Workstream #1 - SSR1 Review

Workstream #1 - SSR1 Review

(red star) Mandate: The group will be responsible for reviewing the implementation of the first Security, Stability and Resiliency (SSR1) Review Team's work and drafting a document outlining the effectiveness of said implementation. 

(star) Work plan: The work plan for this workstream is incorporated into the SSR2 Review Team work plan. View the SSR2 Review Team work plan to see the key areas for research and discussion and related milestones to be achieved during the review process.

Workstream Documents - available here 

The information below is archived: 

(star) Members:  

  • Alain Patrick Aina - Rapporteur

  • Denise Michel

  • Ram Krishna Pariyar

(red star) Mandate: The group will be responsible for reviewing the implementation of the first Security, Stability and Resiliency (SSR1) Review Team's work and drafting a document outlining the effectiveness of said implementation. 

(green star) Email Archives: HERE

(blue star) Conference calls: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/display/SSR/Subgroup+Conference+Calls 

Background Materials