report states for 7.1 that "Staff is establishing a multi-department team to investigate further evolution of the organization’s community input capabilities and processes with an eye toward interfacing with future community review efforts (e.g., ATRT3) as needed in the future." Does this group exist, if yes who is on it, if so have they produced anything? can they provide a report to ATRT3?

RT # 21 (tick) Information delivered via email. ICANN Public Comment team delivered a presentation during the ATRT3 meeting on 28 August 201917 July 201921 August 2019
Has the Public Comment Summary Report Inquiry https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/report-inquiry-2014-10-21-en ever been used - if so in which PC's can we see this?RT # 21 (tick) Information delivered via email. ICANN Public Comment team to join ATRT3 meeting on 28 August 2019. 17 July 201921 August 2019
Invite Brian Cute to join plenary meeting #12, 15 May 2019 (Pat and Cheryl to coordinate)RT #11(tick) Complete. Presentation delivered to Review Team on 15 May 2019. See complete meeting archive here. 8 May 201915 May 2019
Invite Brian Cute to join plenary meeting #7, 5 April 2019 (Pat and Cheryl to coordinate)RT #07

(tick) Complete. Presentation delivered to Review Team on 5 April 2019, day 3 of face-to-face meeting. See complete meeting archive here.

4 April 20195 April 2019