Community WP

Community WP

Community WP LeadersMichael Karanicolas, Erica Varlese (resigned 8/15/19), 
Community WP Members

Osvaldo Novoa, Daniel Khauka Nanghaka, Jaap Akkerhuis, Tola Sogbesan, Pat Kane, Cheryl Langdon-Orr

The objectives of the Community  Working Party (WP2) are as follows:

  1. Community and long-term planning:

This investigation area will review the accountability, development, implementation and reporting of the five year plan from 2016-2020, as well as the development of the coming plan from 2020 onwards, with regard to responsiveness to community input and procedural transparency. We will also consider how financial planning is impacted by external or relational sources, and how these changes are communicated to and informed by the community

2. NomCom:

This investigation area will review the NomCom’s selection of Board members, including weighting of factors such as diversity, expertise, Board advice, etc., as well as transparency and accountability mechanisms for this process, and possibilities for community engagement. It will also consider community and stakeholder representation on the NomCom, and the selection process of the SO/ACs in terms of their NomCom reps.

3. Policy Development Processes

This investigation area will review transparency and accountability related to ICANN’s PDPs (including EPDP Phase 1), starting with reviewing how timelines, methodologies and resources are set and allocated, as well as community input and participation avenues, including how staff processes comments as they are received, processed, prioritized and implemented.

4. Community Access to Information:

This investigation area will assess the efficacy and performance of the DIDP system in delivering relevant, timely and accurate information to the community. It will also assess the efficacy and performance of ICANN’s open data initiative and information transparency initiative.

5. Transparency processes within SO/ACs:

This investigation area will look into the transparency or access to information policies in force among the various SOs and ACs, including whether such processes exist, and what sort of standards do they follow.