Action items 2025 - ALAC Monthly
Action items 2025 - ALAC Monthly
2025-02-18 ALAC Monthly Teleconference
- Gisella Gruber and Michelle DeSmyter to add an Asia-friendly time to the ALAC monthly call time rotation.
- jonathan.zuck and Justine Chew to continue to raise discussion on proposed way forward on CIP - ALAC/RALOs.
2025-01-21 ALAC Monthly Teleconference
- jonathan.zuck , claire.craig to lead an action on how ALAC/At-Large can be better prepared to respond to regular public comments (eg., the ICANN/IANA budget, strategy plans, and operational plans) that are known to open the same time each year to avoid a volunteer crunch time of the Christmas/New Year holidays.
- Michelle DeSmyter to transfer the current draft Liaison Metrics Strawman to an ICANN Google doc and set it to allow comments.
- Heidi Ullrich to send out the Liaison Metrics Strawman to the past and present Liaisons to review by Friday, 31 January 2025.
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule the next ALAC call on 18 February 2025 at 16:00 UTC.