Workstream #5 - IANA Transition

Workstream #5 - IANA Transition

(blue star) Mandate:  The group will be responsible for reviewing the impact of the IANA transition on the security of ICANN and the unique identifier systems it coordinates.

(star) Work plan: The work plan for this workstream is incorporated into the SSR2 Review Team work plan. View the SSR2 Review Team work plan to see the key areas for research and discussion and related milestones to be achieved during the review process.

The information below is archived: 

(star) Members:  

  • Eric Osterweil
  • James Gannon
  • Cathy Handley

(blue star) Mandate:  The group will be responsible for reviewing the impact of the IANA transition on the security of ICANN and the unique identifier systems it coordinates.

(red star) Email Archives:  HERE

(green star) Workstream task management (Trello)https://trello.com/b/CLrY87hn/ssr2-subtopic-5-iana-transition

(blue star) Conference calls: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/display/SSR/Subgroup+Conference+Calls 

Workstream Documents





SSR2 Work Plan (including Workstream Work Plan)Wiki page


Interview Notes - Kim Davies, Elise GerichPDF

Decisions reached

This section is under maintenance.



Team will meet on an ad-hoc basis. No regular calls to be scheduled.


Team does not need to conduct site visits to complete its work.


Team to hold face-to-face report drafting session in September 2017.