AFRALO Orientation Call Planning Page - May 2019
AFRALO Orientation Call Planning Page - May 2019
2017-06-19 APRALO ALS and Individual Orientation
New At-Large Structure (ALS) and Individual Orientation Program
Prep work includes:
- Development of slide presentation and agenda with RALO Leadership. This includes customizing the presentation and highlighting events that the RALO thinks are important.
- Sending Doodle to RALO Leadership and other individuals they think are necessary to join the call, to set the date and time.
- Invitation of ALS Newcomers (usually since January 2016, but they may go further back) and invitation for them to introduce themselves on the call and share (1) slide about their ALS.
- Invitation of ALSes and collection of RSVPs.
- Promotion of the Orientation Call.
- At-Large staff run-through call at least 1 week in advance of the call.
- Setting up a Newcomer Chat after the call and engaging with the RALO as they identified.
Please note it is a 90 minute call. Please let staff know who you would request to fill the Doodle, aside from the RALO Leadership (i.e. Maureen, Leon? GSE from Africa?)