ALAC 2015-05-26 AC Chat
Gisella Gruber: (5/26/2015 18:42) Welcome to the ALAC monthly meeting on Tuesday 26 May 2015 at 1900 UTC
Gisella Gruber: (18:42) Agenda:
Ron Sherwood: (19:55) Hello everyone
Murray McKercher NARALO: (19:55) I will be wearing my .mobi Liaison Hat today :)
Allan Skuce: (19:58) Hello.
Jimm: (19:59) Hi everyone
Siranush Vardanyan: (19:59) hi all
Leon Sanchez: (19:59) Hello everyone!
vanda SCARTEZINI: (20:00) hi everyone,
Fatima Cambronero: (20:00) Hello everyone
Siranush Vardanyan: (20:00) justvfrom euralo monthly call:)
Sébastien: (20:00) Hello
vanda SCARTEZINI: (20:01) Sira.. dedicated day...
judith hellerstein: (20:01) Hi All
Alan Greenberg: (20:01) Dialing now. Had wrong conf id
vanda SCARTEZINI: (20:01) the old one...
Siranush Vardanyan: (20:02) as always, Vanda;)
Eduardo Diaz - (ALAC): (20:03) ¡Hola a todos!
Sandra Hoferichter: (20:03) Hello All
Siranush Vardanyan: (20:03) Eduardo, lovely to have you back soon as nomcom
vanda SCARTEZINI: (20:03) yes Sira its become more and more a full day job, isn't it?
Sandra Hoferichter: (20:04) Hello all!
Siranush Vardanyan: (20:04) it is, Vanda
Wolf Ludwig: (20:04) Let the babies talk! ;-)
Otunte Otueneh: (20:04) Hello everyone
Siranush Vardanyan: (20:04) mine is sleeping this time;)))
vanda SCARTEZINI: (20:05) no babies more around here...
Leon Sanchez: (20:06) Babies bring happiness to us all :-)
Hadja: (20:06) Hello All
Wolf Ludwig: (20:06) @Gisella: on AC Wolf -- waiting for a dial-out ;-)
Gisella Gruber: (20:06) @ Wolf - imeediately!
Wolf Ludwig: (20:06) Thanks! ;-)
Ariel Liang: (20:08) policy development:
Ariel Liang: (20:08) CWG IANA 2nd Draft Proposal:
Ariel Liang: (20:08) CCWG Accountability PC:
Ariel Liang: (20:10) gTLD Registries Stakeholder Group (RySG) Charter Amendments:
Gisella Gruber: (20:11) Please state your names for interpreters as well as transcript - very important
Ariel Liang: (20:12) dot Travel:
Ariel Liang: (20:13) AoC: Proposed Schedule and Process/Operational Improvements for AoC and Organizational Reviews
Ariel Liang: (20:13)
Ariel Liang: (20:14) RAA:
Ariel Liang: (20:15) PPSAI:
judith hellerstein: (20:16) Can we have scrolling capabilities for the agenda?
Beran Gillen: (20:17) update on ISOC Gambia -------- Leadership elections underway
judith hellerstein: (20:17) Thanks Beran
Beran Gillen: (20:17) I will keep you updated on elections
Ariel Liang: (20:18) @Judith - I turned off the 'sync' so everyone should be able to scroll the agenda
judith hellerstein: (20:18) thanks @ariel
judith hellerstein: (20:18) What about comments on teh monthly template that Glenn and I have worked on?
Siranush Vardanyan: (20:20) just wanted to share with all that based on the consensus call in APRALO, Maureen will be continuing another term as ALAC member.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (20:20) sounds Olivier he was in a windy location and perhaps got disconnected
Siranush Vardanyan: (20:20) :)))
Evan Leibovitch: (20:20) Hi all. Was just at the same mtg as Olivier. On the bus home.
Beran Gillen: (20:20) congrats Maureen!!
Heidi Ullrich: (20:20) Hi All, we are aware of the beeping and locating the source
Fatima Cambronero: (20:20) congrats Maureen!
judith hellerstein: (20:21) Congrats!! Maureen
Maureen Hilyard: (20:21) Thank you everyone!
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (20:21) well done
Heidi Ullrich: (20:22) Congratulations, Maureen!
Maureen Hilyard: (20:22) Thanks Olivier.. definitely need discussion.. just reminding us all..
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: (20:22) well done indeed, Maureen!
vanda SCARTEZINI: (20:25) congrats Maureen
Leon Sanchez: (20:26) I had a call hicup but I'm back on the call
Murray McKercher NARALO: (20:29) @Giselle ACs and SOs Advisory Comittitees and Service Organisations?
Leon Sanchez: (20:29) I am
Siranush Vardanyan: (20:29) to all of us;))
Leon Sanchez: (20:29) but don't know why yu cant hera me
Gisella Gruber: (20:29) Leon is unmuted
Leon Sanchez: (20:29) yes please
Siranush Vardanyan: (20:30) leon. we can now;)
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (20:30) yeah
Leon Sanchez: (20:34) exactly that would take us to square one
judith hellerstein: (20:49) Interesting discussion
Leon Sanchez: (20:51) And trust may be granted today but we don't know who will come tomorrow
Siranush Vardanyan: (20:52) plus 1, Leon
Leon Sanchez: (20:52) If we need to go to court we already have something nuclear in hand
CLO: (20:52) indeed Léon true but the 'golden bylaws etc.,' should assist there
Carlton Samuels: (20:52) Howdy all
Leon Sanchez: (20:53) Agree Cheryl, from my POV the ability to go to Court should be enough to keep us from actually going to court .-)
Glenn McKnight: (20:53) CYes
Holly Raiche: (20:54) Agree with CLO
Glenn McKnight: (20:54) I am on ADOBE Now that I am back at my computer
vanda SCARTEZINI: (20:54) @ leon, considering US mojority the chance to end up on court is higher than we can think
Glenn McKnight: (20:55) The threat is enough
Glenn McKnight: (20:55) Its one way to tie up your competition or stifle discent
Leon Sanchez: (20:55) @Vanda it could seem so but I believe that it wouldn't be the case
Carlton Samuels: (20:55) Doveryai no proveryai
Carlton Samuels: (20:56) And from people who seem to be eternally distrustful!
vanda SCARTEZINI: (20:56) @ leon. let's hope..
Carlton Samuels: (20:58) All that business of litigation brings to the fore what the USG means in context. We cannot replicate the 'full faith and credit' of the USG. So we using the 'threat of litigation' as a moderator - and the fall back position.
Leon Sanchez: (20:59) Exactly @Carlton
vanda SCARTEZINI: (21:00) @ Carlton - you may right but hard to see the fall back position happening
Carlton Samuels: (21:01) @Alan: You find a complainant who has 'standing' and then you go to district court making a claim against the Board under California law.
Alan Greenberg: (21:01) @Carlton, that is the issue. It is not clear that anyone has standing to do that.
Leon Sanchez: (21:01) or you go to State Attorney and have him excercise action against ICANN
Glenn McKnight: (21:02) Perhaps a Class Action suit
Carlton Samuels: (21:02) @Alan: Aaah, if we can't find someone - a beneficiary who could be harmed - then we might as well fold our tent and go away
judith hellerstein: (21:03) You can not do a class action suit. Waht standing do you have for that
Glenn McKnight: (21:03) I am saying if a group feels wounded they have a Class Action option
vanda SCARTEZINI: (21:03) this discussion dmeands much more time..
Jimmy Schulz: (21:03) sorry lowered hand
Glenn McKnight: (21:04) Yes
Carlton Samuels: (21:04) In any case, I need to be convinced that the Board of an Maerican corporation will wilfully vote to limit its ability to decide 'in good faith' what consittutes a 'fiduciary duty' or a 'duty to care'!
Carlton Samuels: (21:04) *American
vanda SCARTEZINI: (21:04) @ carlton. I do not believe too....
vanda SCARTEZINI: (21:06) let's leave this to Buenos Aires, we need more time
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (21:07) WSIS Forum Session:
Alan Greenberg: (21:07) @Vanda, we cannot leave it to BA, we have a PC statement due a bit over a week from now.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (21:07)
judith hellerstein: (21:09) Glenna class action suit is not necessarily a good one as many judges dislike this and judges have to authorize a class action suit
Holly Raiche: (21:10) @ Gisella- is the power point template available yet - I'd like to do the presentation for the PPSAI
judith hellerstein: (21:11) no we do not have scrolling ability
Fatima Cambronero: (21:11) no gala in Buenos Aires? :(
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (21:11) Tango night?
judith hellerstein: (21:11) good idea
Siranush Vardanyan: (21:11) and no music night???
Fatima Cambronero: (21:11) in the LACRALO Showcase we will have tango night :)
Leon Sanchez: (21:12) @Fátima and we'll take some cajeta and conchas from Mexico!
judith hellerstein: (21:12) @ariel or @gisela can we have scrolling capability
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (21:12) it is a real pity because both the Gala & the Music nights were real opportunities for netorking and cross-community interaction. I feel that ICANN is losing its soul.
Siranush Vardanyan: (21:12) thanks we still have showcases:))
Fatima Cambronero: (21:12) @Leon LOL
Ariel Liang: (21:12) @Judith - now you do
Eduardo Diaz - (ALAC): (21:12) @Olivier: me too!
Eduardo Diaz - (ALAC): (21:12) You work hard and then play hard
Fatima Cambronero: (21:13) we can organize the At-Large musich night :)
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (21:13) the networking component of the social events s really underrated.
judith hellerstein: (21:13) @olivier. I thought that the CCWG Internet was at 5:30pm but this schedule still says 6;15
Heidi Ullrich: (21:14) Agendas - Starting with Sunday:
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (21:14) @Judith - I think it's still moving around. Possibly moved 'til later due to clash with other communities
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (21:14) @Judith: we'll discuss this on the CCWG IG call tomorrow
judith hellerstein: (21:15) @olivier, i think it was always in the 6:15pm slot and others in teh group wanted to move it up but guess they were stymied in their attempts
Heidi Ullrich: (21:17) Tuesday:
Fatima Cambronero: (21:18) LOL
Gisella Gruber: (21:19) QUestions to the Board workspace:
Heidi Ullrich: (21:20) Thursday -
Leon Sanchez: (21:22) are we traveling business this time? :P
CLO: (21:22) or we could keep up the pace and finish on time /early
Leon Sanchez: (21:22) +1 CLO
Fatima Cambronero: (21:22) what about @Beran and her visa?
judith hellerstein: (21:22) Did we have any more feedback from Fadi about changes that are going to be put in place
judith hellerstein: (21:23) so that we do not have a situation the same as we had with beran
Glenn McKnight: (21:23) One day in advance than normal for the full ALAC
Alan Greenberg: (21:24) Beran is not able to attend. Obtaining her visa was problematic and she had no choice but to withdraw. That situation is NOT acceptable and several actions are taking place to attempt to ensure that this does not happen again.
CLO: (21:24) Excellent re this additional days for Dublin
vanda SCARTEZINI: (21:24) yes.
judith hellerstein: (21:25) @alan do you have any update on what actions are being taken
Fatima Cambronero: (21:25) can I help talking with Argentinean government or is too late now?
CLO: (21:25) situation normal Alan ;-)
Leon Sanchez: (21:25) It is terrible that Beran won't make it
Glenn McKnight: (21:25) Only two items for ALAC in the FY 15 budget?
Beran Gillen: (21:26) yes i wish i could
Carlton Samuels: (21:26) This constant visa problem is a threat to true multistakeholderism and ICANN has a duty of care to see it mitigated....and removed from the contention set!
vanda SCARTEZINI: (21:26) unhappily not the first time this happen with a colleague
Beran Gillen: (21:26) a shame but alan sent a very strong letter and i am confident this will not repeat
CLO: (21:26) indeed it is Carlton
Siranush Vardanyan: (21:26) very bad to hear about Beran
Leon Sanchez: (21:26) I will disconnect from the AC room but will continue on the phone bridge
Alan Greenberg: (21:27) @Glenn, those were the two we highlighted. The full list of items was distributed and I think discussed at the last meeting.
CLO: (21:28) this 'orientation / on boarding' is indeed also a great and exciting initiative
Beran Gillen: (21:28) @Siranush...... I will join remotely... though it wont be the same :(
Alan Greenberg: (21:28) Unfortunately, with Fadi announcing his departure, the visa issue has lost a bit of focus. But I will do my best to keep the pressure on.
Maureen Hilyard: (21:28) Sounds great, Heidi.. Just the sort of thing that we have been discussing about ALS orientation
judith hellerstein: (21:28) @fatima. I think this might have helped 2-3 months ago but now she had to pass her funding on to another person
Fatima Cambronero: (21:29) I didn't know this situation 2 or 3 months ago....
Glenn McKnight: (21:30) Not just new ALS's but the wayward ALS's that have not been active since they signed up
Alan Greenberg: (21:30) Regarding visa, unfortunately in many cases local embassies and consulates have a LOT of freedom to set their own rules and often there is not much that can be done to change those decisions.
Maureen Hilyard: (21:31) @Heidi.. also links to some really interesting webinars that have already been produced
Carlton Samuels: (21:31) @Alan: I disagree. Early engagement - talk! communicate! educate! - can make a difference. ICANN has a duty of care
loris Taylor: (21:32) I like the ALS on-boarding program. Have a great day/evening everyone. I am jumping off.
Glenn McKnight: (21:32) Bye Loris
Carlton Samuels: (21:32) I have been around diplomatic servid long enought o know there are always rules...and adaptations in the field to meet 'exigencies'. All of that is understood by seasoned FS officers
vanda SCARTEZINI: (21:33) locals can also help. when we have meeting here I received passaports of colleague with problems and went got it from here timely to allow the passport to return to the colleague in Africa. time is relevant when talking about visa.
Glenn McKnight: (21:34) @ Murray since joining they have not joined any Naralo calls.
Jimmy Schulz: (21:34) cu
Holly Raiche: (21:34) Bye
Sandra Hoferichter: (21:34) well done!
judith hellerstein: (21:34) bye all
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (21:34) Take care all
Ariel Liang: (21:34) Thanks all! bye
Siranush Vardanyan: (21:34) thank you all and bye
Maureen Hilyard: (21:34) Bye all
vanda SCARTEZINI: (21:34) nice trip to everyone!
Fatima Cambronero: (21:34) thanks All, see you soon! bye
Fatima Cambronero: (21:34) Thanks Veronica and David!
CLO: (21:34) Excellent... bye for now :-D
Ron Sherwood: (21:35) Bye all
Gisella Gruber: (21:35) Thank you all!
Carlton Samuels: (21:35) Bye all
Heidi Ullrich: (21:36) Bye All!
Allan Skuce: (21:38) Bye