Reviews WP

Reviews WP

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Reviews WP LeadersKC Claffy, Daniel Khauka Nanghaka
Reviews WP Members

Vanda Scartezini, KC Claffy, Demi Getschko, Daniel Khauka Nanghaka, Jacques Blanc, Sebastien Bachollet, Geoff Huston, Ramet Khalili Nasr, Pat Kane, Cheryl Langdon-Orr

The objectives of the Reviews Working Party are as follows:

  1. ATRT2
    1. Assessment of implementation of recommendations
  2. Specific reviews
    1. Qualitative and quantitative assessments of effectiveness of previous (Section 4.6), i.e, SSR1, RDS1, ATRT1.
    2. Analyze Issues with ongoing reviews, focusing on common challenges with objectivity, efficiency, effectiveness, measurable impacts. e.g., CCWG-Accountability Workstream 2, CCT-RT, RDS2, SSR2
  3. Organizational reviews
    1.  Qualitative and quantitative assessments of effectiveness of previous, i.e., RSSAC, SSAC, NOMCOM, GNSO, ccNSO, At Large, ASO.
  4. Systemic review
    1.  Investigate and potentially propose a systemic review of ICANN, focusing on the impact of current bylaws on ability to achieve mission