Zoom Chat: 2021-10-21 Future ICANN Meetings

Zoom Chat: 2021-10-21 Future ICANN Meetings

00:15:07 Claudia Ruiz: Welcome all to the Future ICANN Meetings Call!
00:21:23 hadia Elminiawi: Hello all
00:25:55 Jonathan Zuck: As opposed to hibernation meetings
00:29:46 Judith Hellerstein: Get rid of the webinar mode
00:30:15 Judith Hellerstein: More use of interactive tools such as jam boards and white boards
00:30:38 hadia Elminiawi: webinar mode is like being locked in a room alone
00:30:50 Sivasubramanian M: yes hadia
00:31:00 Sivasubramanian M: it is like watching television alone
00:31:01 Natalia Filina: +1 Hadia
00:31:18 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: and not even knowing who is in the surrounding locked rooms...
00:31:33 Judith Hellerstein: Even Chris despain hates it and asked ICANN staff for the session he is moderating to go to meeting mode as he hates webinar mode
00:32:13 Sivasubramanian M: going back to inperson meetings --- yes, yes and yes
00:32:31 Judith Hellerstein: Yes to having in person meetings
00:32:38 Satish Babu: Webinar mode is a 'defensive' mode for cases where there are unverified users who can potentially disrupt meetings...
00:33:07 Judith Hellerstein: You could always mute everyone and that helps
00:33:18 Olivier KOUAMI: +1
00:33:19 Sivasubramanian M: @Satish better screening might help, not a disproportionate reaction by shutting out interaction for everyone
00:33:41 Satish Babu: For our community, we may not need it...
00:33:52 Raymond Mamattah: Question, please give details on the format of the hybrid meeting. What are the modalities put in place for it?
00:34:05 Sivasubramanian M: maybe meetings with invitations, with better moderation powers, better authentication
00:35:06 iPad (27)Vanda Scartezini: Hybrid will be the future - nowadays besides too demanding in time meetings are really boring , we are ok here in SPaulo with 100% vaccinated and cases dropping every day. Regional meeting may be interesting to test
00:35:29 Sivasubramanian M: Hybrid meeting challenges: In person attendees may have to meet in the middle of the night till mid day on some days, in cases where the remote participants are more in number
00:36:47 Sivasubramanian M: One scenario is that in person participants are from within the host country, and perhaps from select countries which the host country approves for pandemic travel.
00:36:55 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: I certainly support ICANN doing a refreshed survey in the near future...
00:37:27 Roberto Gaetano: I guess that the schedule of the meeting will always be based on the place where we have attendees in presence, no matter whether they are a minority
00:37:30 Ali AlMeshal: IGF Global are moving to Hybrid which I think it is good transition
00:38:07 Olivier KOUAMI: I also think that the internet reimbursement programneed to be improved
00:38:16 Roberto Gaetano: that is also connected with the fact that it might be impossible to have locations that allow in presence meetings in the middle of the night @Siva
00:38:26 Sivasubramanian M: Another scenario is that travel becomes far more expensive, ICANN might fund AC/SO travel, limited staff travel, with the rest largely participating from distance.
00:38:33 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Exactly a Hybrid is a LOT more to consider than an element of Remote Participation... Well noted @Hadia
00:39:20 Naveed: Comment: Online meetings have time zone constraints and length of meetings over three weeks makes it difficult to contribute. I think with vaccinations in place we need to start getting towards some kind of normalcy while taking precautions
00:39:31 Judith Hellerstein: That is why Jam boards are good
00:39:33 Sivasubramanian M: ICANN could seriously think of Chartering one or two planes departing from common locations from two or three regions
00:39:51 Shreedeep Rayamajhi: normal meeting should Continue with better planning and operation. vaccination should be prioritized. alot of the destination are opening up and normalization with a strategic planning can help. virtually the enagagment very hard to achieve....
00:41:44 hadia Elminiawi: Thanks you
00:42:35 Shreedeep Rayamajhi: virtually it has many prospect of reaching out but the level of Enagagment has not been so hard to achieve
00:42:36 Natalia Filina: your hair looks great Jonathan!-)
00:42:38 hadia Elminiawi: yes social moments - will indeed be missed
00:43:19 Judith Hellerstein: I miss seeing everyone
00:43:37 Bikram Shrestha: We had hybrid Kathmandu the 12th APrIGF 2021 in Nepal last September. Very good experience to host hybrid mode. Atlist local host can gather local participants, panelist and guest from local community.
00:44:02 Shreedeep Rayamajhi: ICANN meeting needs to be face to face beacise it's more about productivity not just about outreach and contribution
00:44:03 Jeffrey Neuman: Though Jonathan's videos and presentations have gotten 1000X better with every meeting
00:44:11 Judith Hellerstein: I also miss the social events and the one to one meetings.
00:44:37 hadia Elminiawi: +1 to getting the work done
00:45:42 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Remote participation is a vital part of a hybrid meeting model, but it is not the only thing to effectively plan and manage in a hybrid meeting.
00:46:29 Jeffrey Neuman: @CLO - in fact, remote participation is a vital part of all ICANN meetings (in person and not-in-person)
00:46:34 Jonathan Zuck: Part of what we can do is make sure to use digital tools for the in person meetings (rather than physical whiteboards, etc.) to allow for me easy integration with the remote participants
00:47:14 Shreedeep Rayamajhi: I think remote participation is good for awareness and capacity building but when it come to contribution, remote doesn't contribute much to the enagagment part
00:47:15 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: and one ICANN Meetings has attended to in various forms since it's start
00:47:43 Chokri Ben Romdhane: +Riccardo
00:49:08 Natalia Filina: another plus of f2f meetings is that visitors see what we are doing and which topic they can join in discussing AC/SO, in our complex subject matter of technical IG issues, this is important for engagement. Virtually we are working in the same bubble.
00:49:25 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: we used to have video streaming out of the meeting room (way back when in the original days) and with Berkman assisting IRC chat channels open to remote participants and literally notes being walked down to the Board Members or presenters talking on stage...
00:49:31 Natalia Filina: And each f2f ICANN meeting is a kind of pause in the work of communities. Time for a new round and countdown. Now we are in endless mode
00:50:16 Jeffrey Neuman: I envy those of you that have travelled. I have not been on an airplane since March 2020. And I used to travel all the time.
00:50:31 Olivier KOUAMI: +1 @Natalya
00:50:45 Olivier KOUAMI: +1 @Judith
00:51:03 Olivier KOUAMI: Thak you Marita
00:51:14 Olivier KOUAMI: Thank you
00:51:30 Jonathan Zuck: Exactly @Natalia
00:51:49 Natalia Filina: My three first ICANN meetings I was remotely with you, @Cheryl!-) You didn`1t know that-)
00:52:49 K Mohan Raidu,ISoc India Hyderabad Chapter: Hello all,
I may please be excused now
I am leaving.
00:53:47 Jonathan Zuck: That fact we didn’t know that @Natalia, speaks to your commanding presence!
00:54:07 Jeffrey Neuman: Its also important to note that MOST "work" of ICANN occurs in between meetings and always has. Don't get me wrong, F2F meetings are great for a lot of reasons, but ICANN survives not because of what we do (or not do) at ICANN meetings, but because of all the work in between the meetings. And those have ALWAYS been "virtual"
00:54:55 Olivier KOUAMI: You(re right @Jeffrey
00:55:09 Jeffrey Neuman: Without ICANN meetings, ICANN will not just stop working. ICANN only stops working if we stop working
00:55:12 Jonathan Zuck: True, Jeff. As a practical matter, a lot of “closing” of issues, seems to happen in person. That ’s separate from the relationship management component that builds the good will, necessary for successful virtual interaction.
00:55:17 Natalia Filina: haha-))) @Jonathan, I was like a partisan. It was the only opportunity to be with ALAC in Kobe, for example. And I used it-)
00:55:34 Nkem Nweke (DigitalSENSE Africa): Hybrid meetings will encourage greater participation and better results
00:56:14 Olivier KOUAMI: +1 @Nkem
00:56:25 Jeffrey Neuman: @Jonathan - I am not saying that meetings have a ton of value. All I am saying is that we should not kid ourselves to think that ICANN will end if we stop having face to face meetings.
00:57:09 Natalia Filina: +1 Vanda
00:58:12 Nkem Nweke (DigitalSENSE Africa): Thank you Vanda.
00:58:28 Lianna Galstyan: +Eduardo
00:58:29 Natalia Filina: +1 Jeffrey too-) but meetings help the volunteer communities to be refreshed
00:58:32 Jonathan Zuck: @Jeff, I stand by my comment that ICANN is heading in a bad direction, in the absence of f2f meetings. Disappear, no. Become even more dysfunctional, yes.
00:59:25 Jonathan Zuck: Yeah, the timezones are rough!
00:59:42 Jeffrey Neuman: I am not going to argue with you about ICANN Dysfunction. But I don't believe that is a result of a lack of face to face meetings. There are a number of other reasons :)
01:00:02 Jonathan Zuck: Hmmm.
01:00:25 Jonathan Zuck: Lots of reasons, for sure.
01:01:35 iPad (27)Vanda Scartezini: Jeffrey agree but for people just being volunteer not someone that has work with DNS the conflicts with their work will certainly disencvourage to still be part of ICANN - we all old ones will be here but ICANN wants this for the future?
01:03:07 hadia Elminiawi: much better now
01:03:34 Olivier KOUAMI: +1 @Seun
01:03:55 hadia Elminiawi: good idea Seun
01:04:05 Natalia Filina: True @Vanda
01:05:47 Alfredo Calderon: <Question>From the ICANN Org point of view, is it willing to deal with health issues if a breakout or positive cases happen in a face-to-face meeting? In other words, what ever of logistics is ICANN org willing to manage?
01:06:54 Alfredo Calderon: <Comment> Regional hubs do not provide the ‘consensus’ element that is seeked in a face-to-face meeting in Working Groups.
01:07:15 Olivier KOUAMI: Thank you Sebastien
01:07:26 Natalia Filina: the problem is that even if we would like local meetings in our regions, ICANN employees are banned from attending mass meetings. So even if we could, for example, we haven`t support. Btw EURALO Chair is a great guy!
01:07:35 iPad (27)Vanda Scartezini: Calderon - I believe contagious cases had always have during ICANN meetings and ICANN is not responsible for that you go if you wanted
01:10:08 Alfredo Calderon: @Vanda, agreed, but the Covid pandemia is a different situation even with vaccinated individuals. Therefore, as a volunteer the risk is there and higher even if a accept the risk of traveling. Besides, the travel arrangements might be greater. What if… are the scenarios we would need to examine.
01:11:28 Natalia Filina: It's a little strange that we are discussing this, but ICANN doesn`t give a single program or plan or option - after all, there are resources to organize everything. Tests, masks, vaccines, localized territory, rules, responsibility of visitors etc
01:11:59 Jonathan Zuck: That’s for the ODP, @Alan. ;)
01:12:39 Judith Hellerstein: Yes., i am ready for this and others are as well
01:13:24 Judith Hellerstein: The IGF Id planning to use and app for everyone to use who wants to talk. They have to register in the app
01:13:26 Jonathan Zuck: Seattle is next week, so probably not. PR is the first one folks are talking about
01:13:27 Marita Moll: good points @alan
01:13:43 hadia Elminiawi: yes PR
01:13:48 Satish Babu: RT-PCR costs about US$ 8 per test in India, but of course will cost more in other countries...
01:14:02 Judith Hellerstein: I do not necessarily agree with Alan. Many people are willing to travel and go to conferences
01:14:06 Jonathan Zuck: Costs have come WAY down, Satish, yes.
01:14:42 Caleb Ogundele: Will ICANN support the cost of testing of funded travelers from their location?
01:14:51 Alfredo Calderon: <Comment>Even Puerto Rico is in jeopardy. Has planning and meeting Team been to the Island to start setting the stage for a hybrid meeting?
01:15:01 Alan Greenberg: @Satish, herePCR test are still running at about $200...
01:15:22 Judith Hellerstein: @ali I am going to Poland as well and look forward to seeing you there
01:15:50 Satish Babu: @Alan...agree that these are very variable...
01:15:53 Judith Hellerstein: @ali great points
01:16:05 Jonathan Zuck: Wow @Alan, I’m not sure that’s typical.
01:16:21 Jonathan Zuck: We used these folks, for a movie
01:16:23 Jonathan Zuck: https://www.letsgetchecked.com/
01:16:53 Alan Greenberg: My wife had to get one outside of Boston to get back into Canada (a few weeks ago) and it was hard to find and costly.
01:16:53 Claudia Ruiz ICANN Org: Bad audio for me too
01:17:39 Yrjo Lansipuro: IGF (Katowice, 6-10 Dec) will be a good case for ICANN to study and to learn from in terms of how to arrange a hybrid meetimg
01:17:57 Natalia Filina: @Judith Poland has strict rules now. 2 weeks of isolation upon arrival, I read it
01:18:15 Marita Moll: Testing at Frankfurt airport was $200 for a result in 5 hrs
01:18:32 Marita Moll: oops 6hrs
01:18:49 Roberto Gaetano: Good - we will be isolated at the IGF conference site for two weeks - will be very productive
01:19:11 Roberto Gaetano: @Natalia
01:19:34 Maureen Hilyard: Apologies to any other speakers but we have to be mindful of the interpreters Please add any ideas in the chat that you would like to add so we can capture them
01:19:37 Alan Greenberg: Typically "isolation" means staying alone for that time before you can attend the meeting.
01:19:45 Judith Hellerstein: @nataliya. No isolation if you have a who approved vaccine
01:20:01 Roberto Gaetano: @Alan - was a joke
01:20:40 Natalia Filina: @Roberto, true!!!-)))
01:20:45 Judith Hellerstein: I have read the rules
01:21:22 Lito Ibarra: Thanks everyone, for all input and feedback
01:21:24 Natalia Filina: Hope no restrictions for you Judith!
01:21:29 Seun S. Ojedeji: Thanks a lot
01:21:35 Natalia Filina: thanks to all!
01:21:37 Satish Babu: Great discussions...thanks and bye for now!
01:21:41 Roberto Gaetano: although in ancient times they had lazarets where all quarantined people were lumped together - sounds crazy, but this was the case - in Trieste we still have the area of the old lazaret
01:21:51 hadia Elminiawi: Thank you all for this discussion
01:21:53 Roberto Gaetano: for the incoming sailors
01:21:53 Chokri Ben Romdhane: Thanks
01:21:55 Olivier KOUAMI: Thank you very much
01:21:58 Marita Moll: also has to be affordable
01:22:06 Nkem Nweke (DigitalSENSE Africa): Goodbye all.
01:22:11 Harold Arcos: thank you all,,
01:22:15 hadia Elminiawi: bye
01:22:16 Alfredo Calderon: Stay well and safe!
01:22:16 Lianna Galstyan: Thanks everyone