Briefing Materials

Briefing Materials

This wiki page encapsulates the briefings requested by and delivered to the review team.

Plenary Briefings
Briefing RequestStatusLinks
CCT Review Team Findings & Recommendations(tick) Delivered to review team on 24 October 2018 (ICANN63 face-to-face meeting)

Slides - Briefing to SSR2

Slides - All final recommendations

Meeting Archive

Continuous Data-driven Analysis of Root Stability (CDAR)

(tick) Delivered to review team on 15 March 2017 (ICANN58 face-to-face meeting)


Meeting Archive

Statistical Analysis of DNS Abuse in gTLDs (SADAG)

(tick) Delivered to review team on 15 March 2017 (ICANN58 face-to-face meeting)


Meeting Archive

PTI / ICANN Relationship Overview(tick) Delivered to review team on 9 May 2017


Meeting Archive

Identifier Technologies Health Indicators (ITHI)

(tick) Delivered to review team on 14 May 2017 (face-to-face meeting)


Meeting Archive

Domain Abuse Reporting Tool (DART)(tick) Delivered to review team on 14 May 2017 (face-to-face meeting)


Meeting Archive

Overview of engagement on security, stability and resilience issues

(tick) Delivered to review team on 6 June 2017


Meeting Archive

DNS Infrastructure hijacking(tick) Delivered to review team at ICANN64, 11 March 2019Presentation
Discussion with ICANN Compliance(tick) Completed 14 May 2019.Q&A doc
DNS Abuse study final results

(info) Scheduled for 25 June 2017. Postponed per Co-Chairs. See action item 99 for more details.

Framework for Registry Operators to Respond to Security Threats(info) Scheduled for 26 June 2017. Postponed per Co-Chairs. See action item 98 for more details.
SSR1 Subgroup Briefings

Briefing Request



(red star) Follow-up questions & answers from all SSR1 implementation briefings can be found on this page: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/UozJBQ (red star)

Grouping: ICANN Office of the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO)

SSR1 - Recs 1, 4, 5, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 24, 28

(tick) Delivered to review team on 14 May 2017


Meeting Archive

Grouping: ICANN Operations & Finance

SSR1 - Recs 2, 7, 8, 9, 17, 20, 21, 22

(tick) Delivered to review team on 25 June 2017


Meeting Archive

Grouping: ICANN Compliance

SSR1 - Rec 10

(tick) Delivered to review team on 11 July 2017


Meeting Archive

Grouping: Risk Management

SSR1 - Recs 25 - 27

(tick) Delivered to review team on 25 July 2017


Meeting Archive

Grouping: ICANN GDD

SSR1 - Recs 11, 12

(tick) Delivered to review team on 1 August 2017


Meeting Archive

Grouping: ICANN Policy

SSR1 - Recs 6, 13, 23

(info) Briefing not currently required per Co-Chairs

Grouping: ICANN Communications

SSR1 - Rec 3

(info) Briefing not currently required per Co-Chairs
ICANN SSR Subgroup Briefings 
Briefing RequestStatusLinks

(red star) Follow-up questions & answers from all ICANN SSR briefings can be found on this page: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/UozJBQ (red star)

System Security - Introduction to ICANN's Business Continuity Management - Business Continuity as it relates to the DNS(tick) Delivered to subgroup on 9 October 2017 (LA face-to-face subgroup meeting)

Adobe Connect Replay (1:44:30 - 2:37:00)

Meeting Archive

Introduction to ICANN's GDD Operations operation processes and services in relation to security, stability of the DNS(tick) Delivered to subgroup on 9 October 2017 (LA face-to-face subgroup meeting)

Adobe Connect Replay (2:37:20 - 3:57:47)

Meeting Archive

Operational processes and services with a focus on internal security, stability and resiliency(tick) Delivered to subgroup on 9 October 2017 (LA face-to-face subgroup meeting)

Adobe Connect Replay (3:58:00 - 4:20:44)

Meeting Archive

ICANN New gTLD Delegation and Transition process(tick) Delivered to subgroup on 9 October 2017 (LA face-to-face subgroup meeting)

Adobe Connect Replay (4:21:15 - 5:00:00)

Meeting Archive

Domain Abuse Activity Reporting (DAAR)(info) Subgroup agreed no briefing required as was covered during 14-15 May meeting in Madrid
ICANN security relating to the security and stability of the DNS(tick) Delivered to subgroup on 10 October 2017 (LA face-to-face subgroup meeting)

Adobe Connect Replay (00:03:00 - 00:45:00)

Meeting Archive

WHOIS Compliance Registrar Agreement(tick) Delivered to subgroup on 10 October 2017 (LA face-to-face subgroup meeting)


Adobe Connect Replay (00:48:30 - 01:26:00)

Meeting Archive

ICANN's Security Incident Management (tick) Delivered to subgroup on 10 October 2017 (LA face-to-face subgroup meeting)

Adobe Connect Replay (01:28:00 - 02:10:00)

Meeting Archive

Risk Management Framework in relation to the DNS(tick) Delivered to subgroup on 10 October 2017 (LA face-to-face subgroup meeting)

Adobe Connect Replay (02:24:30 - 02:50:00)

Meeting Archive