Meeting #7-Face to Face #1 | 3-5 April 2019 in Los Angeles CA

Meeting #7-Face to Face #1 | 3-5 April 2019 in Los Angeles CA

3 April 2019 - Day 1

9:00 AM - 5:30 PM local LA time
16:00 - 00:30 (4 Apr) UTC (time zone support)


Review Team: Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Daniel K. Nanghaka, Pat Kane, Demi Getschko, Osvaldo Novoa, Sebastien Bachollet, Jacques Blanc, Jaap Akkerhuis, Vanda Scartezini, Wolfgang Kleinwaechter, KC Claffy, Maarten Botterman 

Remote Members:  Ramet Khalili, Erica Varlese, Michael Karanicolas, Adetola Sogbesan, Liu Yue

ICANN Org:  Negar Farzinnia, Jennifer Bryce, Brenda Brewer, Larisa Gurnick, Theresa Swinehart

Observers:  Jim Prendergast, Yang Hunyu, Avri Doria, Chokri Ben Romdhane

Apologies:  /

AGENDA:  see on right







  • Staff to work with Co-Chairs and Ombudsman to find a time to meet.
  • RT members with issues accessing files sent via email to continue to work with staff and Jaap to learn the workaround.
  • Staff to send a Doodle poll to determine who of the team will be in Marrakech.
  • Staff to send a doodle poll for possible F2F meetings time in August and early September to determine a F2F meeting after Marrakech. Include locations in the poll, to include locations outside of the US. Eg. Brussels, Singapore, Istanbul
  • RT to think about key talking points / questions for the community to engage with the team on
  • Staff to provide information to the team regarding expected timeline of WS2 implementation
  • Staff to set up an online survey and share with Review Team members for prioritization exercise.
  • Staff to ask meetings team to look in to costs of meeting in Beijing.

4 April 2019 - Day 2

9:00 AM - 5:30 PM local LA time
16:00 - 00:30 (5 Apr) UTC (time zone support)


Review Team:  Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Daniel K. Nanghaka, Pat Kane, Demi Getschko, Osvaldo Novoa, Sebastien Bachollet, Jacques Blanc, Jaap Akkerhuis, Vanda Scartezini, Wolfgang Kleinwaechter, KC Claffy, Maarten Botterman

Remote Members:  Michael Karanicolas, Erica Varlese, Ramet Khalili, Adetola Sogbesan, Liu Yue

ICANN Org:  Negar Farzinnia, Jennifer Bryce, Brenda Brewer

Observers:  Jim Prendergast, Herb Waye, Yang Hunyu, Betty Wu, Avri Doria, Marilyn Cade, Chokri Ben Romdhane

Apologies:  /

AGENDA:  see on right


  • Adobe Connect replay:  EN

  • mp3 replay:  EN





  • Team agreed to four workstreams :Board: GAC: Reviews: Community


  • Staff to continue to pursue with meetings team a quote for a review team face-to-face meeting in China in August or September.
  • Further review WS2 process and recommendations to ID any additional ATRT3 Review items and assign them to one of the four workstreams.
  • Before ToR are published, team should analyze the location of priorities that span multiple work parties.

5 April 2019 - Day 3

9:00 AM - 5:30 PM local LA time
16:00 - 00:30 (6 Apr) UTC (time zone support)


Review Team:   Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Daniel K. Nanghaka, Pat Kane, Demi Getschko, Sebastien Bachollet, Jacques Blanc, Jaap Akkerhuis, Vanda Scartezini, Wolfgang Kleinwaechter, KC Claffy, Maarten Botterman 

Remote Members:  Liu Yue, Michael Karanicolas, Tola Sogbesan

Guests:  Brian Cute

ICANN Org:   Negar Farzinnia, Jennifer Bryce, Brenda Brewer, Larisa Gurnick

Observers:   Yang Hunyu, Herb Waye, Avri Doria, Lorie Doswell, Eleeza Agopian, Pamela Smith, Chokri Ben Romdhane

Apologies: Erica Varlese, Osvaldo Novoa

AGENDA:  see on right






  • All workgroups will look at the accountability and transparency columns. Diversity, effectiveness and efficiency should fall in to place without constraining the team. Team can revisit this approach in the future.


  • ICANN org to draft a blog to be published post-face to face meeting and shared to icann.org and community groups. To be shared with Review Team prior to publication.
  • Review team members read the NDA and sign if they feel able to.
  • Staff to create a leadership team skype channel, email list for the work party leaders.
  • Staff to put the request in for day 0 meeting in Montreal and hold the date on the review team calendars.
  • Staff to ask meetings teams to provide any blackout dates when review team face-to-face meetings can't be supported for July 2019 and November/December 2019"
  • Team to revisit item F to be placed in a workparty and develop objectives for the item.
  • Staff to create a space on the wiki for any work party to note a discovery item or information request
  • Staff to create a parking lot page on the wiki for people to go in and add/edit throughout the life of the review.
  • Staff to post pictures of the brainstorming exercises from LA face-to-face meeting to the wiki.
  • Team to work with staff to develop a PowerPoint presentation for engagement a way to capture the outcomes of the engagements.
  • Team to build out Terms of Reference document with objectives from each workstream.
  • Staff to build out a page on the wiki of documents used during meetings including Google docs
  • Staff to develop a resource requests page on the wiki to be linked from the home page.


ICANN Office
12025 Waterfront Dr #300, 
Los Angeles, CA 90094


Join the first Face-to-Face Meeting of the third Accountability and Transparency Review Team

Are you interested in ICANN's execution of its commitment to maintain and improve robust mechanisms for public input, accountability, and transparency to ensure that the outcomes of its decision-making reflect the public interest and are accountable to the Internet community? Join remotely the ATRT3 first face-to-face meeting on 3-4-5 April in Los Angeles. 

The main objectives for this meeting are for the review team to agree upon its scope, objectives, work plan, and terms of reference.  From this meeting, the review team will have 60 days to adopt and submit its terms of reference and work plan to the ICANN Board, i.e. by 3 June 2019.

How Can I Attend?

Become an Observer

Community engagement is critical to a successful review. The review team invites anyone interested in its work to join this review as an observer at any time throughout the course of the review. Learn how to become an observer.